PLEASE HELP still need help with cloning flowering plant


Well-Known Member
i started a thread about cloning my female about 11 days into flower and didnt really get any answers so ill try again...

i dont know if the pix show it but the tops of this female are already budding and flowering (with hairs) and was curious if i can cut these tops and clone the plant

my questions are i guess ...will the plant be able to go back into veg mode once i establish roots? Should i just put them in 12/12 and let them continue to flower? i would really like to veg these tho and grow to at least a foot but dont want to kill them ? any ideas?



Well-Known Member
You can certainly clone a flowering plant, takes a extra week or so before roots show, but its not hard. Just cut, scrape and dip the cutting in rooting hormone and place in a moist Rock wool cube over top someplace warm ( TV, Cable Box, PC). give it light 18/6 or 24/0 and a tablespoon or 2 of plain water no nutes every day and you should have roots within 14 days. Once it starts to reveg it grows weird for a few leaves, then after 2 weeks of vegging or so it will take off and grow like a normal plant.

i have done this many many times and have always gotten my clones to take.


Well-Known Member
ok its done! lol did it a few hrs ago...was hesitant at first , just didnt want to risk losing them! i was almost persuaded by just bending the tops and letting the colas flower but i guess we will see what happens! i did dip them in clonex this time... maybe for reassurance ... i have a couple in plain water tho and after 2 days im already getting roots ! im going to keep my fingers crossed..more pros than cons


Well-Known Member
because they grew about 10 inches taller than the rest of the plant in the last 3 days and wanted to keep my light closer to the rest of the colas for a better yield in the end... either way if they dont re-veg then ill keep them in flower mode to at least achieve what the colas were going to yield but i figured what the hell either way i cant lose


Active Member
i took some clones from a female about 3 weeks into flowering, just cut the bud off and treated it like a normal clone. it took like a week or so to snap back into veg, then it grew duckfoot ( like 3 round leaves ) for a week. looked more like a tomato plant, but soon went back to normal. on a couple of branches where the buds were it made little rot spots, guessing i didnt trim bud off properly. im not completely sure im a noob when it comes to cloning.


Well-Known Member
Nice! I have to say that when in doubt wait a little longer! my clones have been busy building some awesome root balls over the past few days.

I think what was my main worry was after i had established roots in the cup of water, I think I expected them to just take off and start growing like there moms! Not the case at all, leave them alone until they start falling over and shrivel, they are just like seedlings in a way , they need to build nests before they can fly away!

AWESOME thanks for the help guys!