A Challenge ...

Hey, Med ... Real men love cats. :mrgreen:

We ... She's a little feral cat who honestly thinks she's a lion. There's that reasoning thing again. Honestly, this cat is so damned territorial its scary. No other animal is allowed anywhere near my place. I saw her take on a big Raccoon one early evening. The Raccoon hightailed it as fast as he could, with my cat in hot pursuit. Haven't seen that Raccoon since. ~lol~

pound for pound my money is on a cat to tear it up (though i have a dog living here with me and no cats).
pound for pound my money is on a cat to tear it up (though i have a dog living here with me and no cats).

I've always had cats. One of the things I admire most about them is their athleticism. Their bravery is to be admired too. They have lousy, crappy attitudes though. Unlike a dog, a cat would just let you die in an emergency ... then wonder later where the food went. There's that reasoning ability again. ~lol~ :mrgreen:


Unlike a dog, a cat would just let you die in an emergency ... then wonder later where the food went.

I have a sneaking suspicion both dog and cat would consider us food if push came to shove! I sometimes catch my dog eyeing me up in an uncomfortable way....
I was wondering if, because all other living specie on earth functions from instinct, and Man has the ability to THINK and REASON, means anything to anyone posting in this thread. Or ... is the ability to think and reason just a happenstance of chance?


Most animals can be seen to reason, you not seeing this is a form of your own myopia, and your own delusion of grandeur.
Most animals can be seen to reason, you not seeing this is a form of your own myopia, and your own delusion of grandeur.

~lol~ ... Yes, we humans certainly have our faults. But so far, my cat has yet to place one record on my turntable. :mrgreen:

May ...

I just found this article that sheds a whole new light on the subject:

Lost parrot tells veterinarian his address

Wed May 21, 7:26 AM ET

When Yosuke the parrot flew out of his cage and got lost, he did exactly what he had been taught — recite his name and address to a stranger willing to help.

Police rescued the African grey parrot two weeks ago from a neighbor's roof in the city of Nagareyama, near Tokyo. After spending a night at the station, he was transferred to a nearby veterinary hospital while police searched for clues, local policeman Shinjiro Uemura said.

He kept mum with the cops, but began chatting after a few days with the vet.
"I'm Mr. Yosuke Nakamura," the bird told the veterinarian, according to Uemura. The parrot also provided his full home address, down to the street number, and even entertained the hospital staff by singing songs.

"We checked the address, and what do you know, a Nakamura family really lived there. So we told them we've found Yosuke," Uemura said.

The Nakamura family told police they had been teaching the bird its name and address for about two years.

But Yosuke apparently wasn't keen on opening up to police officials.

"I tried to be friendly and talked to him, but he completely ignored me," Uemura said.

Haha, maybe a 6th sense or something? Good story ViRedd, pretty cool stuff.


Have you ever watched that Life of Birds documentary? there is a bird (can't recall the name) that as part of its mating calls will imitate various noises it hears - one of the things it mimics is a chainsaw with subsequent tree falling noise - truly astonishing!

EDIT: just looked up the name - it is the Lyre Bird
Attenborough - Lyre Bird
Have you ever watched that Life of Birds documentary? there is a bird (can't recall the name) that as part of its mating calls will imitate various noises it hears - one of the things it mimics is a chainsaw with subsequent tree falling noise - truly astonishing!

EDIT: just looked up the name - it is the Lyre Bird
Attenborough - Lyre Bird

That was simply amazing email, thanks for that link! Incredible. :mrgreen:
If you die in your home un-attended, a dog will mourn you. A cat will eat you.
Hi Dr. Koren:
At your seminar in Vancouver, I told you a paramedic friend of mine said that dogs will stand by and mourn the loss of their owners after they have died while cats will begin eating them. You asked me to find out where he got his information.
I did. It turns out he has seen it first hand. He has seen one dog dead beside its owner because the dog would not leave to eat or drink. He has seen another dog near death in the same circumstances. He has also seen numerous times where the beloved cat has gnawed off ears, fingers and toes, while the person's body was still warm - ie: the person had not been dead that long.
Carl E. Ehresman II, DC"
~lol~ ... Yes, we humans certainly have our faults. But so far, my cat has yet to place one record on my turntable. :mrgreen:


Cats dance to the beat of their own music....

Hearing a lion roar at maybe 100 yards off with only a few thorns and grass between you and him, you can truely feel the power of the beast. Such predatoty beasts found man to be slow and weak, but with the abilty to climb, opposable thumbs for a good abilty to grasp rocks & sticks better [getting better thumbs was a process] than chimps although they also use them both as tools & weapons]
and as trees became fewer & fewer the slower & dumber were weeded out. While language also played a part it should also be noted that most other animals use sound to convey messages. Mans lack of fight & flight skills made it necessary that other skills be adapted for the fight for life & those laking these skills were more likely to become food. Many died in the process of evolving into this animal that we call human.
Cats dance to the beat of their own music....

Hearing a lion roar at maybe 100 yards off with only a few thorns and grass between you and him, you can truely feel the power of the beast. Such predatoty beasts found man to be slow and weak, but with the abilty to climb, opposable thumbs for a good abilty to grasp rocks & sticks better [getting better thumbs was a process] than chimps although they also use them both as tools & weapons]
and as trees became fewer & fewer the slower & dumber were weeded out. While language also played a part it should also be noted that most other animals use sound to convey messages. Mans lack of fight & flight skills made it necessary that other skills be adapted for the fight for life & those laking these skills were more likely to become food. Many died in the process of evolving into this animal that we call human.
With asshole dictators and despots all over the world, (Even here in this country) a lot of humanity is still dying needlessly.
Have you ever watched that Life of Birds documentary? there is a bird (can't recall the name) that as part of its mating calls will imitate various noises it hears - one of the things it mimics is a chainsaw with subsequent tree falling noise - truly astonishing!

EDIT: just looked up the name - it is the Lyre Bird
Attenborough - Lyre Bird

A mockingbird will imitate the calls of other birds.
I'm not making humanity anything. IT has made the world a mess.

Do you think that humanity has made the world a great place?
Not at all, But to discard humanity as a commodity is not right. I believe in a higher power. One that has total power. I wonder what he/she has in store for us. If left to our own demise, I'm pretty sure the population will shrink drastically in the next few years, can you say Thermonuclear war?
Not at all, But to discard humanity as a commodity is not right. I believe in a higher power. One that has total power. I wonder what he/she has in store for us. If left to our own demise, I'm pretty sure the population will shrink drastically in the next few years, can you say Thermonuclear war?

Well than lets just leave it to the one with total power and not worry about it. While I don't discard nor disregard humanity I will not spend all my time crying for it eather.