A Challenge ...

The reason is because when involved in a debate that has been hammered into the ground, ie. Creationist vs. Evolution, Pro life vs. Pro choice (I'm a quiet Pro lifer), Gay Marriage, it distracts people from what is really important, ie. Jobs leaving the country, Healthcare, the Neo-cons selling this country and it's people down the river to make a profit. When it comes right down to it, it's trivial bullshit.
As I have stated many times, religion has been used for thousands of years to control the masses through fear of going to hell if they do not conform to the dictates of the ruling class.
The reason is because when involved in a debate that has been hammered into the ground, ie. Creationist vs. Evolution, Pro life vs. Pro choice (I'm a quiet Pro lifer), Gay Marriage, it distracts people from what is really important, ie. Jobs leaving the country, Healthcare, the Neo-cons selling this country and it's people down the river to make a profit. When it comes right down to it, it's trivial bullshit.
As I have stated many times, religion has been used for thousands of years to control the masses through fear of going to hell if they do not conform to the dictates of the ruling class.

You can still pick a side in the Creationist vs. Evolution debate and care about those other things. None of those things you claim are trivial are trivial to me. I also do not find the things you feel are important to be trivial either.

Now arguing over who should win American Idol or who got a ball through some apparatus seems trivial to me but I'm not going to a sports forum and tell them to stop arguing and to start argueing about what i want them to argue about instead.
Sooo.. I don't know about you, but I prefer my pseudo-science documentaries without a side of liars and thieves. This development along with other incidents of unscrupulous behavior has destroyed Expelled and it's creators credibility, the little it had to begin with anyway..
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Jesus CHRIST, did you see the list of names in the first paragraph of the article??? :lol: Man, I would have loved to see Dawkins take on Stein in an open debate on the subject.

AlphaN, sweet find. :)
Jesus CHRIST, did you see the list of names in the first paragraph of the article??? :lol: Man, I would have loved to see Dawkins take on Stein in an open debate on the subject.

AlphaN, sweet find. :)

Luckily we can read all their works without the editing tricks.
Do you know the TAMs (James Randi's The Amazing Meetings) are available on DVD with all those folks (and more) speaking?

if not - check them out! you'll love them!!!
DVD/Videos - James Randi Educational Foundation

The production values are not all that great but who cares with all those folks speaking - here are a few that appear (not all of them on one DVD though): James Randi, Mythbusters, Penn&Teller, Michael Shermer (skeptic mag), Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Eugenie Scott, Banachek, Richard Wisemen, Joseph Nickell, Julia Sweeney, Bob Park (quackwatch), Phil Plait (the bad astronomer), Carolyn Porco (lead astronomer: cassini mission), Murray Gell-Mann, Matt Stone and Trey Parker (South Park creators) to name a few...
...it distracts people from what is really important, ie. Jobs leaving the country, Healthcare, the Neo-cons selling this country and it's people down the river to make a profit. When it comes right down to it, it's trivial bullshit.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a neo-con that signed NAFTA. Hershey Chocolate just closed a plant out here in California forcing 600 workers out of jobs. Where did the plant move to? Mexico. Yep, the great American chocolate bar is now being produced in Mexico...Thank you Bill Clinton.
Clinton bad-Bush good, ~LOL~, arrggghhhh. Jesus christ.
If you're responding to me MM, I don't believe my post said anything about Bush. I do not find Bush a good POTUS in the slightest. The evidence is irrefutable; Clinton signed NAFTA thus opening the doors for US companies to move their facilities into other countries. Just because I'm critical of Clinton's decision to sign NAFTA, it does not mean I endorse Bush and his endeavors to perpetuate a piece of bad legislation.
No, I'm not on assignment here, just a joker with no personal agenda. I don't do beck and call. I don't take this shit seriously. If I did, I'd probably go postal. You and seamaidens supposed taking me to task is over. I'll not be wasted by either of you again. I could be friendly, but that is not what you two are inclined to be (At least to me) so don't be alarmed if I don't respond. I just pick and choose my battles and guess what, you've won. so bask in your glory and move the fuck on. I don't like being looked down on like you are some superior beings, you're not, but since you seem to be educated, the problem seems to be you lack common sense. I am not a college grad, a couple a years was enough for me, had to make a living for my family you know, so stuff your superior attitudes. After saying that, I'm still open to friendly banter, but not the type of written assignments you two demand.
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:lol: :lol:
You "could" be friendly? On what planet? :lol:

Don't worry, MM, I'm not taking you to task, I'm laughing my ass off. :lol: This totally reminds me of the day we ran out of whipped cream before the old man got out to have his dessert. He's ALWAYS the one to use up the last of something, and he's a real glutton so will eat unbelievable portions of a given (favored) food leaving little to none for others. Then, one day, we had strawberry angel-food cake shortcake with whipped cream. And it was good. So we ate it all, leaving cake and strawberries enough for one serving (there were four of us who partook before Old Man came out), but alas, no whipped cream. He looked about to cry when he shook that can and nothin' came out. And I laughed heartily, and scoffed, "HA HA HA!" For it finally happened to he who would do the same turn to us in a heartbeat, and always has been the one, who continues to this day. But on that night the tables were turned, and I had a hearty laugh over it. :lol:
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No, I'm not on assignment here, just a joker with no personal agenda. I don't do beck and call. I don't take this shit seriously. If I did, I'd probably go postal. You and seamaidens supposed taking me to task is over. I'll not be wasted by either of you again. I could be friendly, but that is not what you two are inclined to be (At least to me) so don't be alarmed if I don't respond. I just pick and choose my battles and guess what, you've won. so bask in your glory and move the fuck on. I don't like being looked down on like you are some superior beings, you're not, but since you seem to be educated, the problem seems to be you lack common sense. I am not a college grad, a couple a years was enough for me, had to make a living for my family you know, so stuff your superior attitudes. After saying that, I'm still open to friendly banter, but not the type of written assignments you two demand.
Hmm...OK, but all I did was politely (note the "please") ask you to explain what you meant as I didn't understand your reply.
Hmm...OK, but all I did was politely (note the "please") ask you to explain what you meant as I didn't understand your reply.
"Please" refrain from your juvenile disparaging banter directed at me, and I'll do the same. Parrables directed at me could be better served trying to solve the worlds problems. I really think you've overestimated my influence here on this forum. I'm just an old country boy with a view on life. May be different than yours but that's what diversity is all about, eh?