Are we living in the End Times?

I am not in my 60s brother. In fact I am 35. I honestly don't believe public record, weather forecasts included. I have recently been released from prison after serving 12years. In prison I soul searched. I was fascinated with numerous subjects, psychology being one. I wanted to understand why we hurt one another. Why I, for the sake of image killed a man. My understanding has greatly improved. I also understand hypnosis and its affects. I understand the Nature - Nurture argument. I know, our behaviour can be steered and even created. I know that others have documented numerous techniques for mind control and I recognise these techniques being used openly
listen to me are now in my power...on the count of three take a toke of some good bud...and reply
NO. We are not living in the end times. We are also not living in the beginning times. There was time before us, and there will be time after these current times. Therefore, we are living in middle times i guess.
Who the fuck takes 'prophesy' seriously? Are you saying that you believe in that biblical hysteria? Shame on you for turning your brain off and listening to idiots.
my belief wains, however if you had your eyes open, you would see religious influence is every where. Wake up I asked 2 questions the second was does anyone believe we are being steered toward biblical prophesy. That you don't believe in prophesy I understand. My own stand point is...... I believe there's steering going on definitely, do you understand how ingrained religious belief is to our world powers. These persons with direct access to dooms day toys FULLY believe.
yes world is coming to a end
has been for a while now

all u bible thumpers out there should have picked up on it years ago if u were really pay any attention to the bible and the news .......but the world is designed as a rat trap so u did not

u have war covering the whole known biblical world (rem no usa or south america only what they knew as the world back then when it was still flat)
u have hunger going on everywhere and the massive crop failures of the last few years along with 15% of all corn is now fuel so that is less food for more ppl
u have death everywhere in some form or another (do i really needs to list them or does everyone rem /watch the news) ....not normal death but mass death in a bad way
u have sickness all over and that is just racking up the numbers

hell u had the trumpet blown isn't that one of your major things right
what would ppl from the past call that sound i wounder .
where i lived it sounded like a horn blast something like this one

so the rest of the stories go now everything will get worse and worse final seals get cracked final bowls get poured the time table of all this is well no one knows but the one doing it ........and their time might be different then ours (humans and dog year type of thing)

so only choice is to sit back watch the show and try to keep sanity together ......stocking up on ammo while u can and learning farming is not a bad idea (some of the skills u learn here can be applied for food )
I believe the pieces are all moving in to place for the end times as described in the Bible. Being Born again, I'm ok with it :)
God Bless
Also please note there is nowhere in the bible where we are told smoking weed is a sin... so don't even go there.
Does anyone else believe we are living during The End Times as prophesy from many religions state?

Yup. The sacred texts of my 'religious beliefs';

Guns, Germs & Steel, by Dr. Jared Diamond

Collapse, by the same author.

Read these and you too will become a believer in the end times that are upon us.

The simple fact is that this stupid ape is not intelligent enough to avoid destroying itself long enough to get off this rock.
It can be the end. For us.

it not the end of us is the end of this (the way the world is now the system the rules the whole control system)

personally i think it is way over due .........6000 years of elites it is time to end the fact less then 1% of the ppl on this planet control all aspects of other ppl lives

now if we as a ppl are dumb enough to let some assholes take power after all this ..........then we all might be dead from what i understand this NWO group wants to just that and then revert back to medieval system with them being the lords and kings and us their slaves/serfs

at this point i have a good amount of ammo behide me i nice shotgun with rounds to do almost everything .........i have swords and blades too (one day bullets run out but a sword can swing forever ) ..........when it all breaks down i plan to go out and hunt/kill as many assholes and jack asses as i can find ......any nice ppl i find i will be a good boy help them and look for the ones i can kill and let out the rage i been collecting all these years
it not the end of us is the end of this (the way the world is now the system the rules the whole control system)

personally i think it is way over due .........6000 years of elites it is time to end the fact less then 1% of the ppl on this planet control all aspects of other ppl lives

now if we as a ppl are dumb enough to let some assholes take power after all this ..........then we all might be dead from what i understand this NWO group wants to just that and then revert back to medieval system with them being the lords and kings and us their slaves/serfs

at this point i have a good amount of ammo behide me i nice shotgun with rounds to do almost everything .........i have swords and blades too (one day bullets run out but a sword can swing forever ) ..........when it all breaks down i plan to go out and hunt/kill as many assholes and jack asses as i can find ......any nice ppl i find i will be a good boy help them and look for the ones i can kill and let out the rage i been collecting all these years
each to there own lo
it not the end of us is the end of this (the way the world is now the system the rules the whole control system)

personally i think it is way over due .........6000 years of elites it is time to end the fact less then 1% of the ppl on this planet control all aspects of other ppl lives

now if we as a ppl are dumb enough to let some assholes take power after all this ..........then we all might be dead from what i understand this NWO group wants to just that and then revert back to medieval system with them being the lords and kings and us their slaves/serfs

at this point i have a good amount of ammo behide me i nice shotgun with rounds to do almost everything .........i have swords and blades too (one day bullets run out but a sword can swing forever ) ..........when it all breaks down i plan to go out and hunt/kill as many assholes and jack asses as i can find ......any nice ppl i find i will be a good boy help them and look for the ones i can kill and let out the rage i been collecting all these years
each to there own lol seriously though I don't think you'd actually enjoy killing, even cunts. To be successful in your event you must only survive brother. Love this tune nev
each to there own lo

each to there own lol seriously though I don't think you'd actually enjoy killing, even cunts. To be successful in your event you must only survive brother. Love this tune nev
no i want to kill

i ran into ppl that are the scum of humanity ........a father infected his own son with hep C because he did not want his own kid to have a better life then himself ........a son of that father had a girl (the girl has a iq that would make all of proud ) she was offered a free college at the age of 16 but her father refused to sign the paperwork because of same reason did not want own kid to have it better then him she is a porn all started with the orginal father teaching this thinking

in that time with no rules ....removing ppl like that is a joy to me end the cycles of assholes ............i have 2 sides to me one is the nice loveable helpful one u see here that is bit crazy ........the other ones is sick twisted dark ( i kept it locked down for years for this time ) when i got in fights as a kid i had to have someone stop me from killing the other person...they almost stuck me in jail at 19 for beating the crap out of this guy trying to rape one of my passed out friends seems that i am not allowed to throw them out a 3rd story window the only thing that saved me was the sick fuck turned on a camera the way just so u know u can bust a ball with a flying knee drop

when the last asshole is dead if i am still alive i will crawl off and die someplace so my madness and rage is not passed to anyone else
everyone has the right to live one has the right to wreck another person life

by their own actions they have forfeited the right to life

if i could i would line the whole world with nukes ........every 30 miles all over the surface of the planet and wire it all to one button
get on TV and broadcast to the world we all get along or we all go together .....u have 1 week to decide after that i push the button (peace comes or we all die in fire )
everyone has the right to live one has the right to wreck another person life

by their own actions they have forfeited the right to life

if i could i would line the whole world with nukes ........every 30 miles all over the surface of the planet and wire it all to one button
get on TV and broadcast to the world we all get along or we all go together .....u have 1 week to decide after that i push the button (peace comes or we all die in fire )[/QUOTE
everyone has the right to live one has the right to wreck another person life

by their own actions they have forfeited the right to life

if i could i would line the whole world with nukes ........every 30 miles all over the surface of the planet and wire it all to one button
get on TV and broadcast to the world we all get along or we all go together .....u have 1 week to decide after that i push the button (peace comes or we all die in fire )
how could we all get on tho? It wouldn't happen. Because as long as there are personalities that wish to control and dominate in this situation, there will also be personalities that wont allow it. You would be nuking babies because there parents are ignorant. That would then make you a hurter, you then would be the taker of innocent life.
how could we all get on tho? It wouldn't happen. Because as long as there are personalities that wish to control and dominate in this situation, there will also be personalities that wont allow it. You would be nuking babies because there parents are ignorant. That would then make you a hurter, you then would be the taker of innocent life.

here is a thought for u
u know this man and women are trash u know it to the core of your being u seen it ....but u have no proof they are to slick it is to covered ........knowing this guy and he knows u can not get anything on him .....he makes sick jokes about kiddies at a sleep over and u find out his kid is having one

what do u do ..........if u do nothing u are allowing evil to mess with a kid ......but if u do something to him with out the proof or it happening u are now the evil person

i said if i could my idea if they did not agree death would be instant everywhere with the yield and over lapping zone no one would suffer over in less then 1 sec

to let the system run like this is evil...... for them to do nothing when they can is wrong if i could i would but i can not so i do not me the end of the world is just the slower version of what i was talking about

world ends ppl go nutz things get really bad it is all over the ppl left are small and need each other to keep living to share food water info to help each other ...........other wise we will end up dying out ..............same thing my way just leaves everything intact once they stop the warring over what other have and they want ........all that money time effort if it was spent on doing something else could change life on this planet for the better for everyone

but odds it will take near death of the whole human race..........that is what the end of the world is ...........then the test is can we learn and get along to rebuild or will we keep going and die off for the next race to take the planet over (be nice to ants they could be the next rulers of the planet)
Just look at whats happening across the border.. u think US is woried about that?
Why are we woried about isis but turn our heads when it comes to beheading just south of us??
Belive me US has there own agenda and trying to blind us with all this muslim propaganda!
The end is near just b ready my brothas!
We need to stop fighting each other and unite againt the dying of our lifes and our kids futures and our kids kids!!
Just look at whats happening across the border.. u think US is woried about that?
Why are we woried about isis but turn our heads when it comes to beheading just south of us??
Belive me US has there own agenda and trying to blind us with all this muslim propaganda!
The end is near just b ready my brothas!
We need to stop fighting each other and unite againt the dying of our lifes and our kids futures and our kids kids!!
The drive for I S is one of many facets deliberately set in play. Alot of it is hype. But for every person that understands the manipulation, there are probably more persons that don't. The threat to some is undeniably real. Ask yourself WHY these moves are at play. If it is about de population we are fucked, I believe, because should "their" multiple attempts at collapsing our social structures fail, what happens then? Then they go nuclear, not many will survive I fear, and those that do survive the fall out period will be the ones that fucking pressed the button.
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The future has already been written (created) in my mind ....wether its the end or the beginning of things to come :)..

it was written a long long long long long long long looooong long time ago ;)......TRUTH