2 days into flowering and plants starting to wilt

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
i started flowering 2 days ago...switched up my mh lights for a 400w hps. half of my plants (the bigger ones) seem to be adjusting fine...the smaller ones have started to droop. the temp is good, humidity is good, ph is good...the only variable is the light and distance to the light - right now the small ones are about 4 feet from it. i don't know if they're getting burnt or not enough light. any words of wisdom?



Well-Known Member
Since I presume they've been watered, maybe shim them up a little closer to the light.
Mine "sag" after watering, but pick up the next day. Very unlikely burning at that distance.
At 4 feet, you're quite far away.

Check this chart another RIUpper came up with.



Well-Known Member
I don't think they are too close to the light. Putting your hand at the top of the plants and feeling how hot the back of your hand is would be an easy way to tell.

Plants normally droop when the soil dries out, how much moisture is in the soil?

To be honest I think the sudden switch from mh to hps, change to 12/12 and change of feed may have shocked them a little???


Well-Known Member
Id say yes,

You've got to do something seriously wrong to kill them off at this stage! And by the sounds of it your monitoring all the crucial factors ph, temp etc so I would'nt worry about it.


Well-Known Member
16"-22" inches from tops should be suffiecent with hps. unless u got a big space to cover in which case higher up covers more floor space but also diminishes the effectiveness and canopy penetration of the light

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
my grow space is tricky - it's 18 inches by 8 feet, so i hung the light at roughly 5 feet to cover as much area as possible.


Well-Known Member
No its not! Im trickky ;-)

Seriously tho 5feet above the plants? or 5 feet of the floor???

Just pop your hand on top of the plants and lower your light till it starts to feel warm (pleasantly warm not hot)

If your worried that the plants at the perimeter of your garden wont get as much light then swap them round every couple of days. But if some are smaller then I would keep them under the light till they catch up a bit rather than on the perimeter of your garden.

S'up to you tho.


Well-Known Member
Since I presume they've been watered, maybe shim them up a little closer to the light.
Mine "sag" after watering, but pick up the next day. Very unlikely burning at that distance.
At 4 feet, you're quite far away.

Check this chart another RIUpper came up with.
is that chart in inches?


just noticed its inches, mine is 30" away from the plant. is that was too far?

how respectable is the person who made the charts knowledge. as i wouldn't want to fuck up my plants.


Well-Known Member
I moved my down per the post, so?
I'll keep on, now that I found that guide. It's hard to find any posts on here that will tell ya how far, or close, you can actually get.
Now it's just a matter of my watching for signs of burn as I tune my 600W hps to it's closest safe, and most effective, point by moving it down an inch every couple of days. Slight burn isn't horrible anyway.