Are we living in the End Times?

The 4 gospels are in harmony, so this information is false. especially the contradictory information you talk about as far as jesus' death.

The hard part is putting them all together in connection, especially since there are two sabbaths in the period of a few days. One is a special sabbath (the first day of unleavened bread) and the other is the weekly sabbath. The year Jesus was crucified the passover started tuesday evening (after the "last supper"), leaving him crucified on wednesday and dying around 3 p.m. and entombed shortly before sunset or the first day of unleavened bread which is a special sabbath. After the high day of the special sabbath thursday, on friday, the women purchased spices for jesus (which was the preparation day for the weekly sabbath). The sabbath happened as it did every week and ended saturday evening (in our gregorian calendar) and before sunrise the next morning which was sunday the women found christ's tomb empty. This is what the bible teaches (so yeah good friday to sunday is bullshit, too).

Most problems people have is from NOT understanding the bible and trying to spread their own myths about the book as fact.
The Jesus myth is a rehashed tale of virgin birth, death, and ressurection.
Thousands of years before jesus it was told in a different way.
What proof is there of him? None. Just 4 stories with big-time discrepancies, and a bunch of proven forgeries.
Your idea that the gospels are in harmony is cute. That is the story ministers and apologists like to tell. They make their case and believe a lie told in the service of Christ is a good thing to do.

I haven't read up on the counter apologetics recently. The specifics are fuzzy to me at this moment. I am still generally aware that the stories in the gospels share a lot of similarities. But they have sufficient difference and mistakes.

Some stories of the travels of Jesus show a poor understanding of the geography of the region. Again, I don't recall the specifics right now, but if you're open to understanding the truth look into people like Bart Erhman, author of Forged, he believes Jesus actually existed, but he points out all the errors in a clear and easy to understandable way.

Similar stories, yes. But the contradictions and lack of knowledge of who wrote them and when they were written is enough to show that these are not histories.

Dr. Richard Carrier points out that the gospels have all the halmarks you would expect to find in mythology.

Take a moment to watch this....

You ignored the point that i argued against of your own, which i explained in plain english, and continued on arguing other points. This is what most biblically illiterate people do. They ignore the clear points in order to push on their agenda, even when their own ideas of what god's word says are revealed as WRONG.
The Jesus myth is a rehashed tale of virgin birth, death, and ressurection.
Thousands of years before jesus it was told in a different way.
What proof is there of him? None. Just 4 stories with big-time discrepancies, and a bunch of proven forgeries.
The holy spirit is the proof of him. Funny, because today is pentecost, the day the holy spirit came upon the apostles after jesus' resurrection.
The holy spirit is the proof of him. Funny, because today is pentecost, the day the holy spirit came upon the apostles after jesus' resurrection.
Lol, all myth.
Are you Pentecostal?
The part about tongues is so misinterpreted, it's funny. You nuts run around babbling like mushroom people, while the passage only meant that everyone of different languages could understand the apostles.
Where is there proof of the holy spirit?
Lol, pretty shitty god if it can't even stop child rapists and murderers...
The holy spirit is the proof of him. Funny, because today is pentecost, the day the holy spirit came upon the apostles after jesus' resurrection.
Do you have any "gifts of the spirit"?
If you had the holy spirit, you could perform miracles, right?
You could prove the existence of god!
You ignored the point that i argued against of your own, which i explained in plain english, and continued on arguing other points. This is what most biblically illiterate people do. They ignore the clear points in order to push on their agenda, even when their own ideas of what god's word says are revealed as WRONG.
I addressed it indirectly. You spent the majority of the post talking about the period of time between the reported execution, intoombment, and resurrection of Jesus.

At a time in my life I could have told you which gospel said what. I am no longer able to do it. I didn't address it directly, it is in that video, if that video is the one I think it is.

Between Matthew Mark Luke and John there is vast difference in the details. Differences in which day he was crucified, differences in who found him, how he was found, who was guarding the toomb.

Some differences...

Carrying the cross:
Mark 15:21, Matthew 27:32, Luke 23:26 - Jesus gets help from Simon of Cyrene
John 19:17 - Jesus carries his own cross the whole way

What time was he crucified:
Mark 15:25 - Jesus was crucified on the “third hour.”
John 19:14-15 - Jesus was crucified on the “sixth hour.”
Matthew, Luke - It’s not stated when the crucifixion starts, but the “sixth hour” occurs during the curcifixion

Jesus’ Last Words:
Mark 15:34-37, Matthew 27:46-50 - Jesus says: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (but they use different Greek words for “God” — Matthew uses “Eli” and Mark uses “Eloi”)
Luke 23:46 - Jesus says: “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.”
John 19:30 - Jesus says: “It is finished.”

How long was Jesus in the toomb:
Jesus is portrayed as being dead and in the tomb for a given length time, but how long?
Mark 10:34 - Jesus says he will “rise again” after “three days.”
Matthew 12:40 - Jesus says he will be in the earth “three days and three nights...”
No resurrection narrative describes Jesus as being in a tomb for three full days, or for three days and three nights.

Who guarded the toomb:
Matthew 27:62-66 - A guard is stationed outside the tomb the day after Jesus’ burial
Mark, Luke, John - No guard is mentioned.

What time did the women visit the toomb:
Mark 16:2 - They arrive after sunrise
Matthew 28:1 - They arrive at about dawn
Luke 24:1 - It is early dawn when they arrive
John 20:1 - It is dark when they arrive
John seems to be way off here.

What was the toomb entrance like:
Mark 16:4, Luke 24:2, John 20:1 - The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb had been rolled away
Matthew 28:1-2 - The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb was still in place and would be rolled away later

And one of the biggest differences... Who was in the toomb to greet the women:
Mark 16:5 - The women enter the tomb and meet one young man in there
Matthew 28:2 - An angel arrives during an earthquake, rolls away the stone, and sits on it outside. Pilate’s guards are also there
Luke 24:2-4 - The women enter the tomb and two men suddenly appear — it’s not clear if they are inside or outside
John 20:12 - The women do not enter the tomb, but there are two angels sitting inside

Not very harmonious...
Well I know that. I find it amazing how so many people can at the same time believe something that is both false and inconsistent where it isn't contradictory.
Faith and delusion are the same.
For some reason though, religious fervor and faith are not considered delusion by modern psyschology. Weird.
I consider religious beliefs delusional... Helps explain the ignorance.
I addressed it indirectly. You spent the majority of the post talking about the period of time between the reported execution, intoombment, and resurrection of Jesus.

At a time in my life I could have told you which gospel said what. I am no longer able to do it. I didn't address it directly, it is in that video, if that video is the one I think it is.

Between Matthew Mark Luke and John there is vast difference in the details. Differences in which day he was crucified, differences in who found him, how he was found, who was guarding the toomb.

Some differences...

Carrying the cross:
Mark 15:21, Matthew 27:32, Luke 23:26 - Jesus gets help from Simon of Cyrene
John 19:17 - Jesus carries his own cross the whole way

What time was he crucified:
Mark 15:25 - Jesus was crucified on the “third hour.”
John 19:14-15 - Jesus was crucified on the “sixth hour.”
Matthew, Luke - It’s not stated when the crucifixion starts, but the “sixth hour” occurs during the curcifixion

Jesus’ Last Words:
Mark 15:34-37, Matthew 27:46-50 - Jesus says: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (but they use different Greek words for “God” — Matthew uses “Eli” and Mark uses “Eloi”)
Luke 23:46 - Jesus says: “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit.”
John 19:30 - Jesus says: “It is finished.”

How long was Jesus in the toomb:
Jesus is portrayed as being dead and in the tomb for a given length time, but how long?
Mark 10:34 - Jesus says he will “rise again” after “three days.”
Matthew 12:40 - Jesus says he will be in the earth “three days and three nights...”
No resurrection narrative describes Jesus as being in a tomb for three full days, or for three days and three nights.

Who guarded the toomb:
Matthew 27:62-66 - A guard is stationed outside the tomb the day after Jesus’ burial
Mark, Luke, John - No guard is mentioned.

What time did the women visit the toomb:
Mark 16:2 - They arrive after sunrise
Matthew 28:1 - They arrive at about dawn
Luke 24:1 - It is early dawn when they arrive
John 20:1 - It is dark when they arrive
John seems to be way off here.

What was the toomb entrance like:
Mark 16:4, Luke 24:2, John 20:1 - The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb had been rolled away
Matthew 28:1-2 - The stone in front of Jesus’ tomb was still in place and would be rolled away later

And one of the biggest differences... Who was in the toomb to greet the women:
Mark 16:5 - The women enter the tomb and meet one young man in there
Matthew 28:2 - An angel arrives during an earthquake, rolls away the stone, and sits on it outside. Pilate’s guards are also there
Luke 24:2-4 - The women enter the tomb and two men suddenly appear — it’s not clear if they are inside or outside
John 20:12 - The women do not enter the tomb, but there are two angels sitting inside

Not very harmonious...
<---this is what i'm talking about - you make so many points it would take me months to refute all these. all you did was get this from some website and post them all without digging into any of them yourself.

So I'll do one:
How long was Jesus in the toomb:
Jesus is portrayed as being dead and in the tomb for a given length time, but how long?
Mark 10:34 - Jesus says he will “rise again” after “three days.”
Matthew 12:40 - Jesus says he will be in the earth “three days and three nights...”
No resurrection narrative describes Jesus as being in a tomb for three full days, or for three days and three nights.

I just described how the books harmonize 3 days and 3 nights. See above.
Lol, all myth.
Are you Pentecostal?
The part about tongues is so misinterpreted, it's funny. You nuts run around babbling like mushroom people, while the passage only meant that everyone of different languages could understand the apostles.
Where is there proof of the holy spirit?
Lol, pretty shitty god if it can't even stop child rapists and murderers...
no shit. there is a such thing as counterfeit christianity. good job for knowing one thing about the bible that is true.

no, i'm not part of any unorganized religion.
Much easier to believe your own ignorance, than to explore the fact that you might not know shit about the true god?

Actually it's much easier to believe nonsense when it FEELS GOOD doing so. When it FEELS GOOD then the ancient part (neurochemical motivators) of the Brain overrides the modern thinking part (frontal lobe).

This is the core of addiction via the Holy Dopamine Ghost.

God belief is the socially accepted addiction.

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