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  1. Miss Greenthumb

    time to harvest? (first timer)

    this is my first time harvesting. they've been flowering for about 7 weeks (give or take). about half the hairs are white/clear and the other half have turned brown. my camera's broken so no pix available. is it time? and also...what is the best way to cure. cut them, leave them hanging upside...
  2. Miss Greenthumb

    Is my room too hot?

    short answer: yes, it's too hot. Temps should hover in the high 70s - max, then low 70s when the lights are off.
  3. Miss Greenthumb

    2 weeks into flowering PICS

    thanks all...wanted to make sure i was on track. :)
  4. Miss Greenthumb

    2 weeks into flowering PICS

    watering every 3 days or so.
  5. Miss Greenthumb

    2 weeks into flowering PICS

    the leaves at the bottom are drying that normal? I've been told not to overwater..but maybe i'm underwatering? or could this be something else?
  6. Miss Greenthumb

    2 weeks into flowering PICS

    How do they look? First-time grow so no basis for comparison.
  7. Miss Greenthumb

    what to do with males?

    i just cut down 5 male plants. it feels like such a waste to throw them out after all that effort. is there anything salvageable? low-grade hash maybe?
  8. Miss Greenthumb

    how can i bulk her up? PICS

    lighting was close, but dull. they were my father's old grow lights from the 70's...not very powerful. i was told they'd be fine for veg, but i guess this is what you get. anything i can do at this point?
  9. Miss Greenthumb

    First grow... pics.... 6 weeks flowering....

    lookin real good...question - how'd you get so many buds along the site shoots? was it nature or nurture?
  10. Miss Greenthumb

    how can i bulk her up? PICS

    my plants are 4 days into flowering and just under 2 feet tall (see pics). i think they're looking rather thin - all of the off shoots have one leaf - they don't split off and double like other plants i've seen...what is the secret to accomplishing this? (not interested in tipping or fimming...
  11. Miss Greenthumb

    flowering 3 days - too early to sex?

    so the males...not even good for low-grade hash?
  12. Miss Greenthumb

    flowering 3 days - too early to sex?

    I'm only in day 3 of flowering and it's already become clear to me what's female and what's male. It's my first grow, so maybe i'm missing something since i've read you can only tell after 7-10 days. but the girls have white hairs and the boys have pollen sacks. is it too early to throw the...
  13. Miss Greenthumb

    2 days into flowering and plants starting to wilt

    my grow space is tricky - it's 18 inches by 8 feet, so i hung the light at roughly 5 feet to cover as much area as possible.
  14. Miss Greenthumb

    2 days into flowering and plants starting to wilt

    could be shock, i moved them a little closer to the light...question is - will they bounce back??
  15. Miss Greenthumb

    2 days into flowering and plants starting to wilt

    i started flowering 2 days ago...switched up my mh lights for a 400w hps. half of my plants (the bigger ones) seem to be adjusting fine...the smaller ones have started to droop. the temp is good, humidity is good, ph is good...the only variable is the light and distance to the light - right now...
  16. Miss Greenthumb

    ph level too high

    Hi, My plants are about a month old and they're starting to wilt. I think it's the PH level. I don't know about the soil, but the water is at 7.4 - way too high, I know. What's a quick fix? Anything I can add to the water/soil?
  17. Miss Greenthumb

    time to harvest? PICS

    I know it's not me. But i wasn't about to jeopardize my vegging plants and I only have one grow space. Given that this is where they're at should i just harvest and see what comes. Or give them another couple weeks? My camera sucks, this is the best I can do...sorry.
  18. Miss Greenthumb

    time to harvest? PICS

    I acquired outdoor plants about 2 weeks ago. They had been flowering for about a month and were forced into an indoor environment, along with my vegging plants, on an 18/6 cycle and haven't done much since. It's hard to know if they're ready to harvest. The buds are puny (but so are the...
  19. Miss Greenthumb

    pruning to increase production

    i'm not looking to prune, just top - i guess i used the wrong terminology. Here's the thing...topping just creates two colas whereas i've seen plants that have 8 or 10. How is that achieved?
  20. Miss Greenthumb

    pruning to increase production

    that was a great article sunnyside...thanks. how many times can you top one plant? And can you "top" the side stems?