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  1. N

    What to do soil experts?

    flush twice a day for three days w/ RO H2O, then resume feeding at half strength for one week. increase nute strength slowly over the following week. !!whenever adjusting for plant problems/deficiencies, you have to add the same amount of time to your bloom cycle as it took for the plant to...
  2. N

    Co2 Tank Question

    Air cooled reflectors are a must if you decide to inject CO2 into your garden. There is no real way around it. Invest now, save forever.
  3. N

    Advanced nutrients vs fox farm and the rest

    Regular Avdanced Nutes customer, tried Fox Farm couple of years ago because of the hype, cost, and local availability. Not a bad experience, but fox farm is no comparison to advanced nutrients line.
  4. N

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    If you are going to add CO2 then you definately want to use air cooled reflectors, then just use the Proper cfm recommended by the reflector's manufacturer.
  5. N

    Harvesting Male Plants

    If you can get high smoking male plants then you are definately used to smoking bullshi-- weed. You should just save youself the money and legal complications and just start smoking catnip. Males? Are you for real?
  6. N

    strange pigmentation - a lighter green. what is it?

    Pretty odd. As long as the new growth is ok I wouldn't stress about it. Also, make sure that your containers and grow medium are draining well.
  7. N


    If that thing is really budding with 18 hrs. of light , you should switch to 24 hrs. veg the sh-- out of it, and clone it until the wheels fall off. A strain that buds with 18 of light is a commercial growers dream. Good luck.
  8. N

    30 days flowering

    Rather than topping, Get some netting and twist ties. Switch from veg to flower when the net is half filled in, this will also allow you to get your lights closer to your plants and eliminate that stretching. When your done, the top of the net will look like a Christmas tree farm.
  9. N

    Perpetual Harvest!!!

    you need seperate veg and flower areas. Only your veg area can double as a clone/prop area. With two sperate areas, you control how often you harvest.
  10. N

    room question

    4ft flouros side by side or a 400W HID/HPS on a light mover. Flouro is definately cheaper, but the HID is going to give you better yields. If you choose flouros, consider a SOG or SCROG set up, it'll give you the most bang for your buck.
  11. N

    Need some advice from a pro ;)

    you gotta ask youself, quality or quantity? Then go from there.
  12. N

    Drug Charges

    Dropped, no. but it should not be too difficult for you to get them esponged. You have to petition the the court and convince them. The easiest way to do this is with a lawyer. Don't forget that money, not truth, is the only thing to which our modern american court responds. Good Luck.
  13. N

    I know...F**K LED lights and everything about them..

    light spectrum is all wrong. close up shop.
  14. N


    3-5 weeks is enough time for solid seeds structures to appear.
  15. N


    give it a cool name and claim it as your own, who the hell would know anyways. unless it sucks of course, then you can name it after your mother-in-law.
  16. N

    High from Ohio.

    Old man river, been doing this along time and just like to help the nu-bees continue a great American tradition.
  17. N

    Use of nutrients during vegetative growth

    Your nute's are fine, just introduce them slowly and increase accordingly. Most plants will eventually be able to handle and benefit from more than twice the recommended amounts if introduced correctly.
  18. N

    SayWords 1st grow, seven plants

    if you are going to continue to grow with cfl's, give scrog a try. the results will far outway the little bit of extra work.
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    I'm old so trust me. Plant 2 is a definite male, pull it gently. the other three seem to need more time. the other three pics should also be taken of the same area of your plant as pic 2. Balls or white hairs, sexing is easy if your patient; and be sure to check everyday. Even after you believe...
  20. N

    Help, messed up leaves!!

    Sounds like nut burn. Prune yellow tips to conserve plant energy for buds. Be advised though, leaves will naturally yellow nearing the end of flower phase. Also, do yourself a favor and run pure distilled water for last two weeks before harvest. Flusses that chem taste out of your finished product.