Amber Alert!!

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
How long are you on vacation? Hopefully short enough that you could give that plant a good watering before you leave and have another look when you get back, because it looks like it could really use some more time. Too many white pistils and none of the brown ones have curled back toward the bud.

Just my opinion, but I don't think that plant is ready.


Well-Known Member
Its a staycation around this grow. I have no plans solidfied. They are just on the leaves so im getting that rub yours hands because you made it feeling :) It will be sometime this week is all


Well-Known Member
Ill get a pic further back. Those are very close pics of nodes that just shot out of the kolas. Im def in no rush but i think youll see what I mean with pics in a dif. perspective.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
The remaining white hairs are going to turn brown and start curling in toward the bud. Until this happens, you're wasting your time looking at trichomes.

Eventually, the buds will start turning a darker, almost orangey color. And I don't mean the pistils, I mean the actual buds themselves. Kinda like it got one of those suntans in a can. I like to call this the donetan, or the George Hamilton phase.

When your plants have gone full Hamilton, it's time.

Good luck.

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
That last picture looks GOOD! It's getting there, but even that one, I would leave a little bit longer. But compare that to the first two, and you'll get a better idea of the swelling we're talking about.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Here is the picture of the whole bud. The picture is taken of the top 1/2 inch. Just to see in a different perspective. The photo is taken from about an inch away.
Pics taken in that light don't show anything. or its a bad pic. Lots of white pistals.. If its the same bud as the first pics then its not ready.

You have a nice grow going on. You can harvest early and be happy but not reach full potential or weight or you can wait till pistals have turned brown and have started to receded into the bud and get more weight and a better product.

Its your grow so its up to you. Most new growers harvest early. Its like over watering. You do it once and then try not to do it ever again.
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