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    PLEASE HELP still need help with cloning flowering plant

    why did u cut the main colas off, why didnt u just take a cutting from the bottom of the plant
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    try very carefully and take off the seeds shell thats what i did and it worked great just dont pull to hard of you could damage the seedling or you could just leave them for a couple more days and see if they come off naturally
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    Skinny seedling stems!

    if youv grown before why all the questions, its usually a gallon for every foot of growth so it depends how big your gunna grow them, make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom of the cups, when u see a root pokin through 1 of the drainage holes you no its time to transplant them
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    Nutrient Burn?

    wheres the pic
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    think i got overwatering probs

    when u transplanted them and they were a bit streched you should have buried them up to just below the first node, just a bit of advice for next time
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    Bio bizz nutes HELP

    how many ml fit into a bio bizz bottle top so i can measure the nutes out using the bottle cap because i need to feed my plants and dont have any measuring stuff, also how many ml should i put in each litre of water for there first feed
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    Bio bizz nutes HELP

    can someone tell me how many ml fit into a bio bizz bottle top please so i can feed them ASAP
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    Bio bizz nutes HELP

    Just wondeing how many ml fit into a bio bizz bottle top so i can measure the nutes out using the bottle cap because i need to feed my plants and dont have any measuring stuff, also how many ml should i put in each litre of water for there first feed
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    Where can i buy mollasses in uk

    where can i buy mollasses in the uk i went to iceland today and they said they have never heard of it, what is it used for so i no which part of the store to look in
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    Light HELP

    I am growing under CFLs at the moment and my HPS should be here tomoro is there anything i should look out for when changing between lights or will it be fine
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    Changeing light

    ok i have been growing under CFLs and my HPS is here tomoro is there anything i should no about putting my plants under this apart from scorthching them with the heat
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    little help plz.

    a read about this a long time ago i think u put an orange or whatever into the same container when curring and it takes on the fruits taste an smell
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    Help me out

    have a piss in a container before u take any drugs then keep this piss an use it when necissary so u have clean piss
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    How do i upload pics

    can someone please tell me how to upload some of my sick plants pics
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    Seedling question

    ye same as above just water when soil is dry dont over water this is the main problem for new growers (over waterin) just feel the soil with ur finger if it is still a tiny bit moist dont water wait for it to dry out or for the leaves to start so sagg a little then watter till a tiny bit of...
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    is something wrong or am i on crack,...

    looks like over waterin to me leave it under the lites for a few days an see if it recoveres, u could even move the lights a bit closer
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    how do these look?(first grow) pics

    look a bit droopy to me so try a little less water (only water when medium is dry)
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    Opinions on AK48

    I am currently growin ak48 an they are 12" high just about to go into 12/12 next week what are all your opinions on this strain yeil potency an all that