150W HPS Multi Strain Cab


Well-Known Member
ya dude, i really have no clue... I would say, if you could buy some more lights..... at least some cfls.. it will have a huge impact on ur yield. With the 150 I would guess..... maybe 2-3 ozs.. but thats just pure speculation, just a guess....


Well-Known Member
Yea I was thinking id be happy with a oz per plant. Oz and a half id be REALLY fucking happy. I could do some CFL's but the bulbs are tied up on the fuge on my reef tank....Cant really take that away its finally getting the tank cycled thank god. I really hope I can get that 250W here soon. If the MMJ bill passes next grow is going HUGE. Im thinking 2 1000W HPS/MH convertables and like a month and a half of veg time with the entire closet one big SOG


Well-Known Member
Okay so my thoughts are pouring in and I cant type them out fast enough but I really dont care since thats a ways away. The only pressing thought is how we get straight BULLSHITTED with our MH bulbs...I mean 6500K WHAT THE FUCK!?!? I can get a 20,000K double ended MH for a little more...Just adapt it from a fish tank to a grow. I dont know if they make 1000 Watters for a fish tank though >.>


Well-Known Member
20,000 k? I had no idea. Thought of takin a Hortaculture class a Michigan State, never did. Damn it!


Well-Known Member
No actually the same height principals apply with water as with air. And also they need a ballast just like our toys do. Light + water. 2 Most important things to fish and plants. Isnt that funny in a weird way?


Well-Known Member
I dunno whats up, I think its one of two things. One looks like too much N, and another looks like a bit of heat stress.. Youd needa post more pics of the entire plant for me to tell for sure...


Well-Known Member

this is what hes talking about....looks like heat stress to me.. not bad though.. maybe underwatering.. i dunno


Well-Known Member
Ok now that i see the new pics .. It for sure looks like nute burn, Nitrogen in particular.. Look underwatered too..


Well-Known Member
Could be. I have only lost 1 plant before. It was Blue Cheese, it started doin the samr thing. Could be genetics, blue strains are Picky. Heat makes more sense tho..