1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)


Active Member
HAHA amen to that. These are some stinky ass plants! In a good way though of course... :).

Looked at a couple of the recent pics you took of your Easy Ryder.... it looks very odd, not at all like any of mine or any of the pics I've seen of them (which mine all seem to mirror except in overall size and minus my leaf problems). I don't know if it's just the angle or the distance or the lighting or what, but those pics just like totally bizarre. I definitely have way more red/amber hairs on some of my plants at around 50-55 days than I see on yours, for whatever that's worth, but I'm not touching anything for at least another week, and some will be going at least 2 more weeks. Hope yours finishes soon!
glad its not just me who thinks they look odd, they did have a pretty rough time of it which is why the leaves look so bad, nre growth has been decent looking though... well, to me it appears that for some reason its sneding out way more new shoots/hairs than normal almost liek its starting floweirng over or something which is weird since these are autoflowers... they looked a lot more "normal" a couple of weeks ago, look closely at all the newer leaves on the ones buds especially, posts 73 and 74 are the one plant


Active Member
went crazy last night and chopped the main cola off the ugly one...sigh. couldnt wait, jad to have some smoke, after(bad) trimming, 33g, so maybe 1/4 oz after drying? prob that much left on the plant, maybe more and Ive prob taken at least 3 grams(dried) off it so my guess is at least a 1/2 oz off the one, but considering what it went thru Ill take it :) I figured at the start if I averaged 7-10 gramss per plant(5 plants) I'd break even on cost, so I think I shall have no trouble reaching that goal and exceeding it. guessing from what this looked like, the IcedG should be good for a couple of zips, still no idea on the bagseed, hairs turrning more each day but no calyx swelling yet


Active Member
another mini update ...
easy ryders in the cab ...still very few amber, their stink is on the upwards though
Bagseed Cindy is getting redder every day, def is drying withering pistils, but no sign of calyx swelling yet
I'm really interested in the timing of the "ripening" of the varieties, kinda like some tomatoes seem to go from green to red overnight and others is a much more gradual change
IcedGrapefruit is just going along...though Im fairly sure there are more dying hairs though, figure maybe shes 6 weeks in a 10 week type?
Thats about the longest I can let them go, another 4 weeks
Coletrain .... volas are growing but not nearly as ...fluffy? as teh Iced G, by which I mean the tufts of pistils are smaller and not as dense
(although I feel pretty dense about now) and the pistils themselves are shorter, about 3-4 weeks in on a 8 week strain....
Its barely possible I can get them longer, but....

Smoke report on the Easy ryder at < 10% amber, quick dried in a vape at 185 F
pretty decent I read another smoke rep on ER and he said it was judged a decent mid by his friends who didnt know its heritage...I'd have to say, with the early harvest in mind, that good mids is about right. all in all, with letting the rest go till much more amber, a nice relaxed saturday kind of smoke, not couchlock, just a nice buzzed feeling, relaxed


Active Member
pictures for sunday:
bagseed... reddening up hairs everywhere now, maybe some bud swelling starting,9 weeks in flower
Iced Grapefruit, some beginnings of pistils reddening/drying, maybe 6 weeks in flower?
Coletrain, 3 weeks in flower? doing fine so far
and now the Easy ryders.... cut most of the main cola on the one that was most odd looking(the one I supercropped), smoking it now... good mids...
still very few amber on them..... all milky though, except for a few spots


Active Member
well, day 76 of the Easy Ryder Death watch... still only occasional ambers basically no change the last week or so, except possibly more cloudy, havent really focused on that ... taking too damn long :)


Active Member
hahahahahaa, man that sux i think. I'm so high off vaporizer
Ive never had much luck with a vaporizer, I always go back to a pipe, of course I cant honestly say Ive ever had any super good stuff either, thats why Im looking forward to the Iced Grapefruit, thatll be my first full sized plant of good genetics(Easy ryder being autoflower and I messed it up pretty good )
Heres Easy Ryder at day 77, still very few amber but it sure looks ready....
Easy Ryder_Day77.jpg


Active Member
smoking the cola I pulled 6 days ago, smokes ok, decent buzz, but its the only thing keeping me from harvesting the rest of the easy ryder!!


Active Member
ok, just checking my dates and the Iced Grapefruit has been in flower just under 6 weeks! def a 10 week variety unless it ripens really quick from this point on, technically speaking though, if I did see pistils on it at 8/30 or so, then, its been a day under 7 weeks


Active Member
I discovered why my plants rarely look like anyone elses(to me anyway)... since I have CMH builbs Ive always taken pics just under those lights, I noticed a few weeks ago how different plants looked with the flash being used so decided to take some and oh my... what a differnce, I literally would not recognize those pictures as being the same plant as I was looking directly at.... seriously... they look a lot more..?? normal? the bagseed especially looked like maybe a week or so, looked much fuller and riper with the flash, and the Iced Grapefruit looked way fuller and further along, I can see maybe 3 weeks if its a quick finisher... that would take it to about 10 weeks flowering? those pics are on another pc, Ill do some side by sides when I get home today

Plus I decided for various reasons(we're moving in a couple of weeks and I really need to get shit packed, lights ballast anything Im not using) to chop the Easy ryders saturday or sunday, niow the question is, should I drown them? I wouldnt hesitate except for the fact Illumination just had a bad case of bud rot after drowingin, not saying the 2 are related, but could it be? something in fermentation might make it a better substrate for mold growing? anyway Im sure thats not, but... heck I'll probably drown one starting tonight and give it maybe 20 hours light then turn the light off for good and give it 12-24 hours in the dark before chop? sound good? buehler? buehler?

edit: and of course those pics are on another pc...I'll take some this afternoon and post side by sides


Active Member
hmmm... if I chop them both, I can dismantle the ballast and light and get them packed away and use the cabinet to dry them in for a few days? I can keep my thermo/hygrometer in ther and when the humidity goees up turn the fan on to lower the humidity? plus if it gets too cold I can use a ceramic space heater that would fit in the cabinet.... and if I do it early sat morning I can monitor it for 2 days straight which should take it rhu half the drying or more? I should see what Riddle was doing with his cabinet as far as what temp/humidity etc...


Active Member
another PS: I've also started giving the full size plants an extra hour of darkness, in hope sit might speed them up a little, read of people using this to speed up flowering, mixed success but what the heck


Well-Known Member
Hi. Just to say I grew EasyRiders 10 fems and they were healthy grow all the way no matter conditions, very strong plant, but high was too mild for my taste and plants too small. I was just keen on autoflowerings to see how they go and to gain some experience. I will not grow 'em anymore. Very quick till harvest thou. I also topped 5 of my Riders and they all had 2 top colas but count on 2 weeks longer flowering than those that were not topped. Anyway, g luck ;)


Active Member
well,given diff circumstances I caan see it getting better, we'll see ,because...
Life happens :) my wife got really paranoid so i decided to chop the one er that i took the main top off of.did juat a quick trim of all the main fanleaves left all the sugar leaves and will try trimming
it when dry. did take the buds off the ig sticks...weighed in at 90 grams wet so figure closer trimming will take a quarter of that ? so 65 grams will dry to maybe 15 gr? we'll see...
Drowning the other easy ryder in the dark right now... will probably chop it in the morning or more likely in the afternoon after 24 hours of drowning in the dark


Well-Known Member
ER main bud shrinks a lot and I was not happy with dry weight at all. The buds looked hard and massive when alive, but later they became fluffy and small. I didn't measure the weight becuase simply I decided immediatelly NOT to grow em anymore becuase of plant size (and ER is the biggest autoflowering plant on market). I have a 2m x 2m box ;) I would need 40 ERs to be satisfied with yield ;))) Personaly, i think autoflowerings are for people who have no space, or are beginers, or window growers.... Check my thread to see real strains ;)))) lol Good luck mate.


Active Member
havent tried the Iced grapefruit yet, wont test for at least a week, there are a few buds that seem to be ripening faster than the main cola


Active Member
heres a couple shots using the flash, seriously, these look nothing like the actual plants do in person, these both look a lot further along!
well, ok, at least a week,maybe 2 further along
Now... of course I base all my knowledge(just read fdds are they finished thread) of how the plants look, time to finish and all that from the pictures on here and of course most people use the flash or take those horrible yellow pics under hps... so until I looked at mine under the same conditions as the thousands I have perused here, they just never looked normal :)
bagseed with flash:
bagseed_flash (Large).JPG without flash:bagseed_10_17.jpg sorry the pics arent more alike, but maybe you can see what I was babbling about
Iced Grapefruit with flash
IcedG_flash (Large).JPG without flash:IcedGrapefruit_10_17.jpgthe second one is a tad dark but again, they just dont look the same
heres another flash shot of the Iced G:IcedG_flash2 (Large).JPG Im more impressed by that pic than I am in person :)