Acid in the orange rabbit.

Are the "plastic tabs" geltabs?

like this?



Those are gel tabs
They certainly are. There were tons of them floating around Florida when I lived there (and took lots of acid) about 10 years ago.
ive never taken them but ive heard there generally less potent than paper. I dont see the reasoning behind that though.........
then again ive heard someone says gels were more potent ide say it wouldent make a difference. They can put as much as they please regardless.
I've only heard of geltabs, never seen them in person. Why go through the trouble of making them when paper is so easy?
Well I can tell you guys one thing.. That was some pretty good acid.
It took at least 2 hours to kicki in, but it kicked in HARD.
I couldn't type anymore.. Sorry for leaving you guys lol
I really am tripping right now on it and I can't.
right. i have seen them before but have never taken em. has anybody and if so around what do u think the microgram dose was per hit?

I don't know what the dose on them was, but I've taken them probably a dozen times and they were comprable in stregth to a hit of good paper every time I had them.

I've only heard of geltabs, never seen them in person. Why go through the trouble of making them when paper is so easy?

I think part of it is marketing, gels always cost more even though they were about the same strength as any paper or liquid that I've ever had.

Well I can tell you guys one thing.. That was some pretty good acid.
It took at least 2 hours to kicki in, but it kicked in HARD.
I couldn't type anymore.. Sorry for leaving you guys lol
I really am tripping right now on it and I can't.

Thanks for giving us an update. +rep for good story and funny tripping post.
This is baffling.. So there was a sheet of acid torn up inside your bunny.. that you're dad gave you years ago.. And you ate some and tripped balls...... This is the strangest and most intriguing story I've heard in ages!

But you haven't asked your dad about it? Please do, if you can. The story behind this must be epic!

Have you figured out a way to post some pics of this bunny and its contents? I'm dying to see this :shock:
right. i wanna see this rabbit thats just been hanging out full of lucy. and ive got to say thats gotta be one of the best and most puzzling gifts ive ever heard of someone recieving. haha congats dude u totally had sum good karma coming ur way.