I enjoy multiple forums but for me I need/want a home base that like minded individuals can feel safe from the edit/ban buttons. A GLG forum is in the works & will NOT rely on member donations.

I apologize to 3MG members that lost content & had their donations mis-appropriated. In the last year or so, I was the catalyst for a lot of changes the 3MG went through & really tried to get things rollin on the positive side. I also, tried to buy the site about 6 months ago but was told "no thanks" I guess they were happier letting it die?

I'm past it...focused on the new. It will be a hybrid of 3MG & what we tried to do @ TGM.

BTW, I have nothing personally against Dr GreenThumb but there are no plans to carry his genetics or to have the Doc involved in the forum. USA Based Genetics! POB!
POBPoint of Beginning (land surveying)
POBPost Office Box
POBPlace Of Birth
POBPrinciples Of Business
POBParis Opera Ballet
POBPublic Oversight Board
POBProfessional Oversight Board (UK FRC)
POBPlastic Ono Band (John Lennon album)
POBPersons On Board
POBPatrick O'Brian (author)
POBProfessional Office Building
POBPension Obligation Bonds
POBPersonnel on Board
POBPrevention of Blindness
POBPilot on Board
POBPoint of Business (service management system)
POBPoint Of Banking
POBPsychological Operations Battalion
POBPassenger on Board
POBPhysician Office Building
POBPaper-Over-Board (type of book binding)
POBPublic Order Battalion (Iraq)
POBPop Off Boys (band)
POBPat on Back
POBPortable Oxygen Bottle (aerospace)
PoBPhenomena on Break (comics)
POBPoint of Breaking (applied solid mechanics)
POBParade Of Bands
POBProduct of Boredom (webcomic)
POBPatrol Observation Base
POBPhemas Of Beijing Company
POBProtected Outlet Box
POBPublication Orthopédique Biomécanique
POBPersistent Object Backend/Base
POBPercentage of Base
POBPoint of Blame
POBPedestrian on Bike
POBPremium Online Business (New York, NY)
POBPort of Baltimore (Baltimore, MD)
I enjoy multiple forums but for me I need/want a home base that like minded individuals can feel safe from the edit/ban buttons. A GLG forum is in the works & will NOT rely on member donations.

I apologize to 3MG members that lost content & had their donations mis-appropriated. In the last year or so, I was the catalyst for a lot of changes the 3MG went through & really tried to get things rollin on the positive side. I also, tried to buy the site about 6 months ago but was told "no thanks" I guess they were happier letting it die?

I'm past it...focused on the new. It will be a hybrid of 3MG & what we tried to do @ TGM.

BTW, I have nothing personally against Dr GreenThumb but there are no plans to carry his genetics or to have the Doc involved in the forum. USA Based Genetics! POB!

I'll see you there.

This was the first marijuana based forum I joined but it's just gotten to the point where it's festering with people perpetuating bad vibes. Not all, but a lot.

No offense to those who frequent RIU, there are a lot of good people here, but there is an affinity to ban the wrong people and let the ones ruining threads stay.

That's why you see a bunch of off topic and barely any grow journals. I thought about doing one at times but it's not even worth it....
POBPoint of Beginning (land surveying)
POBPost Office Box
POBPlace Of Birth
POBPrinciples Of Business
POBParis Opera Ballet
POBPublic Oversight Board
POBProfessional Oversight Board (UK FRC)
POBPlastic Ono Band (John Lennon album)
POBPersons On Board
POBPatrick O'Brian (author)
POBProfessional Office Building
POBPension Obligation Bonds
POBPersonnel on Board
POBPrevention of Blindness
POBPilot on Board
POBPoint of Business (service management system)
POBPoint Of Banking
POBPsychological Operations Battalion
POBPassenger on Board
POBPhysician Office Building
POBPaper-Over-Board (type of book binding)
POBPublic Order Battalion (Iraq)
POBPop Off Boys (band)
POBPat on Back
POBPortable Oxygen Bottle (aerospace)
PoBPhenomena on Break (comics)
POBPoint of Breaking (applied solid mechanics)
POBParade Of Bands
POBProduct of Boredom (webcomic)
POBPatrol Observation Base
POBPhemas Of Beijing Company
POBProtected Outlet Box
POBPublication Orthopédique Biomécanique
POBPersistent Object Backend/Base
POBPercentage of Base
POBPoint of Blame
POBPedestrian on Bike
POBPremium Online Business (New York, NY)
POBPort of Baltimore (Baltimore, MD)

i knew abe was a robot! fried his AI right here a bit you did limosnero i think lol.

hows everyones thoughts on the new DEA rules? think they will abide? if they will, could a new website be just the beginning? pharmers markets in every city i say!
Agreed. In the whole scheme of things a pot forum ranks right up there in importance with which pair of socks I'm going to where on a given day

In a way I agree that it shouldn't be important, but if I'm spending my small amount of free time on a forum I'm going to do my due diligence to find the one that best fits my interests.

That is growing, not watching news clips of people talking about marijuana or hanging on every word of the politicians or derailing threads and bashing people.

That is why I enjoyed that particular site. I'll still lurk here (not that it matters) I just rarely find anything interesting enough to post about.

I still might do a journal one day though if GLG forum doesn't get off the ground.
In a way I agree that it shouldn't be important, but if I'm spending my small amount of free time on a forum I'm going to do my due diligence to find the one that best fits my interests.

That is growing, not watching news clips of people talking about marijuana or hanging on every word of the politicians or derailing threads and bashing people.

That is why I enjoyed that particular site. I'll still lurk here (not that it matters) I just rarely find anything interesting enough to post about.

I still might do a journal one day though if GLG forum doesn't get off the ground.

Each to their own brotha. I wish I had more time to fiddle around on multiple forums, but with kids, work, the garden, etc it ain't happening. I agree with you on the growing thing, which is why I spend the majority of my time here in the organics section. Pretty good group of cats over there. Very little bickering and drama. Lot's of of helpful people and good vibes.
I enjoy multiple forums but for me I need/want a home base that like minded individuals can feel safe from the edit/ban buttons. A GLG forum is in the works & will NOT rely on member donations.

I apologize to 3MG members that lost content & had their donations mis-appropriated. In the last year or so, I was the catalyst for a lot of changes the 3MG went through & really tried to get things rollin on the positive side. I also, tried to buy the site about 6 months ago but was told "no thanks" I guess they were happier letting it die?

I'm past it...focused on the new. It will be a hybrid of 3MG & what we tried to do @ TGM.

BTW, I have nothing personally against Dr GreenThumb but there are no plans to carry his genetics or to have the Doc involved in the forum. USA Based Genetics! POB!

You're a good man little beggar with a stick. The only one who stepped up and explained what happened to 3MG. Personally I could care less about the money lost, it was how the situation was handled. As far as Dr. Greenthumb is concerned, if you don't like his genetics don't buy his genetics. Unfortunately there's always going to be haters. Thankfully most of us Michigan people are good and decent folks.
Well hell an optimist.
I just want to say how grateful I am to be able to read and/or post on this MI RIU site , I don’t know much about the 3MG site , I’m even surprised I haven't been banned by now , I’m sure some of my posts have been as dumb as any and my questions as well , but you people always put me back on track . Eight years of Hydrocodone and Morphine haven't made me any smarter and the latest medication the doctors have put me on really sucks , when I researched the source of the medicine I found out it was snake oil Its hard to believe that they can give us shit like this but not give us Marijuana . Quote ---
In the United States, a generic version is available. Like other ACE inhibitors, it is a synthetic functional and structural analog of a peptide derived from the venom of the jararaca, a Brazilian pit viper (Bothrops jararaca).[---------

Anyway keep up the good work
I was wondering about fat marty myself. ....Sounds like he's doing good ;)
>>That's good news, cool beans.

Plans n then some work.
well put
NN for pres

...the best is yet to come brother .. I think we have yet to see what Michigan can be .. A solid new forum with respect and dignity for all is where this will begin .........Peace my friend
positivity yeah.peace to you, drgt nems
I believe online forums exist as a learning mechanism for complex/technical subject matters. The banter back and forth is fundamental to this learning and/or exchange of ideas. Here in an MJ forum one must not only deal with the horticultural complexities of sowing seeds to curing flowers, but the legal jeopardy doing such puts your friends, family and self. The complexities of the legal industry and criminal prohibition are only as political as the ignorance solicited to support and maintain them.

Sad but true every MJ forum is chuck full of ignorance and ego. You don't have to look very far in any venue these days to find folks more confident than correct. The problem IMHO: Lack of tolerance for what one does not understand, and the will to resolve that problem. If for some reason you cannot handle the subject matter at hand, simply turn the page rather than start pointing fingers at others. Otherwise you become part of the problem, not the solution ...
TheMan13, excellent post, it seems to me that everyone wants 'Their' team to win. We should be concerned with all 'Our' teams winning. We're all in this country club together, some of us get to play golf, some of us have to serve drinks, the job and position are unimportant. All peoples should be given respect regardless of their position in the country club.