Are my plants ok?? Please help!! 5 weeks flowering


Active Member
Hello everybody. I've already posted this question two weeks ago but cant seem to find the topic so here it goes again... Please, help! This is my first grow and im worried that the buds dont grow as fast, as thick and as potent as they should at this stage. I have pics taken two weeks ago and pics I took today, maybe some of you, with a little more experience, could appreciate if they grow ok or if not. Thanks a lot!!! (250 hps +3 cfl blue spectrum, started feeding biobiz bio bloom and top max one week ago).

First two were taken on 3 weeks flowering, last three pictures were taken today, 5 weeks flowering.



Well-Known Member
I would not be concerned. You are approximently half way thru your flowering cycle, and they will fatten up alot over the next few weeks. They look frosty and good.

Let us know how the harvest goes.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the reply, its nice to hear they will be ok and fatten a little more. :weed:
How about yield? Should I expect at least 1 oz per plant - dry weight? What do you think?