2022 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

Having trouble finding Zerotol 2 in anything less than 2.5 gallon container - which is around $150.00. Do you have any sources?
I got mine from a local grower supply shop that sold quarts they made from the 2.5 gallon containers. I'll look around.
I got mine from a local grower supply shop that sold quarts they made from the 2.5 gallon containers. I'll look around.
They only sell it in the larger containers online. Too bad you can't go in on it with somebody. It doesn't go bad,that I have been able to tell, 2.5 gallons might last you 10 years.
The girls really enjoy a break from the heat. All the plants have 6 inches of nice new growth all over.
Ditto. Because of drought and water restrictions, I'm using my nozzle and watering and especially feeding, directly to the rootball. Plants seem to enjoy this, and I'm also seeing growth spurts. One of the tallest set I've grown so far. But not the tallest I've seen in my zone. Maybe a record breaking year for height!
Ok ,message me if you want to go in on the zerotol. If we can get 4 of us, we can all get a quart for oh, here's the place I'd get it....
https://growershouse.com/biosafe-sy...ource=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=&scid=scplp 10692 &sc_intid= 10692 &gsacid=929713396&keyword=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsoK4oeXG-QIVUv_jBx3stwTCEAQYBCABEgKrD_D_BwE

Looks like 2 quarts each x4 for $30 a head.
I’ve been using the “Monterey Complete Disease Control”… it’s a concentrate and a pint is just under $20 on Amazon. 2 quarts for me personally would be way overkill for a season I think. ;)
I’ve been using the “Monterey Complete Disease Control”… it’s a concentrate and a pint is just under $20 on Amazon. 2 quarts for me personally would be way overkill for a season I think. ;)
Monterey Complete Disease Control is a bacillus, functions differently than Zerotol. I have never used it myself. Zerotol lasts for years, I believe bacillus based treatments expire relatively quickly, as they are a "live bacteria" product. How effective has it been for you?
Monterey Complete Disease Control is a bacillus, functions differently than Zerotol. I have never used it myself. Zerotol lasts for years, I believe bacillus based treatments expire relatively quickly, as they are a "live bacteria" product. How effective has it been for you?
@mandocat That’s a fair question. Unfortunately my experience with it offers an incomplete status to date. I only started using Monterey last year and even then later than I should’ve being a newbie to the outdoor grow world. Given It was a tough season due to the wet/humid weather for pretty much everyone, I’ll refrain from offering an opinion, but this season being relatively opposite weather than last season, it’s seems to be holding its own. I have no PM issues to report at all… so far anyway. :D
@mandocat That’s a fair question. Unfortunately my experience with it offers an incomplete status to date. I only started using Monterey last year and even then later than I should’ve being a newbie to the outdoor grow world. Given It was a tough season due to the wet/humid weather for pretty much everyone, I’ll refrain from offering an opinion, but this season being relatively opposite weather than last season, it’s seems to be holding its own. I have no PM issues to report at all… so far anyway. :D
We also had a tough season last year, very wet summer! This year dry with 100 degree plus about every day, and no molds, so far. I haven't even sprayed zerotol. I have sprayed sulfur 3 times, as preventative. For the leaf septoria. I discovered that while zerotol is killer against PM, it doesn't phase septoria.
I was just on the Biosafe Systems website… and checked out some online reviews. That zerotol seems like pretty impressive stuff. Looks like the diff in 2.0 and HC is the hydrogen peroxide active ingredient is not inclusive to the HC. I read somewhere (Amazon reviews?) that if stored properly, it will last up to 3 years! I’ll likely finish the season using the Monterey given I already have it, but will certainly entertain the zerotol when I restock. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Lol :bigjoint: