150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Active Member
Could yu check out my journal and give me some advice to my setup I'm using a tent that I got from the hydro store and a 150w hps. Thanks. You seem to have done good with the 150 hope I see some results like yours.


Well-Known Member
okay...So as JN knows from our time on call of duty (wanna play homie? im bored) i had an issue with my timer. Lights were on 13/11 instead of 12/12 and I fixed that a couple days ago. Well....Now i have mass amounts of female preflowers every damn where...I love it...3/3 females :D So I know they arent good pictures but I accidently deleted the 2 good ones so these blurry ones will have to work.

EDIT: Decided to play the metaphoric devils advocate and go take more pics.


Sure enough. Try venting 400 watts from an 18"x36"x48" It CAN be done but it isn't easy. If you go with a passive system, it shouldn't take more than a few pancake fans. Dealing with odor when they start flowering is an issue you might as well deal with now, 'cause your gonna do it one way or another..you'll have to...bongsmilie

Dude, I have a 150 hps and they can get over 100 F easily. I had a similar cab built, 2'X 2' X 4'. I tried growing an autoflowering strain (white dwarf), but ventilation wasn't good enough. I wanted mine to be stealth and a there's nothing stealthy about a vortex fan. So I had to dismantle my cab and just use my closet with the door open. the temps stayed in the 76-78 range, which is good, but the stealth was zero. My girlfriend found them and was royally pissed. So my advice to you is design a proper ventilation system so you don't get found by ANYONE


Well-Known Member
No offence to you Peabody, But does anyone actually READ threads? I mean god damn...How long ago did I tackle that? Like 2 weeks old? Temps, Smell, etc etc isnt an issue. Neither is anyone finding it. I dont allow anyone in my house that dosent condone the medical use nor do I hide anything. Trust me...If someone wanted to take me down the LAST thing im worried about getting snitched on about is my weed. I can burn that in 30 seconds. Moving bodies is hard though ya feel me. Dont sweat it though...I guess I need to say it again: I have a carbon scrubber up. My entire bedroom is lightproof...I mean without going down the hour long list I have it covered it easily...


Well-Known Member
okay...So as JN knows from our time on call of duty (wanna play homie? im bored) i had an issue with my timer. Lights were on 13/11 instead of 12/12 and I fixed that a couple days ago. Well....Now i have mass amounts of female preflowers every damn where...I love it...3/3 females :D So I know they arent good pictures but I accidently deleted the 2 good ones so these blurry ones will have to work.

EDIT: Decided to play the metaphoric devils advocate and go take more pics.
shit dude sorry my pm box is full.. yea im down get ur ass on!


Well-Known Member
Okay so I got my bio bizz samples here the day before yesterday. Just mixed up my first gallon (GOD DAMN! Used like 1/10th of the sample bottle and I got 3 of just the bloom nutes) Only mixed to half strength for the first gallon and il go full on the second. I figured its better for them to have a tiny defficiency than burn. I think bio bizz has a new fan. Still cant wait for my botanicare nutes though. Next grow I think im going to do a side by side between the 2 and decide which I like better.


Well-Known Member
I used some of my samples on my last batch of nutes, but i just sopped because it was leaving a filmy residue in my water, it was really weird, the Bio Grow is really concentrated


Well-Known Member
Yea theyre a little crazy. I was going to wait until the morning to water again but I checked on the girls and all of them accept the one I topped was droopy as fucking hell and almost started to get crispy from lack of water. Damn family kept me busy this weekend. Wifeys coming up this coming weekend hopefully so we'll see what she says about the girls.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I know I havent posted any pics or anything in awhile so I figured id take a minute out of my busy ass schedule and make an update. Nothing much has changed. Switched the girls over to half strength Bio-Bizz bloom nutes and despite me forgetting to water and them getting droopy twice theyve packed on around 4-6 inches since I started them on Bio-Bizz a week or two ago. I didnt really get any pictures of the pistols because...Well...We ALL know what they (and the rest of bud production) looks like so I think I should show something diffirent so people can see more about the OTHER parts of flowering. I tell ya what. Its starting to be a bitch to reach up to raise the light.

Anyway, Pictures are fairly self explanatory so as usual any questions comments picture requests etc. are more than welcome. Now, Lets get to the fun part :D

Oh and before I forget. My cousins back down this weekend. Hes missing his right leg so I decided since he hasnt smoked in over a year and his pain pills arent working id smoke with him. Welllll...I was out of weed and just had dry leaves. A bong pack between me and him and we were actually pretty messed up. Not "oh hell i cant walk" by any means but defenitly a potent high for the flower time so far.



Well-Known Member
Okay so I know I havent posted any pics or anything in awhile so I figured id take a minute out of my busy ass schedule and make an update
The girls are lookin good dog! I cant wait to see some juicy buds.:bigjoint: