Are you an organized stoner or a messy stoner?

Are you organized or messy?

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Well-Known Member
How do you like to keep your personal shit, clean and well organized or just whatever and you don't really give a damn, just as long as you can find what you're looking for?

Clean freak here - disorganized ANYTHING really bugs the shit out of me!


Active Member
How do you like to keep your personal shit, clean and well organized or just whatever and you don't really give a damn, just as long as you can find what you're looking for?

Clean freak here - disorganized ANYTHING really bugs the shit out of me!
agreed 100%....always pissed me off how the stoner is stereotyped to be lazy, unorganized, and sloth-like...


Active Member
There should be an inbetween. I keep my clothes and things neat...but i slack on some other things..Definitely not a messy room mate, but I wouldnt call my unorganized stuff, messy.


Active Member
There should be an inbetween. I keep my clothes and things neat...but i slack on some other things..Definitely not a messy room mate, but I wouldnt call my unorganized stuff, messy.
i agree...but if we wanted a true poll we would need a likert scale aka 1-10 10 being the most unorganized, 1 being the most anal (no homo)...but i doubt many people would label themselves as a 5, but who knows...

also, we are mostly growers so you cant really be a slob and a successful marijuana grower


Well-Known Member
I am clean and organized! I don't mind things being a little unorganized, but when I can't find my shit, I get pissed off lol


Active Member
i agree...but if we wanted a true poll we would need a likert scale aka 1-10 10 being the most unorganized, 1 being the most anal (no homo)...but i doubt many people would label themselves as a 5, but who knows...

also, we are mostly growers so you cant really be a slob and a successful marijuana grower

I have a feeling that when I start to grow, THAT will be THE most organized part of my life. We "inbetweeners" have standards lol, and I'm sure my slobbish habits wont run into my grow room.


Well-Known Member
BIG SLOB crap all around my comppputer aka smokeing room aka big screen tv house spotless expecially the grow room.....but computer desk is up for destructiong fuck it..........I know everything on it and where its at and why LOL


Well-Known Member
i'm so fucked up with being organized that my clothes has to hang in a certain way. everything has to have it's place and it drives me nuts to know something is out of place. it drives my wife crazy and i really wish i wasn't so anal about it.