is something wrong or am i on crack,...


Well-Known Member
It looks like the M from McD's.....

seriously, I have no idea. I a n00b, but I am trying to stay involved in the posts to become more informed.


Well-Known Member
dude your the one who know what they need (touch the soil If it's dry then water, if moist then don't) if the light is to close ...ect

Alpine farmer

New Member
dude your the one who know what they need (touch the soil If it's dry then water, if moist then don't) if the light is to close ...ect
i know , i havent done anything wrong in my eye's why im asking , it could just be the way the plant is for all i know.

i hope it comes back. ima wait a day and see


Well-Known Member
i think they are curled under like that because they are huge. thats a very large first set of leaves. and in my eyes you are on crack it looks like its doing too good for its own good and bending under its own weight.

Alpine farmer

New Member
What lights are you using? Please be as specific as you can.

How far away are the light(s)?
im useing a 26w cfl and a 23w cfl , the 26w is 4 inchs from top and 23w is 4 inchs from the side
i think they are curled under like that because they are huge. thats a very large first set of leaves. and in my eyes you are on crack it looks like its doing too good for its own good and bending under its own weight.
i hopeso , and the leaves are pritty big i thought that was odd


Active Member
i think you should either HOLD on the nutes....or if you're not using any....USE some! but i doubt nitrogen deficiency could happen in only 6 days...


Well-Known Member
if you haven't got a fan blowing, the stems and stalks wont be as stong as they would normally, maybe they can't support the weight of the leaves..


Well-Known Member
No nutes in soil for at least 3 weeks. you need more light, but right now all is good, plant looks fine.


Active Member
looks like over waterin to me leave it under the lites for a few days an see if it recoveres, u could even move the lights a bit closer