1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!


Active Member
Yes you want co2 because it will increase growth ALOT. Plants will stop stretching by week 3 so u want them to grow big and heathy for those weeks so they can support lots of buds. H202 will kill anything growing in the rez. You should just clean out the rez completely. Rinse with a h202 solution run that for an hour or so and then empty it out and make a new batch.


Active Member
By that i mean ph balance water 70 ml of h202 for a 40L rez. Run that few hours empty that and make a new 40l rez with nutes and again 70ml of h202. When adding h202 to your rez during the week do not put directly into rez or u can damage root. You have too dilute with water


Active Member
By that i mean ph balance water 70 ml of h202 for a 40L rez. Run that few hours empty that and make a new 40l rez with nutes and again 70ml of h202. When adding h202 to your rez during the week do not put directly into rez or u can damage root. You have too dilute with water
Thanks a lot for the tips man. I followed some advice online and trimmed some of the really brown roots off, and left the white ones. I completely cleaned out my res just now, shop vac, wipe down, everything, then I filled it back up with about 36 litres of dechloronated water and about 60 ml of hydrox, ph balanced at 5.6.

I'm going to let that sit for a bit and follow your advice and put nutes back in tonight or maybe tomorrow.

I'll turn the Co2 on when I replace this solution with week 2 of flowering nutes. I'll let you know how the little babies respond to all this stress :(


Active Member
Well, I checked today on my h2o2 / pH water solution. Plants are still looking alive, but the roots right at the base of the plants look like crap. Dark brown, not looking very good at all. I'm going to leave the h2o2 solution in there for a while and just watch them. I'm hoping to see some new root growth soon, then i'll add some nutes to the mix. This is making me sad :(


Active Member
Hey guys, I've made a decision to euthanize the plants, and treat this as a learning experience. The roots at the base of the baskets were a dark brown, approaching black colour, and I was only on my second week of flowering with a very minimal initial investment. I decided to cut my losses and start fresh with a full capacity grow. I'll do a quick write-up as to why and what I've learned.

The most obvious problem I was having was my temperatures. They were all over the place. Cold at night and fuming hot during lights-on day. Even after I ducted the bulb vents out of the room an AC was needed. I did not, however, install the AC until the problem had already set in, so there you have it.

The second problem in my opinion was that I wasn't diligent in cleaning my res properly or cleaning my tools. I didn't buy a shop vac until after my first res change, so a great deal of the left-over gunk from the my vegetative growth was sitting in my res for flowering. I also didnt clean my hands and pH meter, or thermometer every time I used it, and I *may* have had a slight light leak issue from improper coverage of the empty pots... pure speculation but you never know.

My third problem was my additaves. I added liquid carbo load as per the BCNL schedule right away in my first week of flowering, and this I think got things started. I've read that carbo load should only be considered when you've got an excellent root structure to drink it up, or it just floats there and creates problems. I only had about 3-4 plants touching the res this point, and I noticed the 'snot' 3 days after I added the carbo load nute batch. As for the hydrox, I added it too late, and improperly. I should have added it right from the get-go during vegetative growth, but I came in on the flowering after problems had alreadyt set in. Also, I didn't let it sit in a seperate pot of water for 20 minutes before adding it to my res, so it wasn't distributed properly. I'm really starting to consider the old mantra "less is more", and next time around I'm going to start with a very basic Bloom A+B and hydrox solution *at least* until I have some really strong white roots... like I used to have :neutral:

A final few things I think I did wrong... I used the watering rocker switch a few times to make sure my lines were all running well, but I did it while still in the plants. I didn't think a minute or so of extra watering would hurt too much, but its possible that I helped to over water and possibly drown my roots. I also did just an awful job of balancing my pH. I almost always added too much, occasionally adding WAY too much (bringing it down to 3). I've learned how to dilute it a bit and add slowly, AND to clean my tools before adding, hopefully this will help. Generally, my grow room could be cleaner as well. I'm going to really nail this tomorrow... My entire grow setup is going to get the living hell bleached out of it, and then flushed before my new ladies go in, and my grow room is getting a solid sweep/mop and wipe down.

All in all, cost me about 100$ of clones/nutes/power, and in return, a tremendous amount of knowlege. Thanks for all the tips guys, I hope this experience will help someone else out there, and please stay posted, because I'll be making a new thread with my next grow within the next couple weeks!!

Thanks to all the people who gave me tips about saving my plants!


Active Member

I used AN Sensizym during my producer grow and never had root problems, not even a little. I also used AN Piranha Powder and Tarantula Powder which both contain beneficial bacteria. I'm no expert so I can't attribute causation of healthy roots to these products, but it might be worth a try. Also consider that I don't have a shop vac and while I changed my res weekly, I always left a good 1-2 gallons of old nutes/water behind.

Good luck!


Active Member

I used AN Sensizym during my producer grow and never had root problems, not even a little. I also used AN Piranha Powder and Tarantula Powder which both contain beneficial bacteria. I'm no expert so I can't attribute causation of healthy roots to these products, but it might be worth a try. Also consider that I don't have a shop vac and while I changed my res weekly, I always left a good 1-2 gallons of old nutes/water behind.

Good luck!
Thanks buddy. I honestly don't think it was the leftover weak nutrient solution that did it either, but one problem can compound another, you know?

I want to also add to other people using this machine that there *is* lightleaks along the major irrigation lines where the plastic top intersects the piping. This would absolutely account for some of the snot in my res. They are very small, but there's about 4 of them!! It took me putting in my MH bulbs and having them going to see them while balancing my pH. Be wary producer users!!! If you don't believe me, pop your lights, lower the lid till its almost closed then slowly run your hand across the top... you'll see them. That is, unless I'm just really unlucky and got some bogus top... but it really does appear to be a design flaw.

Anyways, I have clones in, and after a week of nute burning them, they get flushed tomorrow with a weak solution and away we go.:wall:

I'll post pics and... hell... I'll even keep it in this thread!!


Active Member
Sorry about the lack of updates, the leaves are burnt and look like absolute crap, so I'm too ashamed to take pics. Got the problem solved for now, new growth looks lifted and healthy, so when they are vegged a little further ill post. Stay tuned!


Active Member
Ok guys, here are a couple pics of the old grow, showing how healthy they looked up top and how foul the roots were on the bottom. I almost cried... right before I drove them down the garborator :lol:

As for the new pics, 2 of which are my closet veg station with the God bud seedlings, and one of the purple kush clones that im going to mom. They aren't doing too well it seems, but i'm giving them their time.

The ones in the box are looking finally pretty good. Before they looked absolutely horrible due to my pH failures and nute burn, but they are recovering nicely and are on a full veg schedule now. The leaves appear to be a bit curved upwards, which I don't think is too big of a deal, as they are growing very well.

Have pretty much everything dialed in. The new closet veg station added more heat to the problem, but my AC is working pretty well. Taking care of the res a *lot* better now with the shop vac and the hydrox, and of course the drastic drop in water temperature.

Anyways, let me know what you think :) i'll take some pics next week, and let you know if they need more veg time, or if i've decided to flower.



Active Member
I love those inside the res pics! My favorite picture to take and look at. I feel like Im using an endoscope or peering into a world where no man may go...


Active Member
I love those inside the res pics! My favorite picture to take and look at. I feel like Im using an endoscope or peering into a world where no man may go...
Absolutely man! The roots are looking pretty good. All of them are now touching the water except one.... it won't root at all, but it's still alive, so i'll push the little prick as far as I can :D

There is some darkness on the roots, but I discovered this is because the gentleman who supplied me the clones put them in peat pellets, so it's the darkness from the moss. No stinky roots, most are nice and white, and the plants are shooting up like noones business. I think I should be able to flower them on Monday. Another 50ml if hydrox went in today ( Thursday ).

One of the little girls had her stem bent just a tad, and it looks like it became an accidental LST plant, because it now has two tops. I'll take advantage of this, and watch it grow to see if LSTing is a possibility with some or all of the plants in this box. Measure the yields, etc.

I'll keep yall posted.

I have to also add that I have to agree with what ancap and some others were saying about these boxes not having enough air. It's obvious there are certain hot spots where there is tons of oxygen, and other spots where it's lacking. Would be nice to see someone experiment with an additional air pump from a pet supply store or something... I'm considering it.


Active Member
Smokedup12 added another air pump to his Producer. This is what he said on my other thread...

"Yes i have extra air pumps outside of the box, at the intake fan there are slots that allow u to attach Vent covers. I took a flathead screw driver and gently bent it side to side opening a slightly bigger hole. Ran a air hose through that and through a net basket into rez no problem. Im going to invest in a very powerful air pump to run on both my producers. Plants directly under airstonse vs ones that are not are very skinny and under developed. This is the best thing u can do to increase yield."


Active Member
Smokedup12 added another air pump to his Producer. This is what he said on my other thread...

"Yes i have extra air pumps outside of the box, at the intake fan there are slots that allow u to attach Vent covers. I took a flathead screw driver and gently bent it side to side opening a slightly bigger hole. Ran a air hose through that and through a net basket into rez no problem. Im going to invest in a very powerful air pump to run on both my producers. Plants directly under airstonse vs ones that are not are very skinny and under developed. This is the best thing u can do to increase yield."

Yea that's a great idea, I wonder how many extra air stones that extra pump is powering? It would be really nice to have a total of 8 running side by side. I think that would do wonderful things for the quality of the water in there, and the stones really are dirt cheap. I think i'll run to the pet store and do that before I do my next crop.

As for my current ladies, all of them are doing fantastic except again for that little runt on the right. I hope he starts rooting or he's going to be lost in the fray.

I am mildly concerned about the shape of the leaves. They have a beautiful healthy green, but some of them are breaking on their own in the middle (only a few) and they are slightly curved towards the lights. You can get an idea of this if you look at the pictures. Anyone think this is cause for concern?


Active Member
Good to see you back on track....takin a seat...

Welcome! And thanks.

I'm having a tough time dialing on my h2o2. I've decided to dose the res daily with a very small dose of h2o2 to keep it really clean and to have a steady flow of oxygen. Seems I keep using too much, and the plants droop and burnt the tips of my roots. I'm down to as little as 5ml of 35% every day, might end up being even less.

I'm adding it to a litre or two of water ahead of time, mixing well, then leaving for 20 mins before adding. then I add it, pH balance, and that's my daily maintenance.

Anyone see anything wrong with this.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! And thanks.

I'm having a tough time dialing on my h2o2. I've decided to dose the res daily with a very small dose of h2o2 to keep it really clean and to have a steady flow of oxygen. Seems I keep using too much, and the plants droop and burnt the tips of my roots. I'm down to as little as 5ml of 35% every day, might end up being even less.

I'm adding it to a litre or two of water ahead of time, mixing well, then leaving for 20 mins before adding. then I add it, pH balance, and that's my daily maintenance.

Anyone see anything wrong with this.
is this just something to prevent root rot

I dont add anything on a daily basis...and i only check my water every other day...well when i am done with vegging...so im not too sure im not knocking it...but maybe skip a day and see what happens i know root rot is in the back of your mind but u never know...seems to be that the beginning is the most crucial...and they burn easy...i picked up some of that revive a while back and it seems to work just fine...when ever have and issue i just empty the res and use that or spray some on and seems to do the trick...but like i said im not knockin it but u never know...something else u might want to try is freezing some ph balanced water and add a cup or tray of that every night...that keeps my water cool and my ph just about right...