Are we living in the End Times?

Reddan, I just read your thread. I've read the bible and am familiar with a lot of the prophecies within it. It doesn't really have a good record.

For instance, the city of Tyre was supposed to be destroyed by Nebuchanezer, however you spell his name. Well he didn't. Alexander the Great did conquer it, but the city didn't get destroyed by man as much as the sea coast eroded.

I could go on but its been a while since I looked at it and I would probably get something wrong unless I took the time to go refresh and I don't want to. Suffice it to say I've not been very impressed with the supposed prophecies it is said to have gotten correct, and there are many examples of where it got it wring, by it I mean the bible.

That said, many of the "end times" prophecies are so generic they have been going on for some time. But there are key things said that have not ever come to pass, the River Jordan flowing backwards, for instance.

Every generation of Christians have said they were living in the end times, that's because the Gospels have Jesus saying that the world would end soon and he would return, before people from that generation all passed away. Well, they're all dead, and no Jesus.
Reddan, I just read your thread. I've read the bible and am familiar with a lot of the prophecies within it. It doesn't really have a good record.

For instance, the city of Tyre was supposed to be destroyed by Nebuchanezer, however you spell his name. Well he didn't. Alexander the Great did conquer it, but the city didn't get destroyed by man as much as the sea coast eroded.

I could go on but its been a while since I looked at it and I would probably get something wrong unless I took the time to go refresh and I don't want to. Suffice it to say I've not been very impressed with the supposed prophecies it is said to have gotten correct, and there are many examples of where it got it wring, by it I mean the bible.

That said, many of the "end times" prophecies are so generic they have been going on for some time. But there are key things said that have not ever come to pass, the River Jordan flowing backwards, for instance.

Every generation of Christians have said they were living in the end times, that's because the Gospels have Jesus saying that the world would end soon and he would return, before people from that generation all passed away. Well, they're all dead, and no Jesus.
Thank you for replying buddy. I agree that the bible is NOT a book of prophecy. Why was the bible written? Possibly to steer societal thinking..... However would you deny that there is an increase in the amount of fear mongering recently? Or am I the only one that can see it? I believe a plan is in place to make us rebel against our own governments, with the purpose being to usher in a global regimen. Again I will reiterate I could be wrong but I have been writing about this subject for a number of years and without any doubt in my words, something is DEFINATELY occurring. Out of curiosity why did you enter this thread? My assumption is you have also noticed something, even if you dont agree.
All the rest of the crap associated with religion goes downhill from there. "My imaginary friend can beat your imaginary friend up".
Thank you for replying buddy. I agree that the bible is NOT a book of prophecy. Why was the bible written? Possibly to steer societal thinking..... However would you deny that there is an increase in the amount of fear mongering recently? Or am I the only one that can see it? I believe a plan is in place to make us rebel against our own governments, with the purpose being to usher in a global regimen. Again I will reiterate I could be wrong but I have been writing about this subject for a number of years and without any doubt in my words, something is DEFINATELY occurring. Out of curiosity why did you enter this thread? My assumption is you have also noticed something, even if you dont agree.

Thank you for the thoughts.

I joined this thread because I think the bible is a profoundly interesting work and has had more impact than any other book written.

I think your exegesis breaks down though, for several reasons. You seem to think of the bible as a book... outside of the for it takes, it isn't. It's a collection of books, essays, letters and mythology.

The new testiment is composed of 4 gospels that tell terribly different stories. They're pure myth. They directly contridect each other on important issues, like the day jesus died and many other events.

Then you have Paul's writings,13 books attributed to him but 6 or 7 are known forgeries. Meaning we know paul didn't write them.

But the bible is a large collection of books on a wide variety of topics and there are bound to be some similarities with current affairs.

I think we will eventually get to global government. The UN is a step in that direction.

I do feel that the people are being manipulated and there are forces out there with hidden agendas. But I don't know what if anything the bible has to do with that.
We are living in one of the most peaceful times in human history. Hard to see this as end times. Unless the end times are preceded by peace and prosperity, I'm no biblical scholar.
Thank you for the thoughts.

I joined this thread because I think the bible is a profoundly interesting work and has had more impact than any other book written.

I think your exegesis breaks down though, for several reasons. You seem to think of the bible as a book... outside of the for it takes, it isn't. It's a collection of books, essays, letters and mythology.

The new testiment is composed of 4 gospels that tell terribly different stories. They're pure myth. They directly contridect each other on important issues, like the day jesus died and many other events.

Then you have Paul's writings,13 books attributed to him but 6 or 7 are known forgeries. Meaning we know paul didn't write them.

But the bible is a large collection of books on a wide variety of topics and there are bound to be some similarities with current affairs.

I think we will eventually get to global government. The UN is a step in that direction.

I do feel that the people are being manipulated and there are forces out there with hidden agendas. But I don't know what if anything the bible has to do with that.
We are going to have to agree AND disagree brother.
I can read your tone of admiration for the bible but I find argument with the fact that, 'The Bible' (modern english) is made with miscellaneous writings never meant to be packaged together. Its translation from ancient languages to modern languages has numerous points of contention, not least of which is the fact that Semitic Hebrew could only be translated by a select few (Gods chosen few?). I am not that ignorant that I would dismiss the possibility of there being a creator, but I have to question why a God would choose to bequeath his word to a select few.
Would he not whisper his words in our hearts? Would he not give equal opportunity for all persons to come unto him? You see, education was a rich mans luxury, the every day person was too occupied surviving tyrannical rulership to be concerned with the self imposing importance of such extravagance. We have no other position than to accept the information we are taught, but who gives authority to our teachers? Do WE give authority to our Authoritys, or do they claim it autocratically?
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We are going to have to agree AND disagree brother.
I can read your tone of admiration for the bible but I find argument with the fact that, 'The Bible' (modern english) is made with miscellaneous writings never meant to be packaged together. Its translation from ancient languages to modern languages has numerous points of contention, not least of which is the fact that Semitic Hebrew could only be translated by a select few (Gods chosen few?). I am not that ignorant that I would dismiss the possibility of there being a creator, but I have to question why a God would choose to bequeath his word to a select few.
Would he not whisper his words in our hearts? Would he not give equal opportunity for all persons to come unto him? You see, education was a rich mans luxury, the every day person was too occupied surviving tyrannical rulership to be concerned with the self imposing importance of such luxurys.
If you read admiration I must have misspoke.

I detest the bible. I just find it interesting. It's lead to immeasurable human suffering. Those who follow it have hindered man's progress.

I find it interesting becuase it's so obviously false in what it is trying to say yet some people believe it is the inerrant word of god. That assertion is false on its face because of the internal disagreement.

I've listed to several biblical scholars say that they don't think Paul wrote the letters to he revered for history. They were private letters intended to convey information on important issues.

Notice how Paul's letters never refer to a living breathing walking jesus. They are the earliest works.

The gospels are the Euhemirization of the angelic figure of Jesus. Look up that phrase.

Sorry if you find my tone disagreeable.
Hell no we're not, as some speculate the bible says. Until and unless a natural disaster or human fucking up occur to the point of destruction, we're all good. The stuff of Revelation and its subsequent addicts is hooey. That was written by a psychotic idiot.
However would you deny that there is an increase in the amount of fear mongering recently? Or am I the only one that can see it? I believe a plan is in place to make us rebel against our own governments, with the purpose being to usher in a global regimen. Again I will reiterate I could be wrong but I have been writing about this subject for a number of years and without any doubt in my words, something is DEFINATELY occurring.

I assume that your comment is to be understood in the context of the political climate in the US. I am Danish, so I don't want to make too many assumptions about the issues you raise. What are you refering to, specifically? I have an abnormal interest in politics and economics and I'm studying a Master's degree in Communication and Sociology. I would love to pitch in.
I assume that your comment is to be understood in the context of the political climate in the US. I am Danish, so I don't want to make too many assumptions about the issues you raise. What are you refering to, specifically? I have an abnormal interest in politics and economics and I'm studying a Master's degree in Communication and Sociology. I would love to pitch in.
I am struggling to formulate a coherent reply and have deleted numerous attempts. I think my issue and intent for writing this post was/is multifaceted and never was specific to a single paradigm. My observation of political practices (not exclusively limited to American government) suggests to me that the position that government hold over us is not a position that was ever intended. The rhetoric that we are taught, premises that goverment are representative of the majority of citizens in any given society, but is that rhetoric demonstrable? I dont believe it is. I will write more later my concentration is failing me. Lol
Thank you for the thoughts.

I joined this thread because I think the bible is a profoundly interesting work and has had more impact than any other book written.

I think your exegesis breaks down though, for several reasons. You seem to think of the bible as a book... outside of the for it takes, it isn't. It's a collection of books, essays, letters and mythology.

The new testiment is composed of 4 gospels that tell terribly different stories. They're pure myth. They directly contridect each other on important issues, like the day jesus died and many other events.

Then you have Paul's writings,13 books attributed to him but 6 or 7 are known forgeries. Meaning we know paul didn't write them.

But the bible is a large collection of books on a wide variety of topics and there are bound to be some similarities with current affairs.

I think we will eventually get to global government. The UN is a step in that direction.

I do feel that the people are being manipulated and there are forces out there with hidden agendas. But I don't know what if anything the bible has to do with that.

The 4 gospels are in harmony, so this information is false. especially the contradictory information you talk about as far as jesus' death.

The hard part is putting them all together in connection, especially since there are two sabbaths in the period of a few days. One is a special sabbath (the first day of unleavened bread) and the other is the weekly sabbath. The year Jesus was crucified the passover started tuesday evening (after the "last supper"), leaving him crucified on wednesday and dying around 3 p.m. and entombed shortly before sunset or the first day of unleavened bread which is a special sabbath. After the high day of the special sabbath thursday, on friday, the women purchased spices for jesus (which was the preparation day for the weekly sabbath). The sabbath happened as it did every week and ended saturday evening (in our gregorian calendar) and before sunrise the next morning which was sunday the women found christ's tomb empty. This is what the bible teaches (so yeah good friday to sunday is bullshit, too).

Most problems people have is from NOT understanding the bible and trying to spread their own myths about the book as fact.
The 4 gospels are in harmony, so this information is false. especially the contradictory information you talk about as far as jesus' death.

The hard part is putting them all together in connection, especially since there are two sabbaths in the period of a few days. One is a special sabbath (the first day of unleavened bread) and the other is the weekly sabbath. The year Jesus was crucified the passover started tuesday evening (after the "last supper"), leaving him crucified on wednesday and dying around 3 p.m. and entombed shortly before sunset or the first day of unleavened bread which is a special sabbath. After the high day of the special sabbath thursday, on friday, the women purchased spices for jesus (which was the preparation day for the weekly sabbath). The sabbath happened as it did every week and ended saturday evening (in our gregorian calendar) and before sunrise the next morning which was sunday the women found christ's tomb empty. This is what the bible teaches (so yeah good friday to sunday is bullshit, too).

Most problems people have is from NOT understanding the bible and trying to spread their own myths about the book as fact.
Your idea that the gospels are in harmony is cute. That is the story ministers and apologists like to tell. They make their case and believe a lie told in the service of Christ is a good thing to do.

I haven't read up on the counter apologetics recently. The specifics are fuzzy to me at this moment. I am still generally aware that the stories in the gospels share a lot of similarities. But they have sufficient difference and mistakes.

Some stories of the travels of Jesus show a poor understanding of the geography of the region. Again, I don't recall the specifics right now, but if you're open to understanding the truth look into people like Bart Erhman, author of Forged, he believes Jesus actually existed, but he points out all the errors in a clear and easy to understandable way.

Similar stories, yes. But the contradictions and lack of knowledge of who wrote them and when they were written is enough to show that these are not histories.

Dr. Richard Carrier points out that the gospels have all the halmarks you would expect to find in mythology.

Take a moment to watch this....

Wtf are "end times" other than some babble in an old volume of fairy tales?

Like Carlin said, when this old world has had enough of our destruction and filth she'll just shed us off like so much dead skin and begin anew.
We shouldn't flatter ourselves so much.