1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)


Active Member
man, for a bagseed, Cindy sure is looking good and smelling skunky, although the smell seems to come and go thru the day? But she(hopefully) is really bushung out, 2 weeks in 12/12 now
IMG_2905 (Custom).JPG


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The CMH bulb is in the veg cab now, after an hour temp is up to 82 but Ill leave it go for a while, need to search for a medium base pulse rated socket for the 150 watt hps, but if I find a mogul base Ill exchaneg the medium base bulb for a mogul base bulb


Active Member
thanks :) for a bagseed its turning out to be a nice looking plant, really bushy, a tad too stinky , but Im going to try to diy a better filter, right now its 3 layers of a sheet filter with carbon in it from wal mart. I blew the original up and it sure looled like there were tiny hairs on the hair itself for catching pollen


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Transplanted the 2 easyryders into their final pots, a little over 2 gallon tubs. For such tiny plants(2 inches maybe) the roots were at the bottom of the party cup(large size) and would have started circling the cup in another day or two, again, 2 weeks seems to be about right for getting them out of the cups. Straight FFOF with a couple of tablespoons of dolomite lime. 1/2 strength Liquid Karma. Need to duct tape the outside, (clearish sterilite containers). drilled holes in the bottom and a layer of landscape fabric on the bottom for drainage.

All of the plants under the CMH bulb really seem to have picked up growth this last few days since I put it in. The ColeTrain has the fattest leaves compared to every other plant I have by a long shot, need to finish the new box today and transplant it tonight maybe.


Active Member
Watered Cindy again this morning, really starting to suck up the water now, 1/2 strength pro bloom added. Boy these are pretty plants, my wife says she'd love to keep them in the living room if it was legal here.


Active Member
measured cindy this morning, 17 inches! so she has just about tripled in height since going to 12/12, more white hairs, no sign of buddage yet though...

EasyRyders look good after their transplant yesterday but I have a feeling these will be the 8 inch type :) hey , if I get a couple of bowls Ill be happy !


Active Member
Put the Iced Grapfruit in the flowering cabinet today, she just exploded this week, at 8 inches with what Ive seen from the bagseed hopefully it'll stay under 30 inches with the stretch, plus I have a deadline coming up(moving).

The EasyRyders are in the vegging cab at 20/4, looking so much better since the transplant and the coletrain will be transplanted into a larger container this weekend, probably move her to a 1 gal container, possibly a 2 gallon laundry basket like the IcedG. Not sure if it was the CMH bulb(first full week just got done) but everything is looking good.


Active Member
Looking at last sundays pics, the Iced Grapefruit doubled in size this week, looks like a totally different plant today!


Active Member
watered cindy and the icedg today. Redid the flowering cab diyed another carbon filter and moved the td100 fan outside the cabinet, seems to have solved the heat and the stink issues, More white hairs on cindy @ 8 days flowering, counting from when sex showed. Now 4-42 watt 2700 K and 2 42 watt 6500K bulbs in there. May add a 150HPS later this week.

Did new cab for easyryders and the coletrain using the CMH bulb in there, temp is excellent in there now, 75-79F. Coletrain is in a one gal pot now.

Pics after the sun comes up.


Active Member
bagseed_08_22_10 .JPG Cindy(bagseed) 8 days into flowering, white hairs showing up

Iced Grapefruit day 25 overall, switched to 12/12 8/21
IcedG_08_22_10.JPG doubled in height this week after switching to CMH bulb

EasyRyders, still lagging, think it was mostly heat stress

Coletrain, finally starting to take off, this and the easyryders and the iced G were under the CMH this week
Coletrain_08_22_10 .JPG


Active Member
just reading about iced grapefruit, didnt realize it was mostly sativa, good thing I put it into flower already if the bagseed is any clue, bagseed is up to 22 inches, 5/6 inches when I put it into 12/12... leaves look similar to iced g. so maybe sativa dominant

Everybody is looking good, heat issues finally all solved


Active Member
watered bagseed and icedG this morning, plenty of runoof, water was phed at 6.4, about a gallon each

may top the coletrain above the second node just for fun UB style

my wife emailed me worried that the easyryder cab was up to 82 yesterday and she felt like she should do something :)


Active Member
watered bagseed today, 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom and molasses, fed the rest to the EasyRyders which have white hairs popping up everywhere and are still only 4 inches tall, damn heat stress, oh well, 1st grow and all that

Iced Grapefruit is looking really good, I believe I see a few white hairs her and ther, not bad for only one week since it went to 12/12, no smell on it yet though

Coletrain could be a stinky one I think , caught a whiff last night while watering her ...

Not too worried about yield since its first time out, I figured if I could average 7-8 grams on each of the 5 I would break even on cost, around here pretty much everything goes for 400 an oz. and no guarantee its anything more than mids, although I lack a lot of smoking time I admit but out of 8-9 different batches I was only impressed with 2 of them and this is after not smoking for over 20 years


Active Member
Sunday pics (from yesterday):
Cindy(bagseed) 16 days in flower
Bagseed_08_30_10 003.jpg growing like a weed... only have a couple inches left in my cab
too late to supercrop or lst?

Iced Grapefruit: 7 days in flower, I think I saw a couple of hairs this weekend
Iced Grapefruit_08_30_10 005.jpg 10 inches tall, growing like a ...

Easy ryders, flowering away, I think day 25 total, had a hard time so they are shrimpy :)
EasyRyders_08_30_10 007.jpg

and last... Coletrain chugging away... day 21 maybe?

