Acid in the orange rabbit.

yeah this is kinda off topic, but I was at a bar last night (I rarely drink let alone go to bars) Well the bar tender was all over me and my buddy, it was defiently not obvious that she had a b/f. Well her b/f came in unknowingly with his friend and must have been creeping/spying. I left the bar and was playing pool, when the next thing I knew I got the fat end of a pool stick busted over my head, and his friend grabbed me. I slammed him into the wall then the fuckin prick bit my face very badly. I sent a pic to my girls phone so ill upload it when she comes over friday its jacked up. My friend also got cheap shotted right off the bat, but he came to my rescue after recovering.
Well thats fucked up, what kind of dude creeps anyways? Hell if a girlfriend is creepin on me your damn right I would start hitting on other ones..

I got cheap shotted once at a bar a few months ago, when I had a little to much.. I had this big ass shiner for weeks, and every day of that week it hurt like a son of a bitch. All I even remember from that night is startin shit thinking it was funny(me, because I was too drunk), not even meaning to be mean, just drun and slap happy, next thing I know the bitch punches me off the stool of the bar and I was flat on the ground.. I didn't go unconscious but when I got back up, and everyone was silent staring at me, I wailed on him and then made a big scene.. Got kicked out.. That mother fucker deserved it.. I don't know what I said, but he started it ;) Whats funny is I had JUST turned 21, and went back to my dorm shit faced, then getting bitched at by my girlfriend that I had at the time telling me that drinking and fighting isn't the answer to everything.. And I just KNOW I said something like "Shut up you stupid bitch HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I didn't like her anyways.. creeper... She would use my intoxication as a foot in the door to make me look retarded. She NEVER argued when I was sober. Then suddenly we cheif and all I hear about is how I should study and make better grades... Ohhmmyyygoooddd.d... Sorry, had to tell that story lol
Seriously, I have drank maybe 30 times.. I don't like it either.. I ALWAYS end up puking, and it tastes like shit.. Plus you don't remember anything!
I'll stick to the ganja:bigjoint:
yeah its a low quality buzz imo. Its all about psychs and opiates for me, but I quite doing the opiates not to long ago due to a wonderfull lsd trip
True dat :) You ever heard of tussinex? If you are into opiates it really is awesome, 24 hour opiate high. And you drink like 60ml with a tolerance your first time.. I don't know if you dont have one, but yeah psychs are the best definitely, depending on when you use them though =/

Still, ganja.:bigjoint:
Hehe well, its obviously illegal so ask your dudes. I get it for 4 or 5 bucks a 3oz'er But its a wayyyyy better buzz anyways less.. Uhm.. Grossness if ya know what I mean. I normally go over there with 10 bucks to get a blunt of chronic and a bottle and just be buzzin all day :D

No problem ;) not many people know of it
Make it a special thing? Like once every week? I mean if you make enough money to carry yourself out on a low addiction to opiates, its not that bad.. I'm pretty much addicted to them, I feel like I need them about every 3 days or so, I just keep it at that.. But if I go 4 days.. My stomach lets me know. -.-

Tussinex is my favorite drug ever. Honestly

1. weed
2. tussinex
3. cid
4. mushrooms
5. dxm
Well weed is better. But tussinex is the only thing that even COMPARES..
Like I don't think you could do shrooms and acid non stop 24/7 for very long without waking up in jail..
Or you would just think you are syd barrett and try to jump up on stage of a concert and start playing air guitar as you float through the factory.