i don't know if im cloning right..



i dip my cutings in clonex and place them in rockwool. i place them in a dome but it's been a few weeks and they haven't rooted and when i pull them out there are no roots but wear i dipped it it turned purple. how am i suppose to clone? and also is the rockwool suppose to be soaked like a sponge or dry...?


Active Member
I preffer jiffy pellets, As Krust says you need to d a bit more research on this. As soon as you taske the cutting put it in water or cloning solution - like strait away to avoid air getting in the stem.


Well-Known Member
With a name like jackherer your asking us for advice.Soak the rockwool before you start cloneing get the ph of the water about 5.5/6.0 this is with the r~wool cubes in.It is important that you ph the water with the cubes in because the cubes will change the ph.All that i add to the water is a drop of superthrive to every litre of water.Look for a nice looking clone then make a hole in a cube one that your clone will easy fit into i use a cocktail stick for doing this there perfect make the hole go near all the way through the cube but stop abou 1 cm/10mm away from the bottom of the cube.The reason for this is the cube will not have to work has hard to grow roots through the whole cube.Cut the clone from the plant cut it at a 45 degree angle the greater the angle the more area for roots to grow from.I like to just scrape a stanly blade or razor down the clone taleing off the thin outer coat on one side of the clone.This will also make it easyer for the roots to grow from.Now dip the clone into some rooting gel i have found gels to be far better than any other rooting aid.Leave the clone for about 20 seconds then push it into the pre made hole.Then useing the cocktail stick push the sides in around the stem that is below the cube.Then mist the clone with water with a drop of superthrive in not the stuff out of the soaking cubes make some seperate up ph around 5.5/6.5.Continue till you have all the cubes that you need then mist all of them put them into a propagator and fill the bottom of the tray with about 1 ince of water with the superthrive in.This ince of water will need changeing every couple of days.For the first week mist the leaves has this is the only way the clone can get feed till roots start.Place the tray with the lid on under floresent lighting or cfl but the lights must be realy close the closer the better.Make sure that the spec of the lights is daylight i like to have flouresent tubes so the lights are near touching the top of the propagator lid.And then i have 4 wall mounted cfl's 2 cool 75 watt and 2 warm 75 watt this gives the clones the heat needed to grow a healthy plant.Go by this guidline and you should have more success but you must be patient sometimes it will take 7 days somes 14 all will have a mind of there own nothing in this game ever grows perfect all at the same time some will root faster than others.Take more clones than you need till you get to grips with it.When misting the plants i have found it best to only do this 2 times a day once first thing in the morning and just before the lights go off no more that 2 times or you could end up with rot and yellowing of the leaves...........tyke.............goodluck.............................