Harvesting Male Plants


Well-Known Member
Before I hear don't do it I've done it before, I just need to know when they are at peak THC.
I only grow 4 plants at a time and I'm not 100% sure yet but I think 2 of my 4 are going to be male. Yes I keep them in different parts of the house once I'm sure. The THC is low but not low enough for me the toss them out.


Well-Known Member
ewwwwww, clone all of them and just keep the females, sorry to sa don't do it but that's kinda gross, How does it feel smokin balls anyhow?

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
the same as the female when its just about on lits last legs when all but a few of the pollen sacks are open. not worth the effort IMHO unless you want to make seeds. if your going to get busted (always a chance never mind how carful you are) then at least have somthing worth while growing to be busted with. throw out the males and grow 2 more cutting off the female. last time i smoked a male *by fuck i never thought id say that* LOL (sounds gay as fuck) i had no head on off it *even sounds more gay! LOL throw them out dude they aint worth shit.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Before I hear don't do it I've done it before, I just need to know when they are at peak THC.
I only grow 4 plants at a time and I'm not 100% sure yet but I think 2 of my 4 are going to be male. Yes I keep them in different parts of the house once I'm sure. The THC is low but not low enough for me the toss them out.
dude if you want to smoke or grow males, go ahead, ive actually met people who didnt wanna buy some weed from me becuz it was too strong and that they only smoke stress lol but truthfully, its not hard to tell male from female and kill the males....the amount of effort it takes...it just seems like a no brainer that you would keep the females and kill the males...


Well-Known Member
I really didn't want to turn this into a debate on if males are worth smoking. I was a teen in the early and mid 70's and we smoked it all.

I don't want males, but I might have 2 this batch, 50% of my crop.. I might have to use twice as much but it works and have proved it more than once.

As far as getting arrested over stuff that is not worth anything, well I'm legal to grow it for my self where I live.

All I needed to know is when are they at peak THC to harvest.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
They THC is at the peak right before the seeds open. They change to a yellowish color and turn more squarish then round right before they open. From my understanding when just a few are open its at its good


Well-Known Member
They THC is at the peak right before the seeds open. They change to a yellowish color and turn more squarish then round right before they open. From my understanding when just a few are open its at its good
Thanks! Hopefully I'm wrong and they don't turn out to be males. I should know in a week or so.

nelsonbrian 93

Active Member
If you can get high smoking male plants then you are definately used to smoking bullshi-- weed. You should just save youself the money and legal complications and just start smoking catnip. Males? Are you for real?


Well-Known Member
If you can get high smoking male plants then you are definately used to smoking bullshi-- weed. You should just save youself the money and legal complications and just start smoking catnip. Males? Are you for real?
It's better than no weed in a pinch! I realalise it's crap. It's just there when that's all I have.

Again there is no legal issues for me, well unless they changed the law and made male plants illegal where I am, but when I left the State House last night both sexes where legal for me to grow.

Think of it as Lite beer. I think it sucks and won't useually buy it. It taste like sh** and doesn't seen to give me a buzz. But if it's all I can get I'll still drink it.


Well-Known Member
If you can get high smoking male plants then you are definately used to smoking bullshi-- weed. You should just save youself the money and legal complications and just start smoking catnip. Males? Are you for real?
It's better than no weed in a pinch! I realise it's crap. It's just there when that's all I have.

Again there is no legal issues for me, well unless they changed the law and made male plants illegal where I am, but when I left the State House last night both sexes where legal for me to grow.

Think of it as Lite beer. I think it sucks and won't usually buy it. It taste like sh** and doesn't seen to give me a buzz. But if it's all I can get I'll still drink it.


Well-Known Member
How much room do you have? cause i think you could easily get 2 babes(if they don't all end up being female) into a large space with some lst, topping, or whatever, and that way u'd get more bud, but thats just my opinion . and for the record i dont drink lite beer, good luck brotha

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain. Some people make hash outta good males. I had a male that produced resin through out flowering. It all depends on the strain
Either way it will be really weak smoke but it might get you high. Hell Ill roll up a blunt of clippings if I have nothing else to smoke. If it has enough trics on it, its gunna get you high


Active Member
Yes I keep them in different parts of the house once I'm sure.
Your females will probably still get seeded. i have had a male next door that pollinated my crop. damn i went crazy.
and to make that worse it wasnt even a good strain, it was some shitty bag seed that ruined my northen lights :sad:

Unless u dont mind your females being pollinated of course.

But i thought id just give you a lil heads up just in case.


Well-Known Member
As soon as I know if there are any males I can decide what to do. Maybe I'll put them outside and what ever happens happens.