TERRIBLE THINGNeed a kindness guy~~


Active Member
Hi...Experienced folks!!:mrgreen:
I come from Hong Kong. Yes, it's my 1st time to grow....just curious to know, there seems no girls here except me:hump:...why?every girl hate pot??i dont think so....whatever....:?

Actually i have planted them 2 weeks , originally everything is fine , but some bad thing happened this week....even i have read many article but still cant solve anything , so they r becoming more and more bad....IT REALLY DROVE ME CRAZY !!:fire:
The problem is the leaves becoming yellow(pic1~3)、brown spot(pic4~5) and black curl (pic 6)..........why dose it happen ? i really need a good soul to help me,
help me to diagnose.:cry:

Give Thanks for any responds,any help here would be awesome.

Growing info as below:

soil:potting soil 50%、perlite 25%、vermiculite 25%
light:six 39w and 6500K fluor'
water:PH6.2~6.8 and water it while the top of soil has dryed out
nutrition:feed them every 4~5 day (diluter than the regular value)




Well-Known Member
looks like maybe a bit of nutrient burn on top of a possible bug infestation but i really cant tell need a really high mag picture


Well-Known Member
Nutrient burn. Plants of that size cannot handle added nutrients. In fact, a lot of times... the soil comes from the store with too many nutrients for babies.

Oh and you haven't looked closely enough... there are plently of women here.


Active Member
Nutrient burn. Plants of that size cannot handle added nutrients. In fact, a lot of times... the soil comes from the store with too many nutrients for babies.

Oh and you haven't looked closely enough... there are plently of women here.
if it is about nutrients,how to solve the problem now?it shouldn't be waiting,right?..lol........
So as you mentioned,i shall not give them any food even something like pro-mix (my stuff is 2-0.5-0.5)....and then,when can i feed?thanks~~~


Active Member
Im also a girl and in love with mj. So there you go... :)
Good luck with the plants, I wish I could help but im a newbie too..


Active Member
Flush the soil. Wait until your plant is at least 6 inches tall before giving nutes.
sorry to trouble you again...
my question is the FLUSH that you mentioned is the same with the pre-harvest flush...
if it is, how much water and how many time that i should do.......will it to be drowned??


Well-Known Member
you want to flush with at least 2 or 3 times the amount of the size of the bucket or cup or whatever your plant is in. fresh water or you can use clearex in fresh water it doesn't really matter. What you want to look for if you can if is the PH and ppm of the runoff after you flush


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are alot of ladies on RIU you just dont know it by the name and picture alone.. In my opinion your plants look like they have bugs and some major over nutrient.. the yellowing could be a lack of Nitrogen or nute burn.. not sure on that.. that is all the advice i can give you. Im not a pro but have successful plants. Keep reading more and more youll be fine.. Flushing yes is the same as pre harvest.. the only difference is the amount your gonna flush now is no ware near the pre harvest.. Im saying its based on the size contaner. either way you will need to fix the bug problem before it infests and comes back grow after grow. There are items online that you can spray on the plant and wipe off to rid the critters. To keep from nute burning you can A. get a bag of fox farm to sprout into or MG.. most will say foxfarm soil to start. Add perlite for drainage and oxygen to roots..

I have always foilier sprayed the leaves or misted the sprouts for lamens terms. Have a fan running on them to strengthing the stems and roots. keeps the plants cool from the lights.. I mist mine untill they have there second or third set of leaves... I do water but very little because i soak them down when i mist not just one spray; i keep spraying.. These things worked for me hope they help.. keep us up on how there doing


Active Member
way to much nutes. wait until the plant is around 3 weeks old before you add them. You can either start a new grow, your not that far into this one by the looks of things, or try flushing and/or transplanting? I personally would just start a new one.


Well-Known Member
forget the plants...HONGKONG girl is stuning...CORRRRRRRRRRRRR. ( sorry ,but ime a hot blooded male,wot do u expect) xxxxxxxxxxx


New Member
Hey Hongkong Girl, welcome to RIU. I'm also a girl that grows, there's more of us here than you think.

Is your plant is a pot with holes in the bottom for drainage? Flushing won't hurt the plant as long as there are holes where the extra water can run out.

Nice to have another girl here, hope you stay awhile. :mrgreen:


Active Member
way to much nutes. wait until the plant is around 3 weeks old before you add them. You can either start a new grow, your not that far into this one by the looks of things, or try flushing and/or transplanting? I personally would just start a new one.
yes, i rerally want to star a new one,but it's a little lousy to me...
because i need to wait 2 weeks if i order seeds now~~~:sleep:
i wish i lived in US


Active Member
Yeah there are alot of ladies on RIU you just dont know it by the name and picture alone.. In my opinion your plants look like they have bugs and some major over nutrient.. the yellowing could be a lack of Nitrogen or nute burn.. not sure on that.. that is all the advice i can give you. Im not a pro but have successful plants. Keep reading more and more youll be fine.. Flushing yes is the same as pre harvest.. the only difference is the amount your gonna flush now is no ware near the pre harvest.. Im saying its based on the size contaner. either way you will need to fix the bug problem before it infests and comes back grow after grow. There are items online that you can spray on the plant and wipe off to rid the critters. To keep from nute burning you can A. get a bag of fox farm to sprout into or MG.. most will say foxfarm soil to start. Add perlite for drainage and oxygen to roots..

I have always foilier sprayed the leaves or misted the sprouts for lamens terms. Have a fan running on them to strengthing the stems and roots. keeps the plants cool from the lights.. I mist mine untill they have there second or third set of leaves... I do water but very little because i soak them down when i mist not just one spray; i keep spraying.. These things worked for me hope they help.. keep us up on how there doing
i listen to you to spary them...but shall i need to dry every leaves before
lighting??its a little inconvenience ,but leaves will burned by glob,right?


Well-Known Member
Hi Hong Kong girl...welcome and your not alone;-) I would buy some fungacide as looks like rust/leaf spot fungus. I wouldn't think you need to flush unless you think you over fertilized and want to clean out the soil. The soil should have enough nutrients in it for awhile and what I do is as they get bigger I up the size of the pot with added new soil so I don't need to add nutes until they enter the flowering stage. I also let them dry out a bit between watering as most plants don't like to be moist all the time. The white covering will make it so they will be slower to dry out and would need less watering.I always found a good watering practice goes along way.hope this helps girl Showgirl:hug:


Active Member
goodluck with your plant..
i cant add much to the story seeing as though its pretty much handled

dont worry about so many added nutrients...its not that important
keep it simple and its sure not to take a bad turn

plants are meant to grow even without added nutrients
just dont push it ya know :)

hope you have a nice harvest in a few months


Well-Known Member
yea i hope they are doing well, post some updates so we can see how everything is going :) or follow some of our grow journals. this site is very fruitful when it comes to information