Acid in the orange rabbit.

Okay here they are, just imagine more orange color, for some reason it made the orange color really dull, but it is like a neon orange in person, and the tabs are fucked up. Seriously, whats in that bag right there, I took a little wod of it, put it in my mouth after I tried all the full tabs, bam. Tripped balls, so Iguess the more discolored balls in there have it, just look closely I dunno if you can see it or not..

Do you guys want me to show you the box too? -.- its really cool, its a little gadget you can open up and it is a music box and there is dents in this metal cylinder, and when you move the gear, the dents strike this metal blade and play a song, its broken so I dont know waht song I keep trying to fix it and fuck it up more. You know whats REALLY cool about the box though? I found all the full tabs and cotton in there, there was SOME full tabs throught the rabbit, but the full ones didnt work for some reason.. But the box says on it "MADE IN SWITZERLAND"
Are the balls microdots or something? Am I reading your post correctly--->You didn't trip from the paper, but you did trip from the balls?

And thanks for posting the pics..That's fucking bodacious, bro. I think I must rep you now :D I love the rabbit.. He looks like he's trippin balls lol HUGE pupils hehe
Your reading it right, its weird isn't it? I guess maybe, they did some pretty weird stuff to disquise acid back then, my dad got this when he was a baby which was in the early 60's, so........ Dunno lol, but yeah the tabs didn't work.. Lemme dig through the rabbit to try to find a whole one for you
But I think the acid was originally on the tabs, because the tabs were resting in between these balls, so they must have absorbed them because I mean, why have fake tabs and real microdots? That doesn't make sense.. :( SO GOD DAMN CONFUSING!
It is strange.. possibly the LSD on the blotter degraded maybe?

And yeah lol looks like he's a flower child bunny hehe

Bodacious is very Ninja Turtley, isn't it :lol:
So what exactly are these balls made of, that you can tell? Do they crumble? They must be microdots IMO. I'd think that they would keep the LSD potency better than blotter.
I guess so, I really have no idea, but I don;t think it degraded really like quality wise, its some of the better end acid Ihave gotten in awhile.. I mean I wasn't alive in the seventies but the people who say the acid back then was better are right! I HAVE PROOF!

LOL flower child bunny 0.o it was the flower childs stuffed animal rabbit :D

ninja turtly? Well, you have managed to be awesome. If I could +rep you again I would just for that, but I don't know if you can I'll try lol

But I have never seen that one! The bunny twighlight zone? Hmm gonna have to google it lol
They aren't crumbly.. They are.. Hmm, like if you had a massive ball of pocket lent that was intertwined into itself.. Thats the best I got to describe it lol, except its yellowish and they vary in sizes.. But Ithink your right, but what about the tabs? maybe they just went bad? Is that what your saying anyways? Sorry I am like retarded right now, I smoked WAYYYYYY to much earlier :D