Well-Known Member
Some changes have been made to the garden since last update. The previous re-potting and unforseen bad weather has made me reconsider the black box idea for all but maybe two of the 20 gallon containers (fire og and sfv og) . i just felt like they weren't going to yield enough. so i purchased four 200 gallon pots filled at least half way with the following: five 32 gallon garbage cans of hot (left over from re amending previous containers) divided equally among the four containers. 1 bag bio bizz light and 1 bale sunshine mix no.4. for each pot. Two of the containers also got top dressed with .5 cubic foot bag of alaskan humus i watered in and foliar fed with some aact (molasses, kelp, humic acid, handful each of ewc and humus) brewed for 24 hours. They seem to be loving their new homes.