Bio bizz nutes HELP


Active Member
Just wondeing how many ml fit into a bio bizz bottle top so i can measure the nutes out using the bottle cap because i need to feed my plants and dont have any measuring stuff, also how many ml should i put in each litre of water for there first feed


Well-Known Member
Why would you use the bottle cap to measure? Does it say to?
Look at what the bottle recommends for dosage. Start with 1/4 of that. A typical dosage might be 5ml/gallon of water. So if 5ml=1 teaspoon then you would use 1/4 teaspoon.
Just do the math. And go buy some measuring spoons!


Well-Known Member
dude i use bio bizz nute and at full strength i use 1 teaspoon per 1 litre of water