Ok, eye candy. We Have Flower!!! These pics are the Jack Herer Auto I'm letting go til death, Alpha patch Waziri flowering, and great news! The Gigunda plant, <took pic even with top of balding head, it's getting big!> has finally shown her sex, and is a female. I'm ecstatic. It's very possible she's a tirah? Or one if the seeds a <ahem> friend blessed me with. Anyway, she's huge, healthy, doesn't seem to give 2 fucks there's a drought. Superbud is yellowing and finicky. I cut the last male from a 45 gal and dug down to transplant the last two Kush Mint late starts.
The ECSD is easy to distinguish from the kush mint, as the ECSD shows purple stems from early on. The KushMint is fat healthy green leaves on top, looks very promising, wish I'd gotten her in sooner. The last pic I'll describe is a very late start Superskunk which I have tied down aggressively, pinching one but not the other.
Fed them all last night, and had a deluge today, hoping they sucked most of it up and it didn't get washed out too bad.
Last thing, when I dug down in the 45, I was happy to see the soil was damp all the way down to the bottom. However, I water every evening, and almost every evening, topsoil looks bone dry. So I soak 'em good. Possibly I overwatered the Superbud- and is why it's yellowing. I'll hit it with calmag once more. Doesn't seem to like the nutes much.
Oh, and last pic, cop plane that buzzes my house making sure my Alpha patch is not out of control. Let em look. Im often out there naked.