

hey i need to know how to keep my plants short and stocky instead of tall and skinny what should i do? also i would like to know more about this molassas thing thanx:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
As well as topping you need to keep the lights as close as possible to the plant, helps stop stretching. Also while vegging, usually done at 18/6 light schedule, you can increase the light period as plants are supposed to do most of the stretching during dark periods, hence less dark period such as a 20/4 schedule = less stretching.


thanx i acctualy just topped my plants also i have the lights 2 inch away and i do 18 on and 6 off could they be streaching because i am using a really cheap florensant set up??? oh also is it good that the stems are purple?


Well-Known Member
I do find that you will get more stretch with fluorescent lights than HID's but if you have enough of them and they aren't old used lights, then it should not be a problem. Purple stems is nothing to worry about, you will find many different reasons from people as to why, but at the end of the day I have never noticed a difference in the end products quality or yield with plants that stems have turned purple and those that have not.


ok sounds good.... this is my first time growing which is in a closet do u have any tips for me?? also i dont pay any attention to the ph or what ever balance is that a problem.


Well-Known Member
If it is possable to go buy a $2-10 dollar PH it will pay off in the long run. You don't want leaves to start falling off..and u not know why. I would suggest buying a cheap PH meter, it's one of the cheaper things u can buy for ur plant.


ok and what do i do if the ph is too high or too low? how do i bring it back to where it needs to be? also what are nutes?


Well-Known Member
You can use vinegar and baking soda to raise lower the PH. I'm not sure witch does witch. Something u'll have to search for. Nutes are what u give ur plant to help it grow, like when we get hungry we eat. Well your plants have needs to they need certain nutes to help keep them going.

Remember to PH ur water after u give it nutes, if u do. I would really suggest that u do.


Well-Known Member
Big bloom is nutes yes, but u dont want to give ur lady bloom nutes in veg. You want to give her those big bloom nutes when she is flowering 12/12. Big bloom nutes is something like 3-40-20 witch dont know exactly but u see how the big number is in the middle. That means its for flowering.

You want nutes that are high in the first number, and small in the other 2 numbers, for vegging.


Well-Known Member
I dunno really i have only tried MG miracle grow witch most ppl here will tell u is a no no. :) but i couldn't get my hands on much more then that this time of year. I'm not sure if u can get ur hands on some fox farm nutes that would b the way to go.


oh ya i can get some of that and one more thing do i continue topping my plants even into the flowering process? when shuld i stop topping?


Well-Known Member
I have never topped but i would stop after only 1ce. I guess it depends on how much space u got to work with.


Well-Known Member
No prob. if u got any more question feel free to pm me. Or u can ask in a forum there are a lot more ppl here with more experience then me. :D

allen bud

Active Member
nutes short for nutrients....big bloom is good ..go to lowes or e-bay 10$ at lowes for ph meter or e-bay..i got a multi meter there for 13$ does light,fertilization,ph,water...a must have for good plants..the ph isnt as tricky as people say,it has a wide range of forgivness(from 5 to 8.5 or there aboust ) some people say 6 to 6.5 is optimal,never over water or over nut,will stop growing till problem fixed


Well-Known Member
hey anyone im new here and i need some help with posting a new thread and may getting something going
can you help me out please