Well-Known Member
shit they barely had roots showing and i just transplanted to half gallons before reading your pot has a lot more water than the other. i was trying to pre-water the pots until i saw runoff and one pot just wouldn't show any runoff..either way i think they will be fine. next time i'll do solo cups unless you advise i take them out now and put them in cups. here's a couple pics of them.I would transplant them when they have plenty of roots showing to solo cups. NOT 1 gallon containers.
When you transplant to too big of a container the soil stays wet for two long which can lead to root rot and other problems. Plus they are soooooo fucking fragile right now.
I'm sure it can be done, and is done, but solo cups have always done me proud..especially when cloning and what not. You take like 2-3x the number of clones you need. Root them, transfer to cups, then 2 weeks later, take the best of the bunch and your off an running.
If I were you, I would take the 5 minutes to give them so beneficial bacteria. Just get a small packet from the store. Either before or after you transplant. Get a colony of fungus working to feed and protect your plants!! It will cost like $6.

also, what do you mean by beneficial bacteria? anything specific? i got a little cash today so i can go buy some shit.