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  1. WskyDrinkr

    How Much Light is Too Much for Drying?

    Ok, thanks. I went ahead and taped some cardboard over the window.
  2. WskyDrinkr

    What to do with clippings of just one plant?

    I only had one plant to harvest. What should I do with the limited amount of clippings. Will not have any more clippings till next year. Is it worth it to bubble hash them or just use them ontop of pasta or fish? I hate to waste all those tasty looking trichs. Thanks
  3. WskyDrinkr

    How Much Light is Too Much for Drying?

    I am drying my plant in my garage because the outdoor humidity and temperature are perfect right now for it. However, I have a window that is covered by miniblinds. There is no direct light on the window but light transfers through. Will this degrade the THC bad enough to worry about...
  4. WskyDrinkr

    Outer Edges of Leaves Dieing and Curling Up While Flowering (pics)

    Wow, thanks for the great replys. I have been using 2 teaspoons per gallon every other watering. I thought it was a magnesium deif because during veg there were yellow spots which I saw in a faq to be a sign of this. I haven't done any pruning, just letting the leaves fall off. This was my...
  5. WskyDrinkr

    Outer Edges of Leaves Dieing and Curling Up While Flowering (pics)

    I am 5 weeks into flower or so and am getting worried. I first thought this was a magnesium deficiency, but I have been adding Epsom salt in water and foiler feeding with no improvement. The newer smaller leaves are becoming an issue now. I am afraid this is stunting my buds as I have not...
  6. WskyDrinkr

    Wk 5 flowering first time grower

    Thanks for the reply's. I don't care that much for the weight either. I just want to be able to keep track of what works for me an what dosn't, kinda like a score card from plant to plant. And I coulnd't ever sell any of my baby.
  7. WskyDrinkr

    Wk 5 flowering first time grower

    Do you guys think I will get at least an ounce off of her?
  8. WskyDrinkr

    Wk 5 flowering first time grower

    I started it from seed in September. I switched it from indoor cfl/out door 24/0 to just outdoors 12/12 about 5 weeks ago.
  9. WskyDrinkr

    Wk 5 flowering first time grower

    Not sure. It was one of two seeds that came out of a half O of fire dank.
  10. WskyDrinkr

    Wk 5 flowering first time grower

    Just thought I would post some pics and see what ya all think. I had a magnesium defienciency, but have added epson salt. Im pretty sure thats what damaged the leaves. She is soil/outdoor with big bloom fert. It had to be under the cfls for about a week due to some tree trimming going on behind...
  11. WskyDrinkr

    2.5 wks into Flower first grow. Hows she look?

    The female came out of a bag of killer weed. The taller male was some mids and I have killed. The edges of some of my leaves are dead. Could this be nuit burn? I have been using 2 tsp of Tiger Bloom per gallon every other watering. Been using about a half gallon every two or three days per plant...
  12. WskyDrinkr

    Solar Smoking For Cannaseurs Only...

    A volcano vaporizor is the true best way to ejoy the fruits of your labor. All the flavor with none of the carcigens. Plus you get more of the THC so you conserve your stash.
  13. WskyDrinkr

    Leaf Tips Seriously Curled :S ??? Pics..

    Man, you must either have a great vaccation plan or really love Thanksgiving. From what I understand, if you "flush" soil with nutrients already added, all it does is release more nuits. The nuits are water release, so unless the nuits are already depleated, more nuits will be released.
  14. WskyDrinkr

    Indoor/Outdoor First Grow Florida>Comments Welcome<

    Ok, its been almost a month. I went ahead and planted another bag seed ( on left ). It has done much better as you can see in the pics. The smaller darker green one is the first planted 3 weeks earlier and boy has it bounced back from its earlier probs. I have had some probs with yellowing...
  15. WskyDrinkr

    Seedling yellow spots, but not whole leaf (pics)

    Ok, One of my seedlings has all the sudden started getting yellow on some of the bottom leaves. My other plant has started showing some signs. They are outdoor during the day, cfl and fluro at night 24/7 in SW FL. They are in MG seedling starter soil (.01/.05/.05) and no other nuits added. Could...
  16. WskyDrinkr

    Miracle-Gro Potting Mix?

    Wouldn't flushing MG soil just release more nuits since their time release?
  17. WskyDrinkr

    Is it Bad to Grow Outdoors and Indoors (CFL)?

    Thanks for the info.
  18. WskyDrinkr

    Seedling Leaves Curling Down and Stopped Growing

    The soil is Mirical Grow seedling starter. It has nuits, but very little, .05/.01/.01
  19. WskyDrinkr

    Seedling Leaves Curling Down and Stopped Growing

    Yes, believe it or not. One more note. I have been waiting untill the soil is dry before I water again.