Seedling question


Well-Known Member
HEY , how often do i water the week old seedling , i dont want to over water it is there a easy way to tell when she is thirsty? i have never grown indoors and im loving it so far, it takes time and effort but its worth it. also can i add vinegar to adjust the ph level of my water


Well-Known Member
hey bro. do a soil moisture check with your finger. make sure the soil is decently dry before you add more. but i have always kept it more on the wet side when they are young so that if I leave for a period of time, they wont dry out and die...even if I am away longer than expected homie. :weed::weed: any thing else ya wanna know bro


Well-Known Member
i wasnt clear enough on that. stick your finger in the dirt near the seedling (softly) and test the moisture...if it is moist...and you can feel it. dont add any water. as for how much, i would start with 150 ML each time.


Well-Known Member
thanks dude, right now i got 4 14 watt daylight cfls and 2 20 watt tube cfls, is this good for now or do i need more light/.? also do i need a fan if i leave my closet door open?


Active Member
ye same as above just water when soil is dry dont over water this is the main problem for new growers (over waterin) just feel the soil with ur finger if it is still a tiny bit moist dont water wait for it to dry out or for the leaves to start so sagg a little then watter till a tiny bit of water comes out of the holes at the bottom off your pot

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Pick up the pot after you water and feel how heavy it is. When you think it needs water again, pick it up and if it feels light its time to water. Be very careful if you stick your finger in the dirt. Do it near the edge of the pot. Allways keep a fan blowing it circulates the air and makes the stems and stalk strong from the movement.


Well-Known Member
i had to get a fan for my closet. even though the door is open. they grow faster as well because there is more c02 introduced to the area than if there were no fan. i have it drawing air from my apartment in to the room.

As for CFL growing, I am no expert however it is in my opinion......Drawn from tedious research and one cfl dissapointment......... That it is more worthwhile to use a HID light due to the light output and UV output..........Example of what I am referring to......I use one 250 watt MH for veg and Flowering with substiantially better results than i had with my CFL only. and the crystal difference was just stupid. with a clones of the exact strain.


Well-Known Member
go to
I paid 150 for mine..but they have 250 watt HPS as well. and 400 watt hps for the same if you have more room than I space is may want a bigger light..........and yes they work in normal electrical outlets...i bought a large surge supressor as well...just to be safe.....also......from you can get internal ballast systems similar to mine. they come in handy so you dont have to keep the ballast my whole op has to just get the door closed when company randomly i cant have the ballast just out ya dig bro?


Well-Known Member
word i dig man i think im going to definetally invest in one of those instead of these cfls next grow, seems easier one light then like 8 mad wires and shit .. my room is 3 square feet though, and about 4 feet high, good lookin on that info though


Well-Known Member
homie you could get a 250 watt. or even a 150 watt for the small area. its a tight they will mail to a diff name then the CC i used a prepaid debit........and had it sent it to mr. B. hahahha


Well-Known Member
haha no doubt, that shits ill , so you gotta adjust it and shit or just leave it one spot the whole plants life, prob will get a bigger yield too


Well-Known Member
i bought some chain. and carabeeners and adjust mine over the course. it is a good way to control temps too. if its getting a little hot even with can raise it up with just a little sacrifice. ...i played with mine a lot before lol.


Well-Known Member
like less than an ounce. and it wasnt that good of bud. like great pot....just tiny nugs. and sucked. that was using 3 32 watt CFLs with the little round hoods on them.


Well-Known Member
word what kinds of strain was it. im doin power plant and am going to be ral happy if i get a ounce each plant


Well-Known Member
it was unknown. but i bought this THC bomb. and got some mazarxafghan 3 thc B and 2 MA and 3 unknowns currently on 24 hour veg. they got their first nute yesterday