Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)


Well-Known Member
Hey Integra,

Dam that screen really filled out. That left side is three plants huh?
I am going to give it a go with fewer plants next round and veg a bit more. Good to see your results. They sure look cool when they start poppin out all those flowers like that. Nice shots. Very therapeutic.


Well-Known Member
that is some of the craziest hair action ive BC mango is about the only thing ive seen that has that crazy of hairs.


Well-Known Member
Hey Integra,

Dam that screen really filled out. That left side is three plants huh?
I am going to give it a go with fewer plants next round and veg a bit more. Good to see your results. They sure look cool when they start poppin out all those flowers like that. Nice shots. Very therapeutic.
Yep 3 plants. The right side is filling out real nicely as well. Almost have the whole screen filled. Will be real interesting to see if the big or small ones yield more. Glad it helped ease the pain a little.


Well-Known Member
that is some of the craziest hair action ive BC mango is about the only thing ive seen that has that crazy of hairs.
My White Widow(pheno2) was the most hairs I've ever seen. These look noce though.
Heres them in early and late flower



Well-Known Member
Blue Kush Day 36

And here's the Blue Kush and White Widow at day 26

here's a couple of close-ups of the Widow

I am also doing an expieriment to see if trimming under the screen really helps. On the side that is further along, I trimmed nothing. Only removing dead leaves and on the other side, I trimmed everything. I have always trimmed underneath, but was curious if not trimming would give the plant more resistence to problems with more lower leaves to destroy. Of course, it is said that doing this will decrease my yield since trimming is supposed to increse it. So now, time will tell.

Here is the untrimmed side

and here is the side that is trimmed


Well-Known Member
Ok. Quick update. I had tested the Foxfarm Organic lineup over the last week or so on a couple of my mothers. They seemed to have no problem with it or the mix strength. I am using Foxfarm Grow Big Hydro, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom at full strength then adding 1tbl per 5gal of Technafloras Thrive Alive(green) Organic, and 2tbl per 5gal of organic blackstrap molasses. At full strenth my ppm's are between 1050-1100. Does anyone know of a good organic Bloom booster and cal/mag? Also, how fast does other dwc growers ppm's drop 12 hrs after a res change. Mine went from 1050 to 810 in under 12 hrs. The Blue Kush is doing well, but not great. These spider mites have proven to be quite a pain in the ass. I started with 3:1 water:alcohol mix and then bumped it up to Einstien Oil(neem ol) and spray every 3 days. I also Keep the temps in the mid to low 70's with rh at 55% to try to control/exterminate them but it seems like they just keep getting worse. It has shown it's damage in the growth speed and vigor of these plants. The worst damaged girls are on average of 4-6 inches shorter than the rest. On a more positive side, they are still growing and fairly healthy and are even starting to frost up. Any help with the above questions is appreciated and I hope everyone is still enjoying this grow.

You have done a fantastic Job my friend!!

Fox Farms Works!!!! :hump:

+rep :clap:



Well-Known Member
Wow, thats an old post you quoted there. I gave Fox Farm a run and it didnt like my setup. The nutrients kept settling to the bottom of my tub and plant health wasnt as vibrant as I was going for. I have switched back to the technaflora lineup with great results. Thanks for stopping in. Glad the Fox worked out for you. I think it is more intended for soil and least suited for dwc.


Active Member

Thank you for getting me here. I just skimmed through. The pics alone show me I'm in the right spot!

I'm currently in the middle of cabinet build-out and setup (elect., vent., etc.). I'm hoping to get that up in the Grow Room Design area.

I've spent the last month doing nothing but read. I created a "best of" list throughout my travels through this site which has lead me to my "concept". The plan is to run a Perpetual DWC SCROG Cabinet. The total space is 18sqft in a 4'x9'x18" and used as follows:

2wk - Mother Regeneration
2wk - Clone
2wk - Veg into screen
8wk - Flower (4 tubs 2wks apart)

I'll stop now (don't want to give away too much). Sorry for the Hijack. I'll come back when I'm posted up so hopefully you and everyone else can follow progress.

:joint: 'em if ya got 'em.



Well-Known Member

Thank you for getting me here. I just skimmed through. The pics alone show me I'm in the right spot!

I'm currently in the middle of cabinet build-out and setup (elect., vent., etc.). I'm hoping to get that up in the Grow Room Design area.

I've spent the last month doing nothing but read. I created a "best of" list throughout my travels through this site which has lead me to my "concept". The plan is to run a Perpetual DWC SCROG Cabinet. The total space is 18sqft in a 4'x9'x18" and used as follows:

2wk - Mother Regeneration
2wk - Clone
2wk - Veg into screen
8wk - Flower (4 tubs 2wks apart)

I'll stop now (don't want to give away too much). Sorry for the Hijack. I'll come back when I'm posted up so hopefully you and everyone else can follow progress.

:joint: 'em if ya got 'em.

Yeah, thats kinda a mini version of what im doing now. If you can find the time theres a lot of good info on doing scrog's in the journal. As of right now, I'm running dual 600w's that will be alternating harvests after this first run is done with a goal of producing a lb a month. Mad my new veg and and mother room to free up the space I needed. If you have any questions or need help with anything, dont hesitate to ask.


Well-Known Member
put one up, ill get more up in a minute. the buds feel almost wet, but real mooshee. the foliage it drooping, been 4 days and soil is still WET (wet, WET)
have u ever heard of anything like this??


Well-Known Member
Hi Integra, just passing through to see the un-edited version of your pic updates. Looking a picture of health bru.



Let me just say this is by far my favorite grow journal so far. Your plants look fantastic and i love the SCROG tecnique:leaf:. Your attention to detail and willingness to answer everyone's question's makes this thread one of a kind. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: Thank You:clap: and continue to blow us away with your bud porn. I will be watching those Blue Kush monsters all the way :bigjoint:!


Well-Known Member
Let me just say this is by far my favorite grow journal so far. Your plants look fantastic and i love the SCROG tecnique:leaf:. Your attention to detail and willingness to answer everyone's question's makes this thread one of a kind. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: Thank You:clap: and continue to blow us away with your bud porn. I will be watching those Blue Kush monsters all the way :bigjoint:!
Thank you very much. It means a lot that people enjoy this thread and hopefull find new ways to improve upon their own grows. And i will do what I can to answer everyones questions and keep the bud porn coming. On that note, I will be adding some new strains to my lineup to keep it interesting. I always try to have genetics that are great, but not that well know so that people can see more than the old favorites. I'm hoping these new one will do just that. More on those when I actually order them though(hopefully next week). The Kush girls are still coming along nicely and I am looking forward to the next update. Will actually be some bud porn instead of shots of frosty leaves and white hairs.