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  1. annanda

    how to pollinate marijuana

    ok, thanks a lot guys, i appreciate your quick and sincer answers, peace !
  2. annanda

    how to pollinate marijuana

    male ofcourse, but is it necessary to use the same type (afghan kush...bla-bla) or i can use something like durban poison too ? :confused:
  3. annanda

    how to pollinate marijuana

    yes, i am talking about autoflowering and thanks for the quick answer, but i only have 3 females. is there any way i can pollinate with somethiung else or something like this ? i guess not...
  4. annanda

    how to pollinate marijuana

    hey guys, is there any way i can pollinate afghan kush ryder, and what are the exact steps for a good pollination ? thanks a lot
  5. annanda

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    Hello there, I was wondering if we can have some buds close-ups ? Thanks.
  6. annanda

    Are my plants ok?? Please help!! 5 weeks flowering

    Thanks a lot for the reply, its nice to hear they will be ok and fatten a little more. :weed: How about yield? Should I expect at least 1 oz per plant - dry weight? What do you think?
  7. annanda

    Are my plants ok?? Please help!! 5 weeks flowering

    Hello everybody. I've already posted this question two weeks ago but cant seem to find the topic so here it goes again... Please, help! This is my first grow and im worried that the buds dont grow as fast, as thick and as potent as they should at this stage. I have pics taken two weeks ago and...
  8. annanda

    Do they look ok for 4 weeks flowering?

    Thanks a lot for the reply. Actually I have read a lot, I had to, this is my first grow ever. They say white widow and durban poison (what I have) take 8 weeks flowering. I was hoping they will be ready by the end of January because, to be honest, I can not wait anymore, Im dying to dry them and...
  9. annanda

    Do they look ok for 4 weeks flowering?

    Do they look ok for the end of 4th week flowering (3 cfl and 1 250 hps)? Also, could someone appreciate yield for my girls? I have three plants, two of them have 95 cm in height, one has 90. Was thinking about harvesting at the end of January, in about a month... Every reply is greatly...
  10. annanda

    Back from flowering into vegetative state? Is it posible?

    Almost three weeks ago I took 5 clones from mother clones that, at that time, had been in flowering for only two days. I wanted to keep the clones in vegetative state a little longer so I set the schedule for 18/6. They are doing great, they seem healthy, have long roots already but there's one...
  11. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    Oh wait, by EC you mean water PH? If not, I dont know what EC means and how to test it.
  12. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    No, i didnt have enough water, forgot (pft, I smoke too much) they now have a 90 l big pot so there was no runoff and plus the pot is huge and I have a hard time lifting it up. I will get some more water and some help :) Will get back with the results later.
  13. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    These are taken from the one that's intact, I havent found one damaged leaf on her... I see no difference, the small particles appear everywhere, a lot of dust also, trichs and pet hair (I have pets and cant keep the hair out of there).
  14. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    the white dots are trichs i think and they sparkle from the flash. Took some more pictures, a lot more, I will upload, do you see anything?? :?
  15. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    I was just watering them and found some things on the leaves, some particles I cant identify, here and there, my grow area has the upper side uncovered, a lot of small things can reach the plants. Now im a little paranoid and wondering if they are not thrips. If there were thrips here should I...
  16. annanda

    TERRIBLE THINGNeed a kindness guy~~

    Im also a girl and in love with mj. So there you go... :) Good luck with the plants, I wish I could help but im a newbie too..
  17. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    Thank you for the help. Lets see, I've read your post two times to get a better understanding of what you said. English is not my first language and im not in the us, im in eastern europe and some of the things you said I should buy I dont remember seeing in the shops, for example Dolomite Lime...
  18. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    No, I dont. Never did (i didnt find anything on the market that I could use). The plants were fine. I only water with bottled water, Ph 6.5 and the soil has a ph between 5-6.5. As I said, everything was fine so never thought that Ph could be a problem, I was happy that, since I have nothing to...
  19. annanda

    Help, young leaves are curling, drying and breaking!!

    Hi, can anyone help me with some advice? I have some leaf problems with my plants and Im hoping someone already seen the same problem and knows what it is and how to fix it. I have two white widow and one durban poison, this is my first grow, we're at the beginning of 3rd week in flowering...
  20. annanda

    A little help with my white widow (2nd week flowering), please!

    I should be receiving them both within one week... Hope it will be ok. Thanks for the help, icepick :)