The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
I'm messy but my house is organized. 

Yea, that sounds like me. Just ad my laptop with some music playing and its pretty much the only things organized.I've got shit everywhere!!! But I know where my bud, splurge, and lighter are at all times.
djty you are a total loser..........stop jacking threads and double posting........if you dont know how to post then DONT........what an idiotYea, that sounds like me. Just ad my laptop with some music playing and its pretty much the only things organized.
BTW check out to see what type of STONER you are!!!!
I'm other half doesn't...we make it good.
I work my ass off too, and HATE that potheads=lazyasses in the general public's eye...SO untrue. I wish more ppl would speak up about this.
I like to get stoned but am a control freak...hence I like to get stoned...and then I can organize CALMLY and effectively
freash and clean.. bong water changed evey day..How do you like to keep your personal shit, clean and well organized or just whatever and you don't really give a damn, just as long as you can find what you're looking for?
Clean freak here - disorganized ANYTHING really bugs the shit out of me!
unfortunately some people that don't smoke think that all people who smoke marijuana are potheads. that's like saying everyone that drinks are drunkards.
i was on a few cruise ship fourms checking about taking some smoke onboard with me. talk about some closed minded people. if anyone has taken a cruise and carried some onboard, let me know the ins and outs.
WTF?! Cruise ships have forums?! lmao