150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Well-Known Member
you can buy like 20 3 gallon pots for $15 and they dont take up much space at all.. just search online..


Well-Known Member
Yea good point im trying to think of what I got. i got 1 maybe 2 3 gallon buckets I can steal...Let me go scout and see what I can find il get back to yall...Now wheres that damn flashlight...
LFMAO.. I did it last grow! I stole 3 5 gallon pots from the nieghbor.. its winter out everythings dead.. Ill give em back before summer ;)


Well-Known Member
HOT DAMN! next time 10 tons of wood turned into a barn hits you in the head. Look around. it may have gave you pots too! :wall: 4 10" hanging pots converted into useful pots and 1 big orange unknown size "Dec-Grow No. 10" Its 10" across but damn deep...



Well-Known Member
HOT DAMN! next time 10 tons of wood turned into a barn hits you in the head. Look around. it may have gave you pots too! :wall: 4 10" hanging pots converted into useful pots and 1 big orange unknown size "Dec-Grow No. 10" Its 10" across but damn deep...
nice job:eyesmoke:look at that u came up! Now all u need is some good soil.. Btw if ya didnt know u should water ur plant before and after transplanting.. Before to protect the rootfibers from moving to prevent shock and after to help them find there way to the new soil.. Good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. i got a big ass bag of soil sitting in the corner soil isnt a problem. Now...I got to go clean these out and transplant. Il get pics up soon.


Well-Known Member
make sure you wash those out very well with soap you dont wanna track in any bugs that are dormant... I just found some thrips in my closet.. eating some leaves..


Well-Known Member
Thanks. i got a big ass bag of soil sitting in the corner soil isnt a problem. Now...I got to go clean these out and transplant. Il get pics up soon.
cool dude, Im out i gotta make some dinner. Good luck! btw im subscribed..Later


Well-Known Member
Okay so after a semi sussecfull (forgot how to spell the damn word...) transplant. i have 3 plants in 10" pots. I only transplanted the 3 that have showed sex because I only have room for 3 pots. Think I should just chop the other 2 since they are officially screwed?



Well-Known Member
Oh yea the skunk #1 and the 2nd indica are bent at the tops because I had to get the dirt out of there rootball to fit them into the pots (At all...theyre all the way to the bottom with there roots moved so theyll grow back towards the surface.) I think they should jump back up no problems. I figure il check on them again in an hour out of paranoia and then once before I go to sleep for the same reason.


Well-Known Member
About a week. I been looking at the roots thinking: I bet thats why no bud production yet >.> a week grow time...GOD DAMN THAT IS GUNNA HURT COME HARVEST :( Glad I like bowls and not blunts...Moms already been in here yelling at me about the dirt...And my room being trashed... I need to get my own place...


Well-Known Member
About a week. I been looking at the roots thinking: I bet thats why no bud production yet >.> a week grow time...GOD DAMN THAT IS GUNNA HURT COME HARVEST :( Glad I like bowls and not blunts...Moms already been in here yelling at me about the dirt...And my room being trashed... I need to get my own place...
sounds like it :lol:Dude it takes a LONG time to actually see "buds" Its a waiting game im sure they are just fine.. How long did u veg?


Well-Known Member
Somewhere between 1 and 2 months. Look at the first post. Oldest plant was at about a week old when I built the box and moved them over. So about 5 days before the first post. Also a few pages back is the post where I killed the lights for 24. Think I should chop those 2 I cant transplant? I wanna make some butter! :D


Well-Known Member
Ya if you cant fit them theres no point in having them.. I dunno if theyll have any thc in them yet though.. Mj produces most its thc late in flowering.. Worth a try though!


Well-Known Member
I hope you're gonna have enough room cause those plants still have a lot of growing left in them...


Well-Known Member
Wassup wicked. The way these bitches are (and there mom...my gf...wife...w.e the fuck she considers herself) theyll have the entire god damn box turned into a bud volcano in 2 months. But I think I have plenty of room for 3 plants. 5' Tall, 3' Wide, 1' 6" deep. Now...My moms kool with me growing...Is she gunna be kool with me stealing her crockpot tomorrow?


Well-Known Member
I swear...Iv stabbed people before...Shot people...Beat the shit out of people that couldnt even fight and not felt bad...But cutting those 2 down was fucking hell...Oh the flag wasnt really supposed to be in the pic iv just had it put it up for so damn long I forgot it was there...Got away from that a long time ago. OH!! AND!!! AND!!! She IS kool with me using her crock pot!

