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  1. Miss Greenthumb

    pruning to increase production

    2 1/2 feet tall? I'll be way into flowering by then. I thought it was best to prune during veg??
  2. Miss Greenthumb

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    how the heck did you manage to get so many bud sites? Mine are one long stem with smaller and smaller sites the lower down you go. Tell me your secret!!!
  3. Miss Greenthumb

    pruning to increase production

    Hi, I've read about pruning to increase production. My question is what is the best method and how soon can/should I start (I'm almost a month into veg and my plants are about 8 inches tall with several node sites). Thanks...
  4. Miss Greenthumb

    smell is out of control

    and so far heat is not a problem. hovers in the 80 degree range during the day. humidity is at about 60%.
  5. Miss Greenthumb

    smell is out of control

    ouch londoner! :) the only windows i have face the street. won't it be alittle obvious having a system venting out air?? i have a 4 inch c/f. 200 intake, 180 output.
  6. Miss Greenthumb

    smell is out of control

    i have no way of venting out the air from the carbon filter so i have it recirculating. is this a problem? and how exactly is 'fresh air' supposed to get in a closet??
  7. Miss Greenthumb

    smell is out of control

    just acquired 5 blooming plants and the smell is out of control. My whole house reeks. I have a carbon filter going 24/7 and the grow space is closed off but none of this has made a dent. Please help!!!!
  8. Miss Greenthumb

    mixing vegging and blooming plants

    i am acquiring a couple outdoor plants that are already blooming, but i have little two week old plants that are still vegging in 18/6 light. no real way to seperate the space. is it ridiculous to cover up the blooming plants 6 hours a day with a blanket or something? will that even work?
  9. Miss Greenthumb

    time to transplant

    i have 1.5 litre containers that i'm transplanting my 2 week old plants to. should i place the plants a couple inches lower so that i can cover up the stems as they get bigger or right at the top so they have plenty of room to root? also, for watering - do i saturate the plant and then let it...
  10. Miss Greenthumb

    water chlorine

    while the plants are little you're not supposed to water them with tap water due to clorine. is this the case throughout the plant lifecycle? am i supposed to have buckets of water on standby?
  11. Miss Greenthumb

    first grow - plants at 2 wks

    sorry i meant 18/6. it's been 2 weeks since planting. the lights are from many years ago, all i know is they're called 'grow lights'. i'll be getting hps lights for flowering but i thought these would be enough for veg.
  12. Miss Greenthumb

    first grow - plants at 2 wks

    this is my first grow so i'm not sure how plants are supposed to look at two weeks. in my opinion, they look rather puny. Anything that can be done about that? Conditions: Wide closet with fan running 24/7 3 40W grow lights running 16/8 temp: ~78 degrees humidity: ~60 watering twice daily (i...
  13. Miss Greenthumb

    Firts grow so far so good

    how'd you get so many bud sites? did you do anything special or was that just the strain? (what strain btw?)
  14. Miss Greenthumb


    thanks Antman- useful feedback
  15. Miss Greenthumb


    it's in veg right now, but what do i do about fresh air circulation when it's flowering.
  16. Miss Greenthumb


    maybe i'm missing something do you get fresh air into a closet in a room with no windows????
  17. Miss Greenthumb


    i've read that between 55% and 65% is ideal
  18. Miss Greenthumb


    can't vent air out - it's in a closet. already have two fans going.
  19. Miss Greenthumb


    humidity is approaching 80% - what's a simple fix?
  20. Miss Greenthumb

    mh or hps?

    i only plan to buy one set of lights - should i go with mh or hps? also, what strength? my grow space is 1.5' by 8' to the cieling - i plan to grow about a dozen plants. Advice please!