Well-Known Member
Projection.So, I guess it's doctor fuckwad then,~LOL~. I believe you're the psychotic one.
I wonder if I can change my userid to Johnnyfuckwad? I like it, but Doctorfuckwad has some panache, too. Well done, Med!
Projection.So, I guess it's doctor fuckwad then,~LOL~. I believe you're the psychotic one.
i'd go with DoctorJohnnyFuckwad from WKRP!Projection.
I wonder if I can change my userid to Johnnyfuckwad? I like it, but Doctorfuckwad has some panache, too. Well done, Med!
Thanks WE, They've been piling on a bit and that brings out the fuck you tendecies. I don't like sniveling tirades by assholes that have a superior complex. Just call me an asshole and be done with it. You can't psychoanalyze someone over the net. Most of my stuff is just bullshit anyway. I'll leave it to the real dipshits to put up all the sites, no offense WE, but posting sites doesn't impress me. I've been to school and what I learned is that they only need to teach someone how to read and write, balance a checkbook, and think for themselves. The rest is necessary when applied to an occupation, but the mindfuck is unnecessary.Haven't you guys beat up MM enough? ~LOL~ He has a thread that you can give him shyt in, I believe JohnnyO has slamed him a couple times in there all ready.
You say he has mental disorders, I guess you can psychoanalyze an asshole in many different ways. I believe bitterness, sadness, paranoia, depression, etc etc runs deep and can lead to many different 'mental illnesses'.
Do you not have any problems in your life JohnnyO? ~lol~ I guess the reason why I'm sticking up for MM is because you guys are taking it too far, I'm kind of sick of reading about why you guys hate each other(keep it to the 'beat up MM thread'). I also think you are taking it too far with diagnosing him with a mental illness over the computer- that is rude. You know what they say "two wrongs don't make a right"
If that's what you want to call it.Haven't you guys beat up MM enough?
That would actually be me. The moment someone gives me a button, I will use it. React, and I've found fun. Continue to react and I will continue to have my fun, all at your expense, until it is no longer fun for me. It's wrong and it's cruel, I will freely admit, but it is what it is. I will add one qualification to this aspect of my personality -- I ONLY exhibit this trait with those who I (strongly) feel are deserving. I will not tease a baby or a child or someone I think is mentally infirm, or stupid. That's not fun, to take on someone who hasn't got a chance. What's fun, and funny, is when it's someone who is not only fully cognizant, but capable of understanding, yet insists on taking the tack that a person like medicineman does.Furthermore, why do you get so much pleasure out of focking with MM? Are you a sadist? Do you enjoy feeding the fire to watch him squeal like a little piggy?
On this count you are completely wrong. Johnny's participation has been nothing but civil. And medicineman's? Just take a look through his posts, go back in time. The evidence is there, he shows himself for what he is. I know he has a heart and a soft spot, what I fail to understand fully is just how much of what he writes is truthful in his own heart and what he's flat lying about (because I have already caught him lying, and I'm talking about personal stuff, not his opinions on politics, the economy, or what have you).What should we find a name for you JohnnyO? Is is because your last of self esteem or your insecurities that you get pleasure out of bashing someone else ,to exalt yourself? Enough is enough, keep the MedMan bashing to the "go for it" thread, please debate civilly elsewhere.
Beat up on MM We? Hardly. I have not even participated in "psychoanalzing Med, yet he immediately stated that I've thrown in with him and I am now...."The Enemy". If you'll remember early on in my joining here, Med called me an "angry man". He's also asked me "Where's your sense of humor?"...And when I have a little fun with the guy, his retort is...Haven't you guys beat up MM enough? ~LOL~ He has a thread that you can give him shyt in, I believe JohnnyO has slamed him a couple times in there all ready.
You say he has mental disorders, I guess you can psychoanalyze an asshole in many different ways. I believe bitterness, sadness, paranoia, depression, etc etc runs deep and can lead to many different 'mental illnesses'.
Do you not have any problems in your life JohnnyO? ~lol~ I guess the reason why I'm sticking up for MM is because you guys are taking it too far, I'm kind of sick of reading about why you guys hate each other(keep it to the 'beat up MM thread'). I also think you are taking it too far with diagnosing him with a mental illness over the computer- that is rude. You know what they say "two wrongs don't make a right"
Edit- Furthermore, why do you get so much pleasure out of focking with MM? Are you a sadist? Do you enjoy feeding the fire to watch him squeal like a little piggy? What should we find a name for you JohnnyO? Is is because your last of self esteem or your insecurities that you get pleasure out of bashing someone else ,to exalt yourself? Enough is enough, keep the MedMan bashing to the "go for it" thread, please debate civilly elsewhere. I'm hear to learn politics and not read about MM problems/imperfections everywhere. I guess I'm being selfish myself. You guys have the right to pretty much post anything everywhere you want, I'm just asking you guys to keep the bullshit out of every thread. No hard feelings JohnnyO, I still think your a cool dude.
And......BTW fuck you dave. I take back all the nice things I said about you. You have been determined to be the enemy.
And...What a drama queen. Are you sure you're a guy???
I challenge anyone to find a response of mine where I've said stuff like this to Med. And now, if I ask him to explain his opinion, he goes all postal....Example:Hey dave, join the crowd and go fuck yourself also. I'm tired of playing with you.
Polite response, yes?...Now him...If you're responding to me MM, I don't believe my post said anything about Bush. I do not find Bush a good POTUS in the slightest. The evidence is irrefutable; Clinton signed NAFTA thus opening the doors for US companies to move their facilities into other countries. Just because I'm critical of Clinton's decision to sign NAFTA, it does not mean I endorse Bush and his endeavors to perpetuate a piece of bad legislation.
My response...Naw, naw, naw.~LOL~.
I personally don't see anything wrong with me "politely" asking him to explain as I didn't understand what he was saying. His retort...I don't understand your retort. Could you please explain?
Now let's look at that. I don't believe I've ever "DEMANDED" anything from MM, nor have I ever disparaged him as if I'm looking down on him (although he dishes this out in healthy servings to anyone opposed to his views). If asking someone to explain oneself is a demand for a writing assignment then I don't know what to say.No, I'm not on assignment here, just a joker with no personal agenda. I don't do beck and call. I don't take this shit seriously. If I did, I'd probably go postal. You and seamaidens supposed taking me to task is over. I'll not be wasted by either of you again. I could be friendly, but that is not what you two are inclined to be (At least to me) so don't be alarmed if I don't respond. I just pick and choose my battles and guess what, you've won. so bask in your glory and move the fuck on. I don't like being looked down on like you are some superior beings, you're not, but since you seem to be educated, the problem seems to be you lack common sense. I am not a college grad, a couple a years was enough for me, had to make a living for my family you know, so stuff your superior attitudes. After saying that, I'm still open to friendly banter, but not the type of written assignments you two demand.
Calling science a religion should be instantly recognized as an ideological attack rather than a neutral observation of facts. Sadly this is not the case, and it has become far too common for critics of modern, godless science to claim that it’s inherently a religion, thus hoping to discredit scientific research when it contradicts genuine religious ideology. Examining the characteristics which define religions as distinct from other types of belief systems reveals how wrong such claims are.*snip*Science is just as much a system of beliefs as relgion. I may even go so far as to say science is its own religion.*snip*
If by "scott free" you mean that when you die you'll just be another soulless rotting corpse in the ground like the rest of us, then yeah.. scott free it is.By the way i am a buddhist so get away scott free.
A scrapper eh. I'm a little old to go duke city, but I'll not back down. She has been up my ass for some time Dave. I tried to ignore her but her snide remarks left me no choice. BTW are you sure your last name isn't Persinger. You look like a Dave Persinger I once knew, and Oh yeah, he was an ass also. Oh you big tough man you,~LOL~, "Nobody insults my family", well she opened her criticism of me which put her in the fair game category. I'm sure I've challenged you so rant on brother!!! Seems rather wierd that you take such offense when you know damn well how vitriolic she can be.I will say this though...When he told my wife that she was "the joke"...Had he done this in front of me...I would have fed him his ass through his piehole in seconds.
Nobody insults my loved ones...especially my woman. A neighbor found that one out the hard way.
A scrapper eh. I'm a little old to go duke city, but I'll not back down. She has been up my ass for some time Dave. I tried to ignore her but her snide remarks left me no choice. BTW are you sure your last name isn't Persinger. You look like a Dave Persinger I once knew, and Oh yeah, he was an ass also. Oh you big tough man you,~LOL~, "Nobody insults my family", well she opened her criticism of me which put her in the fair game category. I'm sure I've challenged you so rant on brother!!! Seems rather wierd that you take such offense when you know damn well how vitriolic she can be.
I agree. I feel like every time I come on here I have to go on defense mode. If you guys want to dance, make it one place and I'll respect your sanctity also. Or not.Dave, Seamaiden, JohnnyO, and MM(any anyone else), I love all you guys. I really appreciate everyone who has intelligent things to post. I have learned a lot from you guys. Thanks for that!
I know you guys have your issues and I respect that, just take them here please
Thanks guys
That's just silly and deluded..Alpha i think you missed the point. Science and religion are very interetwined in my view. And the presence of "god" is not required for a region. A religion is simply a set of beliefs that you organise your life by and use to solve moral quandries. A filter to see the world through if you will, one that you accept as The Truth. Science certainly fits that bill dosent it? I am of the complete opposite school as you, i believe that it is far more dangerous to deny the facets of natural sciences that aproach a religious, dogmatic view. If we cant see that the two are intertwined we cant make any headway.
By get off scott free i mean that i simply am. True i think my soul/energy/karma/chi/flow will be passed on to another being after i die but it is not the focus of my life. My life is, as i am. No more no less.
I don't think you've expressed yourself badly but your argument has some fallacies. Your definition of time is incomplete and inaccurate for scientific purposes. Time can be measured physically. It is both a concrete and an abstract idea. Science uses both concepts of time in different ways. Just one example of how science uses the abstract to describe distance in space is light years - a measure of distance using time. and science uses the physical concept of time when doing experiments that require an accurate time element.YOU ARE NOT LISTENING.
sorry that i have expressed my self badly but you need to relax man. When i say a set of beliefs i mean things that you chose to believe.
Using your example, you choose to call the season in which the earth starts to shut down for the cold ahead, "autum". It does not have a name it just is. That you chose to call it autum means nothing to the season or what happens during it, only to you. You need that name to put it in a neat little box as we humans love to do. Thats a set of beliefs equaly odd as saying that the 25th of december is a holy day cause some jewish dude was born.
Yes science is method based and our information gained through scientific annalysis is based on repeated trial and error. But in order to do those trials you need to have certain factors as a given. If you follow those facts all the way back, you come to a point that you must simply accept that they are true. From there you must simply take it on faith that it works the way it is supposed to.
LIke time for example. Time is not a physical thing, it is an abstract idea that we have created from thin air in order to mesure and regulate our lives. In order for all your impartial experiments you need to take it on faith that time flows in the neat little way we have chosen, or else you cant do anything. Its as simple as that to me. Anything you need to take a certain factor as a given, then you are no longer working with solid proofs.