1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!


Active Member
Lloking good ill be watching i have been having the same problems i am growing in a mothership and this is my first go around. I had alot of root problems and am hoping i just got over them and saved my ladies. Anyway looking great and im def subscribed as im looking at the problems you had and how you fixed them and applying them to my grow. here is my grow journal if you want to check it out and give me some advice i could use it!! Keep up the good work. here is the link


Active Member
Ok man i guess i couldnt of come across your thread at a better time. So i had some res temp issues just like you and i got root rot. I used some hydrogen peroxide and just plain water and super cleaned the res. Everything cleared up and looked golden after 2 days. I switched the res out and added my nutes for flowering last night. Everything looked fine. Now tonight my lights just came on and i look and i have that white gunk all over my roots like the snot stuff you had in your res. What the hell is this from how do i kill it? My plants look perfectly healthy and are still growing but my roots are not getting well established and its one problem after the next with them. my res temps range from like 66-72 now so i dont think its the res temps i have no idea what the fing problem is. What was the problem for you? Was it just res temps? My roots went from being a nasty brown to clearing up to now having this super white snot shit all over them please help!!


Active Member
Ok man i guess i couldnt of come across your thread at a better time. So i had some res temp issues just like you and i got root rot. I used some hydrogen peroxide and just plain water and super cleaned the res. Everything cleared up and looked golden after 2 days. I switched the res out and added my nutes for flowering last night. Everything looked fine. Now tonight my lights just came on and i look and i have that white gunk all over my roots like the snot stuff you had in your res. What the hell is this from how do i kill it? My plants look perfectly healthy and are still growing but my roots are not getting well established and its one problem after the next with them. my res temps range from like 66-72 now so i dont think its the res temps i have no idea what the fing problem is. What was the problem for you? Was it just res temps? My roots went from being a nasty brown to clearing up to now having this super white snot shit all over them please help!!
It can be one of two things in my experience: Algae or bacteria. Pythium ( root rot ) is a dirty fucking whore of a bacteria and often it can follow you around until your crop is finished, and afterwards if you dont sterilize everything. Even if you hydrox your shit, if some of that bactera survives and the reason it happened isn't solved, it WILL come back. My advice to you in this case: Go buy sensizym and piranha from a hydro store and start using that this crop. Try and get your res temps even lower. Use frozen water bottles like me. Disinfect the bottles, your tools, your EVERYTHING before it goes into the res. Sensizym and piranha literally rescued my crop dude, seriously think about it. Also, if you use beneficial bacters such as sensi or piranha, you have to drop the hydrogen peroxide completely, it will obliterate them. If you buy the BB's, consider voodoo juice as well. It'll make your roots thicker than your forearm. Good for rescuing a grow (expensive as fuck though)

Make sure every week when you change your res you shop vac the old shit out. The water pump does a piss-poor job of getting all the old crap out of there, you need to get the last bit yourself. And all the really bad stuff like dead roots and rot is sitting at the bottom so, if you leave it to the water pump, youll be seeing that till the end of your grow.

If it's algae, which I battled with a bit, it's because of light leaks. BCNL likes to advertise that their boxes are lightproof, but they most certainly are not. I'm not talking just about the net pods either. I don't have your journal open, but you absolutely need to (at the very least) put tin foil over the tops of your baskets so that no light leaks through them. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by putting a giant sheet of mylar across the top of your grow, but you might be too far into it (as I was) to do this.

The best thing you can do for algae is to go into your box, turn the lights out, open the lid of the res open and poke your head in there, then run a flash light over the top. If you see ANY light, it needs to be fixed, pronto. Algae CANNOT live without light. The slime for me was algae, i light proofed my box then cleaned the shit out of my res, and it hasn't returned. By the way, when algae dies, the pythium bacteria can it it and multiply. These two problems are almost synergistic. Once the light leak is solved, disinfect a brush and scrub your air stones and box clean of any slime (not the roots). Suck all that shit out, and once the problems solved that should do it. The shit in your roots you might have to either do a hydrogen peroxide dunk (if its really bad) or just gently rinse off with water... or leave it. Your roots might clean themselves off in fresh nutes if the algae can't reproduce.

Remember: you can treat the problem all day long, but if you don't solve the source of that problem, you'll never see the end of it. It cost me a crop, I hope it doesn't for you.

Please take some to-date pictures of your root zone, res, plants and everything and post them on your journal, then hollar. I'll take a look and give you my opinion on what you're dealing with.


Active Member
OK i've been struggling with the BCNL bloombox for a while now, my first dwc- used to ebb flow...anyway, what i've discovered is that you can't use full strength nutes, they'll burn your roots. It seems like your experiencing the same things i have: after a res change, everything looks good, then slowly roots turn brown, slow growth, purple stems.... Found that i needed to cut the nute strength by 1/2
have you tried this?
LMK how it works out. Im growing BBBC and they look great now that i've figured the nute thing out.


Active Member
Ya my plants look 100% healthy and great there growing amazing its just the damn roots. After i just flushed my system with water and hydrogen peroxide the roots looked better. I added 3/4 strength nutes back into the res. I didnt try half but i did 3/4 strength and now i got this white gunk all over the roots. Hopefully i have fixed the problem by covering up all areas where light could of been leaking into the res and i will be adding some h202 and plain water to the res tonight. Hopefully this will fix the problem i will keep u posted.


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Send me a PM or something. I want to help you but this thread after all is about my grow. I'll be happy to comment and whatnot on yours.


Active Member
Sorry didnt mean to jack your thread just got super nervous and was not even thinking about taking your thread over lol. Anyway back to your thread hope your ladies are doing well and cant wait for some pics!!
Hey guys just starting out with my new producer and all of the stuff you are posting is great!!!!!! Hope to get some pics on here soon, growing 2 strains, Bunker Bud and Fucking Incredible. Anyone have any experience with these strains???


Active Member
Hey guys, update.

So it's pretty clear to me now that I didn't veg nearly long enough. These PK didn't really sprout much at all, I'm probably looking at a final plant height of about 15 inches, which is unacceptable. I'm sure my inexperience was a factor in the slow growth as well. If my next batch of clones is another pure indica strain, I'll be turning on the co2 at the first week of flower, and vegging for another week. As you can see, there is a ton more room in that box.

Still all the while battling root issues. Today I went to balance my pH expecting it to be close to 6.5, and it was right where I left it at 5.6, and the res was very cloudy. There again is a bit of slime on the roots, which has happened consistantly when dealing with sensizym. I'm going to be trying a different enzyme product called Hygrozyme next run, the dosage is smaller and it's aparently much better. Anyways. The plants themselves look very healthy, the ones that I think will produce the most are pretty obviously the ones in the middle. Some of them have root balls thicker than my forearms, which is awesome.

I'm still doing the frozen water bottle thing for now, but I think I might follow a suggestion of a friend of mine, and buy another cheap water pump and have a constant flow of nutes running through a hose, running past my air conditioner coils, and then back into the res. It wouldn't be very pleasant to look at, but I think it would solve the temperature issue, and the waterfall of the nutes back into the res would add even more oxygen into the mix.

The old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment" holds very, very true. I'm going to be more than doubling the bubbles in my producer on the next run, and never allowing the temperatures to break 70, and just avoid all these root protector products to begin with. Not to mention disinfecting the living hell out of the box when i'm done this run. These enzyme and bacteria products are expensive, and a huge mess, and I would prefer to do without them to be quite honest.

Anyways, hopefully I'll get a few ounces out of this run to cover costs and invest in another air pump. Trying to be as realistic as I can. Sorry about the poor camera quality, I had to go back to my cell phone cam.



Active Member
Well you and i both with have some shorties this go around lol. Some is better than none i guess and hopefully we learned something and the next grow will be full to the top!! Anyway atleast your girls are looking nice and healthy. We should be harvesting and smoking our own home grown fire around the same time. Keep up the good work, looking forward to some updates and more pics!


Active Member
Good afternoon, update.

Things are going considerably well after all the obstacles of this grow. I made the bold decision to try hydrogen peroxide again during week 4's nute change, and go on the ultra-conservative dosage of only 10ml for the entire 34 ml. Made sure I gave it plenty of time to settle in before adding nutes. I also took carbo load out, as this was coating my airstones in gunk and making my res cloudy. These 2 decisions turned out to work remarkably well. My res hasn't looked this clear since I first started, roots aren't slimey at all, and air stones and like new. I'm going to follow a tip by BCNL and try to slowly throughout the week inject carboload back into the res every 2 days or so to prevent buildup. If I still see problems, I'm going to toss the bottle in the garbage.

Here are some pics. The plants are really short and stout, but I'm very impressed at how thick they already are, and they are already starting to demonstrate some crystal production.

Even at this point, with proper airflow from my air conditioner and the carbon filter, there isn't a single trace of plant smell in this room. So far so good!!



Active Member
Lookin nice. I just added some sweet back to my res yesterday which is the same as carboload. I stopped adding it when my roots had problems and ever since i stopped using it they have been fine. So this week will be the test if that and the hydro peroxide or whatever else is the problem. If the roots start to look bad its all becasue the sweet and i will take it out and try adding it in like you just said you were going to. Let me know how it works


Active Member
Well, the BCNL schedule says to add 60ml for this weeks res change, so I decided to try 3 equal portions of 20ml a few days apart. Already after adding just the 20ml I'm noticing a small amount of slimey buildup on the roots. It's not enough to call it a problem, but well have to see. Obviously a good portion of my previous slime problems were the carbo load. I'll post again in a few days when ive made up my mind about this stuff.


Active Member
Sounds good. IM hoping that mine dont start to get slime again. Sweet suggests 15-20ml per gallon of water. I have a 6 gal. res. so that would be 90-120 ml. I added 60 ml total so 10 ml per gallon. Hope the roots will be fine since i gut the strength down.


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Week 5, day 1

Hey guys,

Plants are looking great. Getting thicker every week. I'm pretty sure the colas aren't going to be very thick by the end of the run, as I've seen a lot of SOG purple kush grows and they aren't exactly single cola plants. Couple little things. First, 2 of my plants leaves are yellowing much faster than my other plants. I have absolutley no idea why, but it is what it is. The other plants have a tiny bit of yellowing at the tips but im not too worried about it. Buds are getting nice and sticky and sticky, and thicker all the time. Going to buy a microscope at the beginning of week 7 to determine when to start flushing, but other than that alls well.

I have to say, after adding hydrogen peroxide at the beginning of week 4, I can't believe what a good job it's done down there. There's new roots now shooting through the old soggy ones into the water! This hasn't happened in over 3 weeks. Several plants are showing new root growth, and there isn't a single trace of slime or gunk in the res. I'm going to halt the use of carboload for the rest of this run unless I get some explosive root growth, it's just not doing anything with the sick roots in there but making a big mess.

I'll try and post some pictures this week if I can borrow a friends camera.

Thanks for staying tuned.


Active Member
Hahaha! I look forward to seeing your results man!!

Guys I gotta say how impressed I am with this h2o2. There are roots coming out of every pod into the water now, It's so refreshing to see new white roots. One plant appears to be ripening faster than the others, it's demonstrating a lot of yellowing on the leaves and some browning hairs, the other hairs on the other plants are all white. Next week I'm going to have to get that microscope and keep an eye on it in case it needs to be chopped early :(

Other than that, things are great. I'm actually more excited to upgrade my box and get going on my next grow than I am about finishing this one. I've learned so, so much.

Anyways, stay tuned, I'll have some pics next week for sure.


Active Member
Week 6, day 1.

Sorry for no pics, I refuse to take pics with my phone ,they just look like crap.

So, one of the plants has some very yellow leaves, and some dying leaves, and the others are just showing a bit of yellowing at the tips. I am guessing this is either because A) They have no healthy roots to absorb the nutrients, and B) they are short, so I might be over feeding them by following the BCNL schedule. Either of these im not sure of. Regardless, they have gotten thicker, but they arent nearly where I want them to be. I'm prepared to run the full 8 weeks if I have to before flushing to get what I want. Some of the hairs are browning. This is my first week of overdrive!

The new white roots are getting bigger every day. They are no longer going brown and then dying as soon as they hit the water, they are actually getting bigger and bigger, which fills me with such hope. The old roots are looking like absolute garbage, if they get any worse im going to manually pick them off on the next res.

the lack of good roots sure explains the plants not getting big or thick!

I am, however, very happy with the trichome production so far. The leaves and the buds are very crystally, and I'm sure whatever I do end up getting will be high quality PK. I guess you can only screw up these genetics so much!

Anyways, thanks for staying tuned.


Active Member
This is my first week of Overdrive too.

Heads up... I've heard that camera pics have sensitive information embedded in them, so careful posting those anyway.