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  1. Capt. Trips

    Flowering window quotes by breeder

    You can never go by the times breeders give you. I find it usually takes longer than they say though, not shorter.
  2. Capt. Trips


    Here's what works for me every time. Fold up a paper towel and soak it with warm water. Squeeze a bit of the water out, but leave it quite damp. Fold the seeds up in the paper towel, and seal it in a Ziploc bag to keep it from drying out. Put the bag somewhere warm - I like to keep it on top of...
  3. Capt. Trips

    No fans at dark?

    I feel like turning fans off during lights out while you're flowering could bring problems, such as mould and mildew. I like to keep air moving at all times.
  4. Capt. Trips

    what To do? Plants finishing at different speeds

    I wouldn't chop anything early. I'd try to find a different spot for drying. It would be a shame to come all this way for premature buds.
  5. Capt. Trips

    High temps, now what?

    If the white tufts are changing color like they're at the end of flowering, I would suspect that they may have hermied due to heat stress and self-pollinated. Take a close look for bananas.
  6. Capt. Trips

    Pre flower and actual flower

    If it's an auto it'll bloom when it's ready. If it's not an auto it'll bloom when the days get short enough.
  7. Capt. Trips

    Is there such a thing as cheep seeds?

    Get a couple of good strains, non-feminized. Take one of the males and pollinate one of the females. Seed problem solved forever.
  8. Capt. Trips

    HELP... how do you check ph?

    You should water until you get some runoff. The overwatering that tends to happen is people watering too often, not letting the medium dry out between waterings. The plants like a wet/dry cycle. Give them a good watering until you get some runoff, then don't water again until the pots feel...
  9. Capt. Trips

    2x2 grow - decent fast finishing strain?

    I just grew a Pakistan Valley from World of Seeds, which they say is almost pure indica. It finished very quickly, was one of the nicest looking plants I've every grown, and was by far the easiest plant I've ever grown. Not fussy at all. I chose to pollinate the entire plant, so I can't really...
  10. Capt. Trips

    Blueberry cheesecake

    I don't have an answer for you, but I think you'll have better luck getting one from someone if you post pictures without the purple light.
  11. Capt. Trips

    Red stems a slowed growth

    When I was growing up I would eat pretty much everything my parents put in front of me. My sister, on the other hand, wouldn't eat anything but chicken. It got to the point where my mom would have to make separate dinners for my sister because she was such a picky little shit. Even though we...
  12. Capt. Trips

    Pistils turning brown/buds are small

    With a regular plant you can top and lst and prolong veg as long as you want. You can't with autos. They're going to flower when they want to, so doing things like topping accomplishes nothing but stunting the plant and negatively affecting your yield. If you want to top and train, grow...
  13. Capt. Trips

    Are my babies looking healthy?

    I bet the MG is your problem. There's just too much food in there for baby plants, and every time you give them water, they're being fed. This is a problem because plants that age don't need to be fed. I don't know if you'd be better off leaving them and hoping they recover, or getting them...
  14. Capt. Trips

    Stopped growth..

    The plant looks healthy. It looks like a fairly decent sized container, so my guess would be that it's putting its energy into establishing roots right now.
  15. Capt. Trips

    Are my babies looking healthy?

    It looks like they might not be liking that soil very much. What is it?
  16. Capt. Trips

    Not sexed but want to flower

    You say you have 3 gallon and 7 gallon pots ready. Which are you wanting to finish in? I go from 1 gallon into 3 gallon, and then I wait for them to show sex. I like to finish in 7 gallon pots but I don't want to fill all those big pots and put in all that work just to find out they're males...
  17. Capt. Trips

    Buds still covered in white hairs after 70 days

    I assume the taller ones are more on the sativa side, which would explain the longer flowering.
  18. Capt. Trips

    Amber Alert!!

    The remaining white hairs are going to turn brown and start curling in toward the bud. Until this happens, you're wasting your time looking at trichomes. Eventually, the buds will start turning a darker, almost orangey color. And I don't mean the pistils, I mean the actual buds themselves...
  19. Capt. Trips

    Making Seeds Issues

    I second this. Mr. Nice is where I would be getting it from. Keep an eye on the auctions on their website. Sometimes you can get packs for pretty cheap. The only shitty thing is that they don't take credit card or PayPal, but I've sent cash with no problems at all. I was pretty unsure about...
  20. Capt. Trips

    Amber Alert!!

    Always an exciting time. I hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Nice job!