LFMAO.. I did it last grow! I stole 3 5 gallon pots from the nieghbor.. its winter out everythings dead.. Ill give em back before summerYea good point im trying to think of what I got. i got 1 maybe 2 3 gallon buckets I can steal...Let me go scout and see what I can find il get back to yall...Now wheres that damn flashlight...
nice jobHOT DAMN! next time 10 tons of wood turned into a barn hits you in the head. Look around. it may have gave you pots too!4 10" hanging pots converted into useful pots and 1 big orange unknown size "Dec-Grow No. 10" Its 10" across but damn deep...
cool dude, Im out i gotta make some dinner. Good luck! btw im subscribed..LaterThanks. i got a big ass bag of soil sitting in the corner soil isnt a problem. Now...I got to go clean these out and transplant. Il get pics up soon.
sounds like itAbout a week. I been looking at the roots thinking: I bet thats why no bud production yet >.> a week grow time...GOD DAMN THAT IS GUNNA HURT COME HARVESTGlad I like bowls and not blunts...Moms already been in here yelling at me about the dirt...And my room being trashed... I need to get my own place...