250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
They are blue, 5500K 105W CFL's
This is my 2nd grow and I've never used CFL's.. but because the 250W is somewhat low for the size of the plants and the tent I decided to get some CFL's..
Should I take them out because they are blue???

Don't take them out, full spectrum is a good thing, however you want to add more orange/red spectrum bulbs in there as well so you don't lose that density that the red/orange spectrum provides.

When I use CFL's for supplement, I find (Personally of course :bigjoint:) that more smaller CFL's work better. I put about 6-8 CFL's on Y connectors and socket to outlet adapters on a power strip. You can control/adjust the light coverage a little more. Also because everything is on a power strip you can make one Y connector bloom spectrum, the next veg spectrum, and so on. So it provides a better mix of spectrums. That's just me personally, but if you get another if not a couple more red/orange spectrum bulbs in there you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
i just put em in 12/12 today been on about 6 hours an middle part of the plant the tips of the leaves r yellow, but thanks for the info, its a 4 ft. tall plant been growing in my window seal, but were can i find them nutes at crazy?! online or r they localy?
You can find nutrients locally at a garden or hydroponic store. Or you can find them online at HTG's ebay store or regular store site. There are other companies online also I just trust and know HTG is a good resource, as I use them personally.

As far as yellowing, some pictures would help, but with tips of leaves yellowing....

A general diagnosis would be overwatering, or N deficiany. I would add nute burn in there also but you're not using any nutes, so I'm leaning more towards deficiancies or overwatering.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
yea i think its overwatering, an i didnt mix no pearlit in my soil will that cause any problems with the roots? im usin organic miracle grow mix, an i did add a lil nut. but was like 1/4 of what it called for just 2 days ago, which is miracle grow bloom booster, how long should i wait till nutes go in for flowering?an i have 6 holles cut in the bottom of my 5 gallon bucket should i put some on the side for better drainage? and i have no hydroponic store around here the closest hydro store is 1 1/2 hours away, also whats the best way to cut your leavse for more light exposure to the bottom, an one more, supplement light to the lower buds, cfls? wattage? sorry no pics. no camera! gettn one soon tho...im new to indoors sorry for all the questions, if i wouldnt of had to move i wouldnt even be on here probably, but i love this site!


Well-Known Member
yea i think its overwatering, an i didnt mix no pearlit in my soil will that cause any problems with the roots? im usin organic miracle grow mix, an i did add a lil nut. but was like 1/4 of what it called for just 2 days ago, which is miracle grow bloom booster, how long should i wait till nutes go in for flowering?an i have 6 holles cut in the bottom of my 5 gallon bucket should i put some on the side for better drainage? and i have no hydroponic store around here the closest hydro store is 1 1/2 hours away, also whats the best way to cut your leavse for more light exposure to the bottom, an one more, supplement light to the lower buds, cfls? wattage? sorry no pics. no camera! gettn one soon tho...im new to indoors sorry for all the questions, if i wouldnt of had to move i wouldnt even be on here probably, but i love this site!
It's over watering definitely and possibly nute burn but yeah kind of need a pic for that one lol.

That MG organic soil.... Yeah over watering can be easy with that stuff if perlite is not added, if you don't start going lighter on the watering you're going to basically suffocate/drown your roots and you're also at risk of root rot.

Now that I know you've been using nutes.... I will probably say it's a slight slight case of nute burn. That MG soil's nutes last for about 1-2 months, so even adding a 1/4 strength too soon can burn the plants a little bit.

6 holes in your pot should be ample enough, I have 5, one in the bottom, 4 on the bottom sides.

Since you're using MG soil, go easy on the nutes and the watering a little bit, wait about a week or two and start applying at 1/4 strength again. I don't use MG nutes, I use Foxfarm nutes but I have had to use that soil once before, lol loooong story short, don't send someone else to buy your soil lol. Since your store is 1 1/2 hours away, you can either go through HTG or that store, that's your choice.

I don't like to trim leaves.... The only leaves I trim are damaged ones because those usually will not come back. Other than that I leave the leaves on there, because the leaves are a big thing when it comes to photosynthesis. If I have leaves in the way of lower bud sites or branches I will tie them back or tuck them under other leaves. Supplement lighting always helps for that also.

The CFL's I use are Helical 26 watts, now keep in mind that because they are a very much smaller wattage than 105 watts, I have to use 6-8 of them just one one power strip. I will usually use 2 power strips though, which would be about 12-16 CFL's in total.


Active Member
yea htgs ive looked at lots, im def. gonna order the foxfarm, ive got there nut. chart an such in hand, so it would be easiest i think, an from what ive seen on here very good, what about using 3-4 78 watt cfls? or do need diff. fixtures for such? im gonna go peep out your grows an get ur idea on em...thanks for the help, also to add, the stem at the bottom is real brownish looking an fades as it goes up the plant, also i have lil small whitish bugs in my soil...whats that? seven dust is what im needing im taking it?


Well-Known Member
5500k (leaning to the blue spectrum a little) is kind of in the middle as far as CFL's. 2700k for flower and 6500K for veg is what I use and I use an HPS250 with one more 2700k 105w and also a couple of 6500k 105w as side lights. That way you get the whole spectrum and I've had good success. Those 5500k should be just fine!
Thanks for the info! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well, I harvested the other 2 plants today, I noticed one of the buds getting too ripe and had to carve out some minor bud rot :-(...

I didn't chop it all of the way,but I left some smaller low stuff. I am hoping that if I start adding nutes again I'll get a little extra growth. I'll get some pics in the next couple days.

Now for the total bud weight (wet)

:!: 1247 grams :bigjoint: and I have three quart mason jars of trim waiting to be QWISO bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Well, I harvested the other 2 plants today, I noticed one of the buds getting too ripe and had to carve out some minor bud rot :-(...

I didn't chop it all of the way,but I left some smaller low stuff. I am hoping that if I start adding nutes again I'll get a little extra growth. I'll get some pics in the next couple days.

Now for the total bud weight (wet)

:!: 1247 grams :bigjoint: and I have three quart mason jars of trim waiting to be QWISO bongsmilie

Great job Grazzmon.You should end up with 312 grams :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Great job Grazzmon.You should end up with 312 grams :bigjoint:
Thanks.. damn bud rot.. had to carve a nice chunk out of two fat colas. I thought it should smell rotten or bad, but actually it smelled pretty good and I think I got a head rush when I stuck my nose in there to smell it...lol.
But all in all, I think it was a pretty succesful first grow :lol:



New Member
312 grams from a first grow is excellent. Never sell yourself short. That's other people's jobs! LOL! Great job! You sure that's mold? Sometimes I have an extra "fuzzy" spot on a bud or two but it ain't mold! Mold always smell like dog shit and terpentine with a hint of 40 day old dead mouse.


Active Member
if my room im using right now to flower my plants i 10 ft. tall 4 feet wide an 2 feet deep will my 250 work if i keep it lower enough on the plants regardless of the closet size, its closed on all 4 sides..the plants about 3 feet tall an the lights hung about 7-9 inchs above it..just until i get my box built...will this be okay..prob. take like 3 weeks for my box..


New Member
250 covers a 3x3" space with ample light. The 250 will put out enough heat that you will need some sort of venting. One up high to get rid of the heat and one down low to bring in fresh air and a small oscellating fan to give the plant some movement to stregthen the stems.


Well-Known Member
Well, I harvested the other 2 plants today, I noticed one of the buds getting too ripe and had to carve out some minor bud rot :-(...

I didn't chop it all of the way,but I left some smaller low stuff. I am hoping that if I start adding nutes again I'll get a little extra growth. I'll get some pics in the next couple days.

Now for the total bud weight (wet)

:!: 1247 grams :bigjoint: and I have three quart mason jars of trim waiting to be QWISO bongsmilie

Awesome job Grazz, ouch on the mold, but you made out pretty damn well there. Again great job dude :bigjoint:.

312 grams from a first grow is excellent. Never sell yourself short. That's other people's jobs! LOL! Great job! You sure that's mold? Sometimes I have an extra "fuzzy" spot on a bud or two but it ain't mold! Mold always smell like dog shit and terpentine with a hint of 40 day old dead mouse.
Wow.... That's a pretty vivid description there Crazy lol :spew:.


Well-Known Member
312 grams from a first grow is excellent. Never sell yourself short. That's other people's jobs! LOL! Great job! You sure that's mold? Sometimes I have an extra "fuzzy" spot on a bud or two but it ain't mold! Mold always smell like dog shit and terpentine with a hint of 40 day old dead mouse.
Well.. I have three big dogs and some turpentine.... but can't seem to locate my 40 day old dead mouse :lol:

Thanks, it actually smelled really good but looked fibrous like mold. I don't think I will miss it even if it wasn't mold though ;-) 312 grams !!

I am extremely happy with the harvest, just need to wait out the cure... Thanks for all of the help I got here, you guys/gals have been great and I hope I can help others in return.. keep it going 250 wattr's...lol



New Member
Next time smoke the mold! If it smells good smoke it! OK 312 is my new target but I'm going to have to use two systems since I veg them long and only put 3 max fems per pot. I'll come after you with a big bud cross! LOL!

By the way if you can't tell I'm smoking some of my "mold" or fuzzy bud as I call it! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Active Member
Hello everybody,
I've been researching constantly for the past few months on this site and others and now have decided to finally post a lil something.
Figured I'd try here since I'm currently running 2 of Sun Systems nice lil 150 watters. (Close enough to 250? haha)
But for the past few months i've been cultivating some good bagseed i've been saving for awhile and just recently chopped my first real harvest (First grow, few years ago, 10ft tall plant outside, bugs, nasty outcome with no experience needless to say =D)
Not to stray though, these first 2 were I guess you could say mini plants to re-introduce myself, roughly 18in and 20-22in single cola harvests with the total wet weight of 60g and dry at about 20-25g, but thank god I'm actually pleased with the bud.
Oh and I have been vegging with a couple CFL's and a cheap Ott-Lite for some blue spectrum until a MH light comes thru and my larger veg space.
Now i'm working with a slightly larger Indica mix that has resin production like no bagseed i've ever seen. I LST'd it at a young age and decided to abandon that when I realized how slow it is with crappy CFL's (not even the 18 dollar ones =X) and a week or so before flower I FIM'd and have had great results with multiple colas. This plant is only about 22in high also, and I just recently decided to lop some smaller branches off to let my larger main buds get more light and let it stop wasting energy on those branches that aren't really showing too much activity. And for now I must get some rest and this post is tooo long lol But please feel free to ask me anything and i'll try to post some pics of the harvest and all my new babies coming up!! Thanks alot. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Next time smoke the mold! If it smells good smoke it! OK 312 is my new target but I'm going to have to use two systems since I veg them long and only put 3 max fems per pot. I'll come after you with a big bud cross! LOL!

By the way if you can't tell I'm smoking some of my "mold" or fuzzy bud as I call it! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I smoked moldy weed once back in the day in HS and never again :spew:, it tasted the way you would imagine swamp ass would taste, the high was weird, and no just no no never again lol. It was a bag of schwag which was bad enough, add that mold and .... yeah no. Needless to say I learned 3 things that day, one I don't like schwag, two I don't like mold and three I sure as hell don't like the two together lol.

Hello everybody,
I've been researching constantly for the past few months on this site and others and now have decided to finally post a lil something.
Figured I'd try here since I'm currently running 2 of Sun Systems nice lil 150 watters. (Close enough to 250? haha)
But for the past few months i've been cultivating some good bagseed i've been saving for awhile and just recently chopped my first real harvest (First grow, few years ago, 10ft tall plant outside, bugs, nasty outcome with no experience needless to say =D)
Not to stray though, these first 2 were I guess you could say mini plants to re-introduce myself, roughly 18in and 20-22in single cola harvests with the total wet weight of 60g and dry at about 20-25g, but thank god I'm actually pleased with the bud.
Oh and I have been vegging with a couple CFL's and a cheap Ott-Lite for some blue spectrum until a MH light comes thru and my larger veg space.
Now i'm working with a slightly larger Indica mix that has resin production like no bagseed i've ever seen. I LST'd it at a young age and decided to abandon that when I realized how slow it is with crappy CFL's (not even the 18 dollar ones =X) and a week or so before flower I FIM'd and have had great results with multiple colas. This plant is only about 22in high also, and I just recently decided to lop some smaller branches off to let my larger main buds get more light and let it stop wasting energy on those branches that aren't really showing too much activity. And for now I must get some rest and this post is tooo long lol But please feel free to ask me anything and i'll try to post some pics of the harvest and all my new babies coming up!! Thanks alot. Peace.
Lol and I thought I wrote novels lol, welcome to the club Purpl3 :bigjoint:.


Active Member
Lol and I thought I wrote novels lol, welcome to the club Purpl3 :bigjoint:.
What can I say, Doob? Sometimes I just get wrapped up in the things I love lol

But I should have my previous harvest pics and my other larger baby ready to cut in the next week. To show everybody my lil pride and joys :weed:


Active Member
One day my boy an i was caving an we came out an smoked a bowl an he was fuckn with the rocks an found a baggie an it had weed, shit was like brownish,black, he smoked it, said he got high as shit, i didnt tho...but yes Shwag sucks ass...why im growing now, also the raising prices of good weed on the southeast coast!