Ammending pro mix hp w doctor earth dry nutes


Active Member
Hello, this will be my first time diving into organics. I am going to use doctor earths all purpose as well as their bud and bloom. My finishing pot is 20gal. Can someone here help w ammending my soil w these nutes ? Amounts needed, both, or just one ? I will veg indoors in a one gallon pot for 2 months and then finish in the 20 outdoors. i figured i would add some EWC and dolomite lime to the mix as well. Again, this is all new to me, organics, so any help is much appreciated. Thank you !
Promix hp allready has dolomite and calcitic lime in it allready so your good there. I usually see people trying to do this in coco, so peat is a good start.

I dont know much else about this method though, good luck someone experienced will help.

Maybe try and follow a recipe like subcools and just use promix hp instead?
Thanks. I’m trying to keep this as simple as possible. It’s one of the reasons i’m moving away from salts. From what i heard, the pro mix has very little dolomite in it, that’s why i figured i’d add a bit more. I’m guessing i could probably follow the same program as in the gaia green thread, but figured i’d ask here for those folks that might specifically know about the pro mix and doctor earth products. Thank you for responding
thanks, good call on the three gallon pot. I should have mentioned, i will be growing from seed. Once i get out of the solo cup, can i go right into the 3 gallon pot without fear of burning ? Would my indoor veg be best to just use the all purpose, or use both ?
thanks, good call on the three gallon pot. I should have mentioned, i will be growing from seed. Once i get out of the solo cup, can i go right into the 3 gallon pot without fear of burning ? Would my indoor veg be best to just use the all purpose, or use both ?
I start my seeds in the same soil so it shouldn't be too hot. I usually mix it and let it cook for a month or so before use. For your veg pots do 2/3 all purpose 1/3 flower girl. Then do the 50/50 in your big pot..
May have to make a flower girl tea to help them finish but really shouldn't have to.
Good luck!
makes sense. I’ll also be feeding w floraliscious and possibly some teas. I’m assuming w the setup i’m talking about i’ll need to top dress throughout the grow correct ? If you have anyninfo in those regards, that would be awesome. Thank you
Pre mix your 20g now,keep it moist and warm and it will be well cooked for when the time comes.
thanks, good call on the three gallon pot. I should have mentioned, i will be growing from seed. Once i get out of the solo cup, can i go right into the 3 gallon pot without fear of burning ? Would my indoor veg be best to just use the all purpose, or use both ?
3 gallon pot is a must for that time frame. You fill up the pot halfway with wettened Promix, then sprinkle 1/4 cup dry fert over it an mix in. Then fill up the pot and transplant. I use Espoma Plant-tone for that process, I suppose Dr Earth would work the same.
I start my seeds in the same soil so it shouldn't be too hot. I usually mix it and let it cook for a month or so before use. For your veg pots do 2/3 all purpose 1/3 flower girl. Then do the 50/50 in your big pot..
May have to make a flower girl tea to help them finish but really shouldn't have to.
Good luck!

getting back to this. I went back and forth deciding on how to start my seeds. In the past i’ve always started in rockwool cubes and then into solo cups once a bit established. For this grow i germinated as usual and then went straight into solo cups. I used your recommended 2/3 all purpose to 1/3 flower girl. Down to earth, pro mix hp, and EWC. I started 3 beans and every one came up and they were all dark purple to start. They are very very tiny but are growing. They have all turned green now but are the slowest seeds i ever started. I am guessing the mix is on the hot side and it shocked these seeds into this slow take off. Any thoughts from you experienced organic peeps ? Just trying to sort out why these plants started this way and what to avoid next time if anything. i also should add this soil cooked for exactly 30 days before using. Thank you
Yeah! No nutrients for the tiny seedlings in the solo cup!

How much fertilizer did you put into your little cups?

Are they still in solo cups? Maybe move them up to 1 gallon pots with just pro-mix. Give them a couple weeks to chill out and grow nice roots. Then you can decide what to do next.
Thank you. Today things are looking a bit better. They ARE growing, just very slow. I would guess these are a week at least behind everything i’ve ever ran. Always learning and part of the fun. I was stressing but i am confident these ladies are just about on their way.
I started these based on @HydoDan recommendations. My first time going organic. I used the recommended 2tbsp per gal of medium. Luckily, i think i’m going to be ok. I saw marked growth today. I’m way behind where i wanted to be, but we have life.
So i wanted to follow back up here to shed some light on my personal ordeal W this method of growing. Never, ever would i recommend starting seeds the way Hydodan suggested. I fried my plants up. As a result, i ended up w a full on nutrient lockout. This is the first time in my life i’ve ever had a lockout. My plants were almost dead. As much as i didn’t want to do it i swamped them out and flushed the snot out of them. When i did this, i checked the PPM because i had made a guesstimate of what it would be. I nailed it. 1000PPM !! In other words, i took advise here to start seeds in a mix putting out 1000PPM. In a last ditch effort to save my ladies, i hit them w Recharge and they are now drying out. I am a believer in Recharge ! I had never used this product before but i am here to say it works. No bullshit, this stuff saved my plants. They are starting to return to a nice green color and on the way to recovery. Lots of lessons learned here w my first foray into organics. I will continue to use the Recharge from here on out and hope to complete a successful run yet. I’ll update this thread down the line a bit when pics would be more appealing.