time to harvest? PICS

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
I acquired outdoor plants about 2 weeks ago. They had been flowering for about a month and were forced into an indoor environment, along with my vegging plants, on an 18/6 cycle and haven't done much since. It's hard to know if they're ready to harvest. The buds are puny (but so are the plants) and they have red hairs all over. Are there any other telltale signs? And is it better to harvest a week or two early or late?




Active Member
They were flowering for 4 weeks, then put into a 18/6 on/off cycle? Not good.. it doesn't know whats going on anymore.


Well-Known Member
I acquired outdoor plants about 2 weeks ago. They had been flowering for about a month and were forced into an indoor environment, along with my vegging plants, on an 18/6 cycle and haven't done much since. It's hard to know if they're ready to harvest. The buds are puny (but so are the plants) and they have red hairs all over. Are there any other telltale signs? And is it better to harvest a week or two early or late?

That depends on the type of buzz you like. Early will give you more of a heady high while later will give you more CBNs, so more of a couchlock buzz.

For proper flowering, you should really have a 12/12 light cycle, 12 hours of light or less induces flowering. The exceptions are the auto-flowering low ryders. The plant is probably a bit confused and stressed from the change to 18/6.

You do have a fair amount of red hairs but can you get a closer/clearer picture?

EDIT: Can you seperate this pant and put it back into the proper light cycle? Putting it back into vegging at this point might cause problems. Could turn hermie.

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
I know it's not ideal...trust me. But i wasn't about to jeopardize my vegging plants and I only have one grow space. Given that this is where they're at should i just harvest and see what comes. Or give them another couple weeks?

My camera sucks, this is the best I can do...sorry.


Well-Known Member
if you can throw a plastic garbage bag over the flowering ones at the 12/12 mark and take it off when the 18/6 is over....you could also just take it into another room or move it to a closet...those plants are prop. stressed in 2 aspects the time your lights turn on in the morn which should never change...and the time the lights are turning off....being halfway thru flowering your trich's are barley formed and the stone wont be as potent as you would like..and your plants my change back to vegg stage if you leave them in there too long at the last two weeks of flowering you can add a little more light 14/10 or so but not as soon as you got them.....

your best bet if you have the time/space and can remember move them to a seperate closet or even just out of direct light in a garbage bag would be ok


Well-Known Member
is that your main cola?
how tall is the plant?

that bud looks quite under devoloped for being an outdoor plant, if you cut it down now you wont have a hell of alot of yeild or potent smoke but it has been done i had to cut my last crop down 3 weeks early due to nute lock-up/toxic salt build-up and couldnt flush it out the bud's were small and not harsh but it still got me stoned! so if you cant do what i stated in the last post just **FLUSH THEM and water with distilled water only for 4 days after that** then hack em' down...since there not going there whle life span theres more chloryphl in the plant due to the 18 hours they've been on so FLUSH and water with DISTILLED water and they shouldn't be that harsh

any more q's pm me i'll check back soon to help ya if ya need it