Search results

  1. krustofskie

    What is cheapest way to check soil PH

    When working with soil the cheapest option for testing PH is very easy but not very accurate and I wouldn't advise it but i will give you the infor and then you can decide for yourself what you'd like to do. When you have just watered and you get run-off (excess water) coming out the bottom of...
  2. krustofskie

    The Secret

    A lot of the time it seems she's chatting with the fairies, there may be a message in there she's trying to convey but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  3. krustofskie

    In Memory Of The King (not Elvis)

    Listening to Bob Marley today and smoking a spliff in memory of his Birthday, which was actually yesterday. So I ask you all to remember him today and roll a fat one. Peace:peace:
  4. krustofskie

    Intelligent Design

    If a god had anything to do with it, it could never be called intelligent design. BDF might be better suited (Badly Designed with many Flaws)
  5. krustofskie


    This made me laugh, enjoy
  6. krustofskie

    Catholic church - When Will You Learn?

    Once again the Catholic church has tried to stick its nose into places where it is not wanted. The Pope has openly attacked Britain on it equality laws which are designed to give equal rights to homosexuals as well trying to tidy up other laws protecting people from discrimination on grounds of...
  7. krustofskie

    Best Sig Quote.

    is there enough to start voting yet?
  8. krustofskie

    Pro's n cons of getting head when ur stoned :)

    Pros - Your getting head - Hands are free to drink a beer and smoke a blunt Cons - Your favourite ashtray breaks as it keeps falling off the top of her head
  9. krustofskie

    theres some things i need to know before i start my hydro setup.

    Its normal to water twice a day in most hydro setups. 15mins just before lights on and 15mins just after lights off is normally enough. If you're plant needs more just add another water schedule in the middle of the two, it will let you know by drooping (a sign of under watering but be careful...
  10. krustofskie


    Here is a great video (imao) to show any theist that puts forth an argument against atheists. If the question they pose is in it, they need a new question as I think this clip debunks all theists arguments to my satisfaction. It would be great if...
  11. krustofskie

    i don't know if im cloning right..

    Get researching. If you need to ask if the rockwall should be wet or dry then you have not read up enough on the subject, rockwall should have been soaked overnight in ph balanced water so it should be wet. Follow this link for a cloning tutorial. Best...
  12. krustofskie

    Pathways to God

    Then if none of the religions are right and choosing any one will lead to god, why would you have to choose one at all. Would you concider that just leading a good life is enough and bowing down to an authority figure unnecessary.
  13. krustofskie

    Flowering Stress HELP!

    Just get the plant back on its normal schedule, its a one off accident a shouldn't give any adverse effects. If you want to be extra careful you can give your plants some shock reducing addatives such as this:- -:
  14. krustofskie

    The Products of Creationism

    I dont seriosley think Coughlan would, jut that he's the nearest that I know of to the extreme's that you see in creationists, when I say nearest he's still a country mile away as he is still being logical but he can be quite angry. So who are peoples favorites from our side of the argument on...
  15. krustofskie

    The Products of Creationism

    I see, didn't notice the text under your pic of a bible. Its quite serious when you think about it, ever heard of an atheist nutter lost control and went out murdering, according to the religious that's what all atheists should be doing anyway as they have no morals. But on the other hand how...
  16. krustofskie

    The Products of Creationism

    Did anyone come across tony48219. Not sure if he was one of the creationist nuts but he was certainly a very religious I hate atheist's nut. Mental problems combined with indoctrination are not a good combination as tony48219 went on to kill a fellow student and then commit suicide. Not sure if...
  17. krustofskie

    Just Got To Toss This Up!

    Good clip. There are just so many that could do with watching this and take some notes.
  18. krustofskie


    I do find that you will get more stretch with fluorescent lights than HID's but if you have enough of them and they aren't old used lights, then it should not be a problem. Purple stems is nothing to worry about, you will find many different reasons from people as to why, but at the end of the...
  19. krustofskie

    Indians And How The World Could Benefit.

    And if only those lost civilisations had the technology we have now to observe our universe, then they may of had more knowledge on the workings of the cosmos than we have now. But they didn't have the means to look at the universe the way we can now and I very much doubt that their knowledge of...
  20. krustofskie


    As well as topping you need to keep the lights as close as possible to the plant, helps stop stretching. Also while vegging, usually done at 18/6 light schedule, you can increase the light period as plants are supposed to do most of the stretching during dark periods, hence less dark period such...