Are we living in the End Times?

I do believe we are living at the end of an age not time itself. All the rest is in your imagination
Look around, you truly think this is MY imagination? Please brov if you disagree you disagree, I won't take offence, but to say its MY imagination you are deluded..... Or live a very sheltered life ( assumption)
Tool - Ænima [Full album]

This is one of My favorite albums. I used to listen to Tool very frequently when I was a young teenager.


Look, we have something in common. That is also my favorite album, and favorite band. New album coming out as soon as next month!

Tool post update from the studio confirming new studio album
by Alex Young
on 2014-10-27T14:49:43+00:00">October 27, 2014, 9:49am

As of today, the only track Maynard James Keenan has released in 2014 comes in the form of a guest appearance on The Flaming Lips’ Miley Cyrus-aided Flaming Lips covers album. However, that could soon change, as we have visual confirmation that all four members of Tool have hit the studio to work on their first new album in eight years.

The band’s various members have teased the prospects of a new album for several years now, though a variety of factors, including a multi-million dollar lawsuit and Keenan’s lack of involvement have contributed to its lengthy delay. Recently, however, the band’s webmaster reported that the band’s new album is “progressing rather nicely,” and the below Instagram post seems to confirm that notion. It comes via guitarist Adam Jones, who included the caption, “Smoke on the horizon.”

Tool’s last album, 10,000 Days, was released in 2006.

Here's my favorite jam from the last album -

Yes, we are at a critical point where human population growth cannot be sustained with our current crops. The elite have turned food into processed shit full of sugar to help kill the poor/ignorant. Soylent green will be here eventually. The drought in CA WILL cause serious problems in the next ten years, not just in food, but in the mass migration out of the state which will kill real estate, banks, etc. The media (controlled by the elite) are now trying to cause racial wars. The US gov't is divided worse than ever. It's all a charade. The stock market is so fixed it's disgusting. The elite keep fleecing the middle class hoping to be set up somewhere safe when the sheople finally see the ponzi scheme as reality. The world hates the US and the wheels will fall off the wagon soon enough.

I'm with Just Ugh, but killing the pigs and monsters among us isn't enough. Torture,, long periods of torture is only fair, and even then, it cannot make up for the evil deeds perpetrated on the many. The pain they have caused for so long.
I'm with Just Ugh, but killing the pigs and monsters among us isn't enough. Torture,, long periods of torture is only fair, and even then, it cannot make up for the evil deeds perpetrated on the many. The pain they have caused for so long.

ahhh but buddy taken joy in the torment of other is a evil thing to it self ........for a person to kill in the end they must be will to be killed to end the cycle

the rules of mercy dictate a swift death a clean decapitation as in a guillotine the head still lives for 21 secs it was a famous experiment by a doomed man he would keep blinking his eye for as long as he could as the buddy watch it came out to 21 secs .....21 secs with your head filled with all those juice from the glands in the brain it would feel like mins (u know that slow down before the wreck ppl talk about) the amount of thinking i could do in that time would freak anyone out .........after that it up to the universe what happens to the energy (talking about that little bit of current that is bouncing around in your head) i would think old sparky would be the worst way to die everything u are over whelmed and changed by the energy passing tho yours (like a ice block under a warm waterfall nothing left with in secs) to me that is basically like erasing person from everything

but cut it off while still alive and can feel pike it then stand up to cheering crowd ........that is good for me

remember revenge dig 2 graves one for target one for self ..........something like that needs to be clean and detached other wise u risk yourself turning into what u hate

but until the world falls apart keep your head down act like the sheep and keep learning all u can think for yourself ...ask ?s never just accept if u do not understand ask ?s until u do ...keep reading keep learning keep growing

when the end does come we only have each other to count on ...........i might be crazy but u know i play it on the lvl and know way to much shit....the crazy works for me a fool is never watched closely and can freely travel anywhere
Strictly my opinion. If humanity approaches it's boundaries again it is going to cause mass unemployment, this is going to lead to a global economic depression, if this happens the leaders of the world superpowers are going to devise a plan to plunge humanity into ww3, they will do this because they realize that it is now humanities only hope for survival. Unfortunately when you open Pandoras Box it releases all of the evils of mankind, leaving only hope inside, it very well could unleash armaggeddon.

Humanity is growing so quickly that it creates the illusion that we are thriving, but humanity is not thriving it is being divided by capitalism. Hopefully ww3 will not be the end and perhaps a new economic system will take over.
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Again I will re state alot of scare mongering is going on, for instance for maybe 8 months or so I've been following anecdotal proof building that Nibiru a planetary body entering our system is arriving sometime later this year. Nibiru The 12 planet (including our sun)
has been spoke about since Mayan times.
coincidentally (?) the current drive by Isis is supposedly to quicken the coming of the 12 Mahdi the coincidence continues further with all other religions. For any one interested in the potential capacities of their control over us look up some of the known and not so known inventory of Nicola Tesla. You might add a few more points of perspective.
According to the Mayans we were doomed to death December 21st 2012........hey guess what we're still the book of Uncle Buck says .........chapter 3 verse 12 thru 23 says no man knoweth the time of my sayeth me
According to the Mayans we were doomed to death December 21st 2012........hey guess what we're still the book of Uncle Buck says .........chapter 3 verse 12 thru 23 says no man knoweth the time of my sayeth me

Mayans said nothing about "doom." A bunch of modern alarmists misinterpreted the actual findings and created an urban legend surrounding it.
Anyone who buys into this shit is just plain mental. It's a lot of snake oil salesmen selling fear, books, subscriptions, making millions, same with the bible thumpers and evangelists.
I haven't revisited this thread for a while. Just a little catch up. What's been happening at your neck of the woods?
this dr. misdiagnosed cancer and treatment for 550 ppl in exchange for millions, to be sentenced.

that is nothing
doctor in Florida was ripping out children's teeth for more then 15 years was reported in 1998 but nothing happen it took a news crew to get action done