1st Time Growing. With Pictures! Look For My Weekly Journal!


Well-Known Member
i was told to put sum nutes in my spray bottle about a week ago so i did and then this came up.
it says
"These symptoms also appear when strong nutrient solution is splashed onto the leaves under hot HID lamps, causing the leaves to burn under the solution."
but i have a 150 Watt CFL...?


Well-Known Member
Day 23

Its not been 2 days since my troubles and 2 days since I last saw my plants.

2 days ago, I filled my resuvuar with water and some liquid seaweed.

I came back today and saw my 2 best plants getting better.
Those 2 plants are looking a lot perky'r than 2 days ago!!
But I also saw 1 sick girl.
Shes very droopy and the older leaves have dark stains on the leaves.
I was very concerned so I cut the full leaf off the main stem.

What you see is the sad leaves that i cut off, next to my happy plant.

other than the little nute burn(i think its a nute burn atleast), the other part of the plant is pretty healthy looking, besides the drooping.

I am praying that she will get better.

Now for my other plants.
1 of my other plants had a little nute burn on sum tips of the leaves to i trimmed them up.

Here are the pictures for day 23.

Liquid Seaweed N-P-K is .5-.5-.5
Ph of water + seaweed is 6.0 - 6.2
Humidity is 53%
Temperature is 22oC
150 Watt Compact Flourescent Light is 4.5" away from the top of my biggest plant.

What do you think?

Give me tips, opinions, information, anything to make my plants healthier.



Elite Rolling Society
Bro, I don't mean to be a smart aSs, but You seem to have a difficult time reading and comprehending what advise is given to you. What part of DO NOT CUT ANYTHING didn't you understand? Wilting and yellowing leaves are not dead yet. If they were dead, they would fall off naturally and be solid crispy and solid yellow. Sick leaves can recover, they can grow, they can get better. yOU CAN CUT OFF A DEAD LEAF. DEAD LEAVES ARE YELLOW AND DRIED UP CRISPY.
I have studied and studied your pics.
You've been told several times to not cut anything. DO NOT CUT ANYTHING.
CUTTING OFF LEAVES SHOCKS IT, CUTTING OFF LEAVES STUNS IT. DO NOT CUT ANYTHING. If your arm gets a sore on it, do you cut your arm off?

You have been told several times to add more air stones, you do not have enough oxygen and that is causing the root rot. You have been told several times that you are not getting enough oxygen to the roots.
Root rot is caused by sitting in still (NOT Moving) poorly oxygenated water.
You need More AIR STONES. If the roots do not get enough air (Oxygen) then they rot! If the roots do not get enough oxygen, the leaf tips curl and turn. IF THE ROOTS DO NOT GET ENOUGH OXYGEN, YOU GET WHAT YOU GOT.
If you would read GROWFAQ you would see you have to have a fan, you have to have air moving. YOUR PLANTS NEED AIR CIRCULATING. YOUR ROOTS NEED OXYGEN!

AND YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TEN TIMES TO QUIT ADDING ANYTHING TO THE WATER, TO UIT FEEDING THEM, YOU ARE FEEDING THEM TOO MUCH. And after all those times, you add seeweed? I think you must hate those plants and are liking torturing them, by suffocating them, over feeding them,and cutting those leaves off.
man, you bought the cheapest Hydro system out there, for growing basil and parsley. IMPROVE THE SYSTEM WITH AIR STONES OR GROW SOM PARSLEY.

(for those other members reading this, ilikeblazin PMs me EVERYDAY, asking me what is wrong with his plants, and I mean every day for two weeks! Every day I tell him the same thing)
Good Luck doing it your way cutting those leaves off and NOT adding a airstone. Hows that working for ya ?


Well-Known Member
I tell you dude from looking at your journal only a couple of things could cause your plants to not do well in that system. 1 is not enough air. 2. your feeding them way to much. 3. your using the wrong kind of nutes.

My advice
1. make sure they have plenty of air.
2. Get some good nutes. Foxfarm or something like that. I say foxfarm cause I don't check nothing but PH and I always have success. *knock on wood*
3. Don't overanalyze everything or try and fix it.

Keep it simple. Start off with the water sitting out for a day or 2. Tap water, fu** it. Put some of that seaweed in, 1/2 the recommended dosage for a recirculating system! Get some good nitrogen low phosphorus fert. Preferably something that is mean for a hydro system and only use 1/2 strength. Them things look like they got nuked with a bomb!


Well-Known Member
Can I see a picture of your light. Your not meaning a 50 watt that equals a 150 are you? Or is it a true 150 watt?


Well-Known Member
well thanks for bein a smart ass about it.
and i do have airstones, but they are very small.
about 1.5".
can i buy air stones from hydroponic stores?
the seaweed is making my plants look a lot healthier.
they are perking up and the roots arnt getting root rot.
i have a fan that gives them lots of oxygen.
but yeah, i do need a bigger air stone to make the bubbles.


Well-Known Member
You could buy it from a hydro store, but you could probably get something cheaper at a local retailer instead of the hydro store. They always charge an arm and a leg for stuff that is cheaper at a retail store. Just go to the fish section or a aquarium store. I bet the reason they are doing better is the decreased amount of nutes you are giving them now. The fan giving them oxygen....well plants breath c02 not oxygen. The light...how big is it? True wattage not the equivalent wattage?


Well-Known Member
I run something about your size and I have 2 air pumps. Both air pumps have dual outputs. I'm also running a total of 4 aqua mist air stones in them. I'll post a pic I have of my 1st setup.


Well-Known Member
I just added another air pump, 6" air stone to go with it.
lots of bubbles are bubbling now.
I checked ph today and it was around 5.8 - 6.0


Elite Rolling Society
You're on the right track now, man.
Airstones are cheap at Walmart, Kmart, in the Fish and Aquarium Department.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i dont really likemy hydroponic system.
I am going to go purchase a big bin, that most ppl have.
but i cant seem to find how much it is.
I want to transfer them into a new bigger home-made system and add about 2 more airpumps.


Well-Known Member
Week 4, Day 28 Vegitation

Well I left my plants for 3 days hoping that I would see improvment of my plants. 2 are improving, while 1 is still slacking. All the plants have roots visible in the resuvuar.

I just picked up propper nutreints so I made a new batch with the new nutrients.
It included: Advanced Nutrients grow micro bloom- all 3, liquid seaweed, and water.
All added up makes a ph of about 5.6 - 5.8

Here are my plants:D

The biggest, healthiest plant is 7.5"
The 2nd biggest, healthiest is 6"
The slacker is 4"

also, I am going away and I won't see my plants for 6 days, so when I get back, lets hope they are healthy as can be!:D

Tell me whatcha think:D