A Challenge ...


Well-Known Member
I think homegrown was honestly looking for answers. Homegrown can be cocky and use words like "ass hole" and "dumbass" a lot, so I can assure you its nothing personal. I think he was simply looking for answers to his sincere questions(just my humble opinion)... Idk, thats my Dr. Phil for the night:mrgreen:


I do not doubt he was sincere. I was as well. I absorb abuse the way a Russian lumberjack washes his balls in ice water. In other words, it doesn't bother me a bit. It is no reflection on me.

In the interest of peace, I will examine the questions. However, I must say to each question: Where is such dire prediction in any LP party literature? I must have missed that newsletter.

so if we had a libertarian government, all the parks would be sold off and made into factories, highrises, whatever...no more parks at all?
State and local parks would remain under the control of the states as per the 10th Amendment. I believe the Libertarians would reform the national park system by giving individual park administrators greater autonomy but requiring their operations to be self-supporting. http://www.cato.org/pubs/handbook/hb109/hb_109-47.pdf

What about our air quality, if there no regulations on companies they can just pollute all they want?
By turning to government for environmental protection, we've placed the fox in charge of the hen house -- and a very large hen house it is! Governments, both federal and local, control over 40% of our country's land mass. Unfortunately, government's stewardship over our land is gradually destroying it.
Environment | Libertarian Party | LP.org

What about the FDA, you think pharmaceutical companies should just be able to put on the market whatever they want without it being tested for safety?
We should replace harmful government agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) with more agile, free-market alternatives. The mission of the FDA is to protect us from unsafe medicines. In fact, the FDA has driven up healthcare costs and deprived millions of Americans of much-needed treatments. For example, during a 10-year delay in approving Propanolol Propranolol (a heart medication for treating angina and hypertension), approximately 100,000 people died who could have been treated with this lifesaving drug. Bureaucratic roadblocks kill sick Americans.
Healthcare | Libertarian Party | LP.org

What about the gov't making companies place the nutrition facts on their food labels, is that so wrong?
Information about products and services is subject to market demand just like every other feature of the things we buy. If you don’t believe me, try running a grocery store without putting price tags on or near the canned peaches.
Cato-at-liberty » Consumer Product Info - Regulation or Markets?
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Well-Known Member
No Way Jose' ... Why ruin the fun? :mrgreen:

Besides, Med's ideas are dangerous to liberty. He's a totalitarian thug and needs to be called out. :blsmoke:
The fun is at the "Go for it" thread. That was uncalled for in my book. I tell MM to chill when I see him being the aggressor, and I will do the same with you.. I don't know why I care... I guess I'm just sick of a thread turning into a bitch fight when I'm looking to extract facts and viable opinions. (cant we all just get along?)

